Prime Roots Foraging Survey

First of all, I want to thank Tamarea, the CSR, and the Devs for this survey. It makes me confident in further development of the game and the community no matter what the outcome in this particular case may be.

I am still undecided. I have researched and set my flags, so starting anew would not make me really happy on the one hand, yet may be a challenge on the other hand. I would favor the scheme of grouping the grades together, anyway, as this is "the prime roots specialty" as I learned, lived and suffered from ;) (it was not always easy). Such all grades at one spot was PR for me in a way, and I had a feeling of loss after the fusion, having PR being like surface, only bit more buggy. This may be a sentimental argument, others' mileage may vary.

I have not voted yet, and hope for a lively and enlightening discussion.


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