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#1 [en] 


I am wondering if anyhomin is interested in a live digging lesson. I was hoping to get a few homins together or even just singles at a time and teach them what I've learned about digging; my style, different styles.

If anyone would like one, let me know here or through the ingame mail. Also include multiple UTC times and days that work.

If all works well, maybe I will think of a write up even thought there are already good ones here.


#2 [en] 

I think it might also be a good thing to add to the live dig, a list prioritized of which attributes are best to be bought as soon as one has the credits, to enhance their dig.

I've known of far too many people who have used credits, without the aid or advice of a player who has been in the game longer, and has been digging a lot. Perhaps mastered in 2 or more regions.

Along with the above, you could also add that a new digger really should have in mind, what they wish to craft, since that determines which mats they wish to dig.

#3 [en] 

I think digging is probably the hardest thing to teach yourself. Personally, I was bad enough at it that I was ready to give up on digging altogether around 150 until a more skilled digger taught me a better way. Merely having a competent instructor completely changed my mind about digging; while it's still not my favorite activity, it's something that I can at least have fun with as opposed to it being a major source of frustration.

One thing new diggers should be aware of is how, unlike othe rskills, digging changes fairly dramatically as you rise thorugh the levels. When you start, extraction is more about having the source live long enough to get the most mats out of. But at mid-levels (~150-ish) it becomes more about Focus management, especially if one uses the higher levels of Rate/Speed. While prospecting becomes easier with levels as you gain access to more angle, more range, and material specializations, extraction becomes harder as Focus costs rise faster than one's Focus bar grows.

As for those that got a Dig master or three already, it's important to note that toon level does not mean player skill; even some high-level self-taught diggers could benefit from a bit of instruction. And even decent master diggers can benefit from comparing notes with their peers.

While I personally am not sure about scheduling a lesson for myself (my RL schedule is chaotic), I do think it's great that you are offering to share your knowledge with others.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#4 [en] 

Learning about how source mode combinations work, what careplans they need and changing them (one q240 or lower action in the mix, source reatches back to max q => source mode changes) was one of the big steps to me, wondering how many more game changing things there are lurking... I'm in ;)

Most of the tips comes from other players wich is it's own coulture and kinda awesome. There's a few digging lessons in Youtube too, out of game. You get distracted from Atys, but it's easier to share the knowledge at anytime, even when you're just logging out and someone asks. Like with macros, I link the Aeden Artisans video at start and when they know what to click, they already understand what to do when you say to "add actions - cancel the current action, actions run shortcut - careplan and actions run extraction action again".


Or like multiple step/extraction diggings didnt open up before watching video about them (and I had tried many times failing at the core concepts).


Only bad thing about videos that I come up with is everybody doing exactly the same stanzas from beginning and those are the ones that get praised as right ones, and nobody has any other way. Tho, after tweaking like mad over the levels/terrains, I've ended up with g6h6g250 with terrain and mat specs, add stability if no careplanner, wich seems to be the same everybody uses to killdig anyway =P


#5 [en] 

Ive done dig as straight to quality, 2 step digging and 3 step digging and the more common kill the node dig. The one thing i have learnt over the years is RL distractions at the time of dig often dictate how you dig and how often you hit the quality of doing a 2 - 3 step dig :) I think at times you need to have a back up plan for when you cant give the dig your focus u have some room for error.

Each Master will say their style is best which is true but its best for them might not be best for everyone else. We used to have a detailed guide in GoJ forums on how best to start and carry on through the mid levels but i lost all my old notes :( Good idea DiHunt hope you can help some of the newer players not waste points and become to frustrated with digging.

Reson aka Mardock/Miniion

#6 [en] 

First of all, thank you for replying :D Teaching would be for me as well. See what I can learn as well. Part of what I am getting to is that, do what you fill fits, but try them first.

I remember thinking things that were either untrue because of false presumptions and or became untrue, such as: don't hunt plants they double shotgun you, don't use echantments they are a waste of credits, wait to resurrect someone for (4 minutes?) or the aggro will come back and bite you.) some things patched out, some just untrue over my time here.

Even if you are a master and feel you have nothing to add or learn, try and teach me :) try to learn.

I am willing to give away what I know about above ground Excellents, supremes are another story of course which I think all would try to keep dear to their hearts beyound their guilds that is or friends.

But then again, maybe I am being greedy and need to learn. :)

#7 [en] 

Each Master will say their style is best which is true but its best for them might not be best for everyone else.

Very true. I know a few highly-competent diggers who think my dig bar is sheer craziness, yet I manage to break 1k mats/hr with ease without ever running into Focus issues. With my eclectic 2-step kill-dig method, I average 10-13 mats/spot, spots last about 35-40 seconds, don't run into depletion nearly as often as you would think digging at that pace, and only gas/explode if I chat while digging despite doing little in the way of careplanning.

Only bad thing about videos that I come up with is everybody doing exactly the same stanzas from beginning and those are the ones that get praised as right ones, and nobody has any other way. Tho, after tweaking like mad over the levels/terrains, I've ended up with g6h6g250 with terrain and mat specs, add stability if no careplanner, wich seems to be the same everybody uses to killdig anyway =P

I typically do that as an opener, but what I do next is SM-dependent with separate second-steps for SM1/3, SM2, SM 4/5, and SM0. Since I have only 4949 Focus instead of the 5420 shown in those videos, I have to be a little more frugal. I know a few who have gone crazy trying to figure out the method to my madness, but if you saw me digging my way, you'd see that my insanity works well enough for me to not be wrong. 


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#8 [en] 

I have played off and on since Ryzom went live but never managed to get very far in foraging mostly due to knowing where or how to dig so I would be a very willing student if someone does something like this.
Last visit Пятница, 7 Июня 11:32:47 UTC

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