
#1 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | English | Deutsch | Français
Hallo homins

I would like to introduce you the Lang app, a tool we primary use to manage translations for our applications in app zone. Until now only translators were able to see the strings in database. As those applications require a wide infrastructure in backround and as all names and descriptions are translatable, it is may also be of use for homins who need to communicate with someone speaking different language (and/or using the game client in different locales).

With the release of version 0.5 all homins are now able to see the overview of Atysian locations, tribe names and NPC titles and also able search all strings in the database. Please note that those lists (especially places) are not completed yet and will be expanded as needed by applications. Neither API key nor authentication is required for the public sections.

You can run the application IG using command /appzone 2135 from any chat window or install Lang app from App zone. All suggestions are welcome.

#2 [en] 

thumbs up :D


"Decateis I Kamirac" "Necateis Sye Mideshye"
"Decateis I Loke" "Necateis Atys Morhdeis"
"I Nidran Sye Alede E Sye Neyde Ilya Necateis I Ulca"

"Liberi I`Margus"

_ Graphic-Team _

#3 [en] 

Nice ! I'm surprised it's missing spanish translation, is this not auto-generated from (at least from places / tribes, not sure it's in client translation files for the NPC titles) the client data ?


#4 [en] 

Nice ! I'm surprised it's missing spanish translation, is this not auto-generated from (at least from places / tribes, not sure it's in client translation files for the NPC titles) the client data ?

No Russian translations either.



#5 [en] 

Karagoz is working hard on spanish translations, but she is busy these days. Anyway, thanks to her the major part of Fame tracker is translated. Also Carl and Pastor did contribute in the past and thanks to those homins 418 out of 1583 strings is translated for Spanish.

I don't know anyone who can provide russian translations. It is also possible to add (generally) any other language (including Atys languages), but it needs a trustworthy translator first.

Gaperila with some help of Remigra cover german version and Kythqaaa with help of Craftjenn care about french translations. I do time to time changes in all translations, mostly to perform consistency or fix typo. If have time Bitttymacod and Gaperila correct my poor english version which is template for other languages.

Glibber did great work on german version of Book of Guilds. Sorum and Daomei are mentioned as authors of some strings, they probably did translate something for me in the past. Strings with Ryzom Translation Team as the author, were added by me as copy from ryzom web / wiki / IG. There might be some strings by other more translators but marked fuzzy at this moment. Those strings are not in use, but you search those as well.

The only strings imported by a script in any way are item names and those are not currently part of database until I create better inventory management infrastructure. We use those only internally in Univentory app.

Tribe camp site location names can be generated from localized tribe and region name. All other strings were actually translated or manually re-written by one of translators.

Theoretically is possible to import any strings if its data structure is defined, but I did not dig in client. I look more for people to care about translation than to have plenty of translated strings "as is". Anyway, application strings are more important than atys names.

Last edited by Moniq (7 лет назад)

#6 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | English | [Deutsch] | Français
Hallo Homins

die neue Version der Übersetzungs-App ist verfügbar. Osquallo war so freundlich die Blablatys Datenbank als Export bereit zustellen. Die Phrasen sind alle importiert worden und können auch in den verschiedenen Sprachen von Atys eingesehen werden. Noch zu lösende Probleme sind die Duplizität von Phrasen und das Fehlen von einer englischen Übersetzung. Englisch ist die Standardsprach der Übersetzungs-App, Französisch die von Blablatys. Auch sind einige bereits übersetzten Phrasen sind falsch ins Englische oder Deutsche übersetzt worden. Jeder mit Wissen um die Sprachen von Atys ist eingeladen mit zu helfen.

Das Ziel ist aber nicht Blablatys zu ersetzen, sondern lediglich einen Möglichkeit bieten, die Phrasen
in einer Datenbank verfügbar zu machen. Falls in der Zukunft deutlich mehr Phrasen übersetzt sind, könnte ich mir eine eigene kleine App zu erstellen, die einem die Sprachen von Atys in einer anderen Form näher bringt. Aber es wird nicht mehr als eine Datenbank von Wörtern. Grammarik und andere Aspekte sollen außen vor bleiben, da ich davon nicht viel verstehe ;-)

Die andere Neuerung ist eie System, das Filter- und Aussehens-Einstellungen speichert. Bisher mutet es noch etwas primitiv an, allerdings erlaubt es eine beliebige Anzahl von Einstellungen. Falls es gut ankommen, kann ich noch weitere gewünschte Einstellungen hinzufügen. Bisher erlaubt es das Ein- bzw. Ausblenden von Übersetzungen von Sprachen und das Filtern vom Status der Übersetzung oder der Such-Phrase. Die Ruhm-App nutzt das gleiche System für die Konfiguration der Tabellen. Alle Form- und Filter-Einstellungen sind auch über das Profil einstellbar.

Man kann die App IG über den Befehl /appzone 2135 aus jedem Chat-Fenster heraus starten, oder die Übersetzungs-App aus der App zone installieren. (Verbesserungs-)Vorschläge sind herzlich willkommen.

Die Übersetzung dieses Textes hat dankenswerterweise Gaperila geliefert.

Last edited by Moniq (7 лет назад) | Причина: FR update

#7 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | English | Français | Deutsch
Hallo homins

The new version of Lang app is out. This is just a maintenance release.

About and privacy changes

There are some new specifications in About section of this application. You should take a moment to read about information as well as privacy policy details. All feedback about this statement is welcomed.

Usage and installation

You can run the application IG using command /appzone 2135 from any chat window or install Lang app from App zone. All suggestions are welcome.

#8 Многоязычный 

Многоязычный | English | Deutsch | Français
Hallo homins

I have released a new version of Lang app.


One of biggest changes for users is the new Dictionary which allows you to browse all strings in a selected Atys language that have a translation into your (preferred) language. Nonetheless, you can still browse all strings as before, newly with option to sort them by your or an Atysian language.

Dynamic application icon

The application is using new Ryzom app zone feature that allows to display a dynamic icon in application bar or home page. In case you are a member of a guild you should understand that by installing and using this application you become of your guild activity measurement. That means your presence will be periodically logged into guild activity database.

Changes shared between applications

Besides the improved main menu layout, there have been several fixes for better display in the IG browser. You can also change the start page of each application in app-wide customization settings. These settings are reached from either the the About section, now accessible through a click on the application name in the main menu, or your Forms and filters options.

Usage and installation

You can run the application IG using command /appzone 2135 from any chat window or install Lang app from App zone. All suggestions are welcome.

Last edited by Moniq (6 лет назад)

#9 [en] 

In case you are a member of a guild you should understand that by installing and using this application you become of your guild activity measurement. That means your presence will be periodically logged into guild activity database.
Ah, Google and Facebook finally arrived on Atys ;-) Is there an option to opt-out for this? It feels uncomfortable to be forced to this feature.



#10 [en] 

Not sure if you can turn it off as a user. I can choose not to use it with my apps.

#11 [en] 

Not sure if you can turn it off as a user. I can choose not to use it with my apps.

As a user you need to turn it on.



#12 [en] 

Not sure if you can turn it off as a user. I can choose not to use it with my apps.

I meant the activity tracking in your internal database. Maybe I don't want atys to know when exactly I was logged on for reasons xyz. The dynamic icon is fine.



#13 [en] 

Not sure if you can turn it off as a user. I can choose not to use it with my apps.

I meant the activity tracking in your internal database. Maybe I don't want atys to know when exactly I was logged on for reasons xyz. The dynamic icon is fine.


You can set yourself to be excluded from your guild members list. However your guild leader can change that back. This option is there since possibility to import guild members manually.

#14 [en] 

Ah, Google and Facebook finally arrived on Atys ;-) Is there an option to opt-out for this? It feels uncomfortable to be forced to this feature.


Dont you want to know that
Moniq, HO of Phaedreas Tears visited one of Moniq's apps at 2018-05-17, 15:27:34
Zatarga, leader of Wolves of Atys visited one of them too in it 2018-05-17, 12:09:09
Or that, Fenomeno, HO of SW opened one of them at 2018-05-17, 02:22:28

Way better for stalker than what facebook was in 2010 when I last used it =D

Kinda would like option to opt my activity too =P


#15 [en] 


Kinda would like option to opt my activity too =P

Last visit Пятница, 7 Июня 17:27:14 UTC

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