
Open letters of the Circles of Hoï-Cho to the Circles of Jen-Laï

... continuation part 2/2

5) meeting with the Gibads to ask them about the removal of Kitin-mounds

At the national Assembly of the Great Circles in Zora we all heard of the Fyros-scholar Daeronn Cegrips who is looking for "stimulating" potions to get rid of the remains of Kitin-mounds in the Witherings by making use of desert-termites.

Two ideas have been brought up about this matter: the Gibads and the Academy of Yrkanis with the respectable biologist Cuiccio Perinia.

a) so I plan to write a letter to the Academy of Yrkanis, perhaps by making use of my good relation with Filira Salazar Caradini who is a member of said Academy. I'd like to ask not only about "stimulation" potions but instead I would like to ask for advice concerning the idea of using termites in the jungle and the dangers this might pose.

b) the Gibads can only be dealt with on a national level. So I politely ask of you to permit me to and hopefully even take part at contacting the Gibads to ask them what they think about the idea of Daeronn Cegrips to feed termites with "stimulating" potions to reduce the remains of Kitin-mounds. The Gibads have proven to have their own kind of wisdom and they know the jungle very well - maybe better than anyone else. Also they do have knowledge of making potions with unparalleled magic.

Please note that the Circles of Hoï-Cho will of course NOT undertake any action about this matter other than merely asking around - not before the Circles of Jen-Laï and Min-Cho as well as the honored Sages of the Zoraï will give us their approval to do so.

The Dynastic Circle has voiced thoughts about inviting Daeronn Cegrips to talk about the Kitins - because there was a rumor going around about Goo-polluted Kitins in the Kitin-nest in the Almati-woods. I have personally asked the Dynastic Circle to please wait with making personal contact with Daeronn Cegrips until we have asked around and the cities have come to a decision about his idea.

6) responsibility of the cities of amber for certain regions of the Witherings

The most respected Awakened Fey-Lin Liang wishes for a meeting to discuss this matter. Still it is possible that not all representatives of all cities can come together at a specific date and time. So I propose politely to you to make use of the black boards to talk about this matter so each representative of the Circles can tell us what they think about it.

I would ask of you if it was alright if every city has 1 vote so that we can come to a faster conclusion? For this the representatives of your cities would have to be of one mind to speak for their city.

Let's say for example: if the representative of Jen-Laï has asked for Jen-Laï to be named responsible for the Maiden Grove, and the representative of Hoï-Cho has also voted for this constellation, then it would be settled and decided since 2 of 3 cities have already agreed to that.

Do you wish for another way to decide about things like that? Please be so kind to let us know.

If a meeting should be preferred it is possible that the Awakened Sartyrica of the Circles of Hoï -Cho might not be able to attend. Still I am authorized to speak on her behalf - if it is about the regions.

7) other official topics are considered to not be well-elaborated enough yet to be decided upon so they will be postponed by me deliberately; but if you know of other matters to talk about please do so freely!

8) on a personal note: I have heard that Initiate Astarth of Min-Cho will undertake the test to become Awakened. As a representative for the Circles of Hoï-Cho I have already wished him all the best in an open letter to Min-Cho.

9) on another personal note: you might have heard of my mostly private dispute with three Akenak-members. I have now asked for a decision to be made by Sharükos Lykos about that unimportant matter through Akenak Arrlon, as he is now ambassador of the Fyros for the Zoraï.

After what has happened I'd like to warn all represantatives of the Circles on a purely personal level about the Zoraï-hostile impression Akenos Icus and Akenos Rollocks have given. Please be cautious when talking or dealing with these dangerous homins.

Also please be assured that you won't have to fear any disrespect coming from me towards you. It is true that I have shown disrespect towards Akenos Icus and Rollocks after their many questionable actions and very aggressive comments, since they deliberately gambled away all of my respect. It takes a lot to make me feel this way; so I don't believe any of you will or even can ever go that far.

I humbly await your answers, honored members of the Circle of Jen-Laï.

With utmost respect,
for the Circles of Hoï-Cho


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