
#16 [en] 

Mac'Od Bittty sits in Liffan's bar in Fairhaven and sips from a cup of stinga rum. The sun is fading on a rough autumn day. He takes pen and writes a brief note.

To Wilk Potskin in the evening of this 4th of Fallenor, 3rd AC, 2577, greetings:

I have, once again, made a survey of the remaining active Kitin Mounds in the New Lands. There are even some changes, though I do not know quite what to make of them.

Firstly, there are no visible changes in the Kitin Mounds in the Witherings since the last time I wrote. The kitins remain few but agressive and there is no sign of either increase or decrease in their numbers. Apparently on a few can force their way past the rotoa roots.

Secondly, in the Forest, there is no apparent change in the Kitin Mound in Knoll of Dissent. However, the Kitin Mounds in Upper Bog and in Heretics Hovel do show changes. In each case the volume of the Mound itself has dramatically decreased. In the case of the Mound in Upper Bog, it now appears as two smaller mounds rather than one large complex one. This is similar to the effect seen when the termites were being used on the mounds in the Lakes and the Desert, but we are not using termites on those mounds. As I understood it, the rotoa were not supposed to collapse the mounds except over seasons as natural decay took place.

This is a mystery almost as great as the mystery of the Karavan recovery of their fallen artifact. You may have already seen my report on that event that I posted on the boards. Irfidel's comments following my posting cause me to wonder as well. I know that many of the aspirants experimented with the amber cubes from the area near the crash site, and I presume that they have submitted reports as I did, but none of the Nations (nor the Marauders) made any display of interest or comment on the matter.

I was happy to see so many homins present at the first of the training sessions for aspirant Rangers, and I must say that the second exercise was an excellent lesson in cooperation and following my intuition at the same time. I look forward to investigating the "new material" you promised.

I look forward to our next meeting.

-- Bittty


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#17 [en] 

Mac'Od Bittty sits at his usual table at Lippan's Bar in Fairhaven and scribbles madly on a piece of paper.

Nivia 26, 3rd AC, 2577

Wilk --

I heard rumors and immediately investigated them; they were true.

The Kitin Mounds are gone from Witherings and Verdant Forest! The rotoa roots must finally have spread enough to block off the tunnels.

-- Bittty

As he prepares to attach the message to the leg of the Izam, a sudden thought occurs to him. He sits down and adds some lines.

P.S. -- A sudden horrid thought occurred to me. We have seen the mounds seem to disappear before, then re-appear as strong as ever. I will wait a few days, then patrol again. I hope that this is the true end of this episode of our lives, but I will not pour libations until I have confirmed it.


In a more somber mood, Bittty attaches the message to the Izam's leg and sends it off.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#18 [en] 

Two weeks later, Bittty, in dented heavy armor, takes off his helmet and calls for a stinga rum from Ba'Naer Liffan. He takes out his letter-box, checks the ink in the flask and puts pen to paper.

Winderly 18, 4th AC, 2577

Nair-Wilk --

It is with some discouragement that I must report that my worries of the previous letter have proven to be true. The kitins have pushed through again and resurrected the Mounds in Witherings and Verdant Forest. I had intended to patrol somewhat earlier, but guild matters intruded.

The terrible and atrocious white kitins are as agressive as ever an there is still no visible sign of the rotoa plants. I can only hope that Cuiccio Perinia is studying what has happened with them.

I trust that the beginning of a fresh cycle finds you well.

- Bittty

Bittty seals the letter, and attaches it to one of the mail Izams. For a moment he forms a link with the tiny but effective brain of that avian, and it flaps off headed towards Almati Wood.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#19 [en] 

Mac'Od Bittty takes off his helmet and puts his axe aside. He calls to Ba'Naer Liffan to bring him a cup of his best stinga rum and takes a sip of it before putting pen to to paper.

Nivia 3, 4th AC, 2577

To Wilk Potskin, greetings.

You will already have received Zo'ro's message from Karan Stevano about the hints from Cuiccio Pernina about the rotoa. That spurred me to make periodic patrols of the mounds every week or so. (*) The first few patrols were discouraging. I do not know how Serae Cuiccio is studying them, but I saw no difference.

Today was different. I started, as I usually do, in Zora. After all, there is a Mound just outside the west gate of the city, and nearby guards to call up for assistance when needed. My first lumios does not do justice to what I saw there, but I do not think that anyone could show in one picture the immensity of what I saw. First, a huge rotoa once again issuing from the mound itself, and around the mound at least eight more rotoa, far larger than usual and in full bloom.

Just outside Zora

Some of the rotoa hand grown so rapidly near the bluffs that guard the city on that side that they had penetrated the overhanging Bark, sending lumps of it to the ground.

The Kitins seem to be stunned by this development. The green workers seem to have disappeared, perhaps hiding in the Mound, and the white kitins were not nearly as observant as they usually are. I was able to get within 20 meters of one of them and had it wander away, then seem to shake itself and call for its companions to help it in chasing me.

I observed this same stupor on the part of the white kitins in all the other Mounds that I examined as well. Likewise the worker Kitins were not visible in any of the six locations.

Naturally I took New Horizons to Hoi-Cho and then to Min-Cho. At the Mound outside Hoi-Cho, the Atrocious white kitins were slightly more observant than near Zora, but not much. In the Grove of Umbra, near Min-Cho, I was able to capture a lumios showning just how far the rotoa have spread.

In Grove of Umbra

In the Knoll of Dissent, it was clear that some of the rotoa are also churning up the Dust with their roots and their growth. In this lumios the two smaller rotoa in the middle distance clearly have pulled up fragments of the bark around their bases. If they are breaking the surface in this way, perhaps the roots are also breaking the kitins tunnels.

In Knoll of Dissent

One last lumios and I will close my letter. This was created near the Observation camp in Heretics Hovel.

In Heretics Hovel

I understand from Zo'ro's letter that Cuiccio is planning a study expedition in the near future. I would suggest that if Zo'ro could get himself invited along as our ambassador that this would be a good thing. I also think that Daeronn and Ardan should be questioned about the apparent affect of the sudden growth of the rotoa on the kitins behavior.

I hope that this letter finds you well. I know that it finds me in a better mood than usual. (Liffan's fine stinga rum may have helped as well.)


Bittty folds the letter and seals it, then rents one of Ba'Naer Liffan's izams and ties the letter to its leg. He impresses the location of Almati Woods in its tiny brain, then sets it free. He orders another stinga rum and takes out his journal to write in it.

(*) ((ooc: I patrolled about once a day irl.))


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#20 [en] 

It is a warm afternoon in summer in Fairhaven, and Mac'Od Bittty orders a mug of cool Zorai ale from Ba'Naer Liffan before pulling out his writing equipment to pen another letter to Wilk Potskin. It refreshes him after the heat of the day spent in the Knoll of Dissent and outside the west gate of Zora.

Thermis 21, 1st AC, 2578

Nair-Wilk, lordoy:

It has been two seasons since I last wrote, and they have been busy ones, but I took yesterday and today to continue investigation of the behavior of the white kitins near the Mounds in the Forest and in Witherings.

First, there appears to have been no change in the number and size of the resurgent rotoa around the Mounds near the ruins of Runninghill Research Center, nor those around the Mound outside the west gate of Zora. For the purposes of this brief survey I only investigated those two, but the situation near the other Mounds has followed those two Mounds in the past.

Second, the composition of the populations of the white kitins has not changed since my last letter. There are furious white kirostas, terrible white kipukas, and atrocious white kinreys. (OOC: level 150, 200 and 250 respectively) and none of the green Kitin worker kipee. I spent some time attempting to count them and I would appear that there are three each of the former and the last, and four of the terrible. The count is not certain since they keep moving, but they are consistent with the results I got in further experiments.

Third, unlike the previous condition of extreme agitation and aggressiveness, the white kitins wander widely in the area of the Mound, but are slow to become aggressive. Most of the time I was able to stand less than 20 m from them without being noticed for some tens of seconds. After some time they would finally notice me and would attack. I was able to discover that the kirostas and the kinreys attacked in groups of three and the kipukas in a group of four. While my strength alone is insufficient to kill more than three of the white kirostas, I was able to do that and observe that it took some small time for more of them to appear, but more do reappear.

I at first thought that it was simply a matter of getting close enough to them to have them notice me, but that seems not to be the case. While I was standing near (less than 10 m away) one of the terrible kitins, one of the atrocious kitins about 30m away suddenly fixed his eyes on me and called his fellows to chase me down as a trio. You may be sure that I moved rapidly after that. In keeping with the usual behavior of the white kitins, the terrible kitin did not join the group chasing me.

Returning to the Runninghill ruins after outrunning the interest of the atrocious kitins, I found that the terrible kitins had decided to notice me at a distance of about 25 m and four of them chased me some distance to the east of the mouth of Runninghill Pass.

I then traveled to Zora and found the same behavior there. I could stand close to one kind of kitin and another would attack, but not with the instant agressiveness shown in the past, although they are certainly aggressive once they decide to attack.

I am not sure what to make of my observations, but hope that you can pass them on to Ranger researchers who may be better equipped to theorize. My own theory is that some exudation of the rotoas is affecting their minds so that they are less observant than usual. I do not think they are partially blind because of their ability to follow me once they have decided to attack. I am also planning to send copies of my recent messages to Cuiccio Perinia in hopes that they may be of some help to him as well.

I hope this missive finds you well,


Bittty seals the letter and sends it off via Izam to Almati Woods.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#21 [en] 

Mac'Od Bittty takes several bundles of copies of his recent letters to Wilk and scrawls a quick note before fastening them to the legs of three strong izams. He impresses the location of the Conservatory in Yrkanis into their brains and sends them forth. Attached to one of the bundles is a small note.

Thermis 23, 1st AC, 2578

Unto Serae Cuiccio Perinia greetings from Mac'Od Bittty, Ranger aspirant.

I have sent you three izams of mail, of which this is one.

These are copies of letters sent to Wilk Potskin relating to my recent observations of the kitin Mounds and the white kitins in the Forest (and Witherings) following the planting of the rotoa. It is my hope that my observations may be of use to you.


Mac'Od Bittty


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>
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