Offene Kreisinformationen

Da bald die Festlegung und Versammlung der großen Kreise in Zora stattfindet, möchte ich jetzt mal die Fragen veröffentlichen, die ich dort stellen möchte. Wir haben diese Themen zum Größtteil schon in Hoi-Cho besprochen, andere bei Regierungssitzungen der anderen Völker anklingen lassen.

Da die große Kreisversammlung im Min-Cho-Dialekt abgehalten wird, werde ich die Liste an Fragen und Anträgen am besten gleich in diesem Dialekt notieren.

Questions and requests for the national assembly of the Great Zoraï Circles in Zora:

* will it be possible to hold a new election about a Jena-temple to be built in the Witherings when the time is due to build our Sanctuary for Ma-Duk again? Or will this be decided upon by the Sages and the Grand Sage Mabreka Cho?
* will it be possible to decide about a building-spot for the temples by vote or will the inner circles respective the Kami and Karavan decide about the whereabouts of their temples in the Witherings?
* it was said that the kitin-outposts (-towers) in the Witherings will be erected again. Will it be possible to decide about the building-spots for these outposts/towers by vote? A few of the former ones were built much too close to the goo or reaching halfways into well-known kitin hunting-/feeding-spots…
* who should have / get voting-rights for national topics like these in the Witherings?
* as we Zoraï should serve the Kami by eliminating the goo it is suggested to work out techniques to fight back the goo at the borders of the Witherings - or to at least hinder it from spreading like it did in the past. Perhaps all willing homins could help out for this research by collecting goo-probes
* request: we'd like to have the transporter of the Tryker-organization "to new horizons" in Zora replaced to somewhere near the stables, especially out of consideration for newcomers
* do the members of the Zoraï Circles of Jen-Lai wish to "trade" responsibilities for the Haven of Purity with the Maiden Grove (where the Matis-amazon-tribe "Hamazans of the Dead Seed" live) as rumors have told us - considering the origin of the guild Amazons Mysticia?
* question about public buildings and institutions: great library, room for (goo-)researches (at the community hall in Zora), Zoraï-academy, Tao Sian (healer), armory, national prison, cemetery (burial rites). It should be investigated if some of the following facilities are in existence or should be thought of establishing: emergency food storages, birthing centres, kindergarten, schools/universities, retirement homes, homeless shelters, theatres, museums, zoos, botanic gardens, public baths, any institutions for arts and crafts and the like.
* it would be nice if a new proper meeting place for the assemblies of the Great Circles in Zora could be built; that offers open space for guests and viewers, maybe some kind of a stage, a roof and perhaps also walls to protect from the weather and at least traditional floor mats to sit on
* Fyros: are our friends the Fyros need of new water-supplies? Should we attempt to help out by building a well in the in the great outback together with Fyros-engineers? And what about our military alliance - should we secure the portal in the great outback leading to the burning desert by a small troup or at least with a scout placed at the portal?
* Matis: there is said to be a marauder city somewhere close to the hidden source. Should we send troups to help the Matis to secure the ramp leading downwards from the Matis-desert, or maybe to protect the portal leading to the burning desert to help out our allies, the Fyros?
* Tryker: being a Zoraï means having a bad reputation at Tryker officials, vendors and the like - and vice versa. Should we try to better our relationships with the Trykers and overcome the conflicts we had in the past together?
* NASA: there is a rumor talking about a probe of goo that is to be shot up into the sky. Is it true?
* could we lay down a law that will officially and visibly for all nations as well as tribes forbid the use, import and export of items, especially of ammunition made of or with goo for the Witherings?


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