Prime Roots Foraging Survey

43 in total is totally bad luck, bad timing, bad tracking stanzas or something i just can't imagine. i almost never leave without anything - yes not a full bag as before merge but something - and sometimes even catch supremes when i am looking for choice.

For the survey... obviously many votes are alt votes, on all 3 options. Nevertheless, if you consider the poll valid there is always at least 60% against each option.

I personally would hate to turn back locations because my last icfg save is very old and i still like the challenge to not know every location and season configuration. I put lots of effort into examining every single spot i find, so this fun will last for quite a while if they don't turn it back.


Casy * Foreign Secretary * Alliance of Honor
Intensive Care Bear
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Last visit Saturday, 8 June 16:41:34 UTC

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