
#1 [en] 

I think it would help with inventory management to have a seperate bag for pacts, or even just an inventory item to store them in that gives you a list and asks you which to use.

#2 [en] 

Sounds good, always loose time searching the pact. But I made a system in the little madness that's called my inventory:
Capitals = I have 5 tps at all time
Normal town = I have 4 tps at all time
Normal zones = I have 3 tps at all time
Q250 Zones = I have 7 tps at all time
Prime Roots => still need to make organize these a little bit


#3 [en] 

I do similar to Sub. I carry 2 pacts for each but for places I visit more often I carry more i.e. FH 5 pacts Loria 4.I'm also a shop-a-holic so Dyron and Natae 3 so they stand out. Avendale just 2 tho since it's the first lakes.It is easier now that the go alphabeticly into your bag now.-Kil


#4 [en] 

Huh, that'd be a good idea if it wouldn't take up so much bag space.

+1 to original suggestion.

#5 [en] 

this idea is covered in my request, which covers all the bag equipment.


#6 [en] 

The pacts are already in abc order the only ones i ever have trouble with is my prime root ones because there are so many. I think it would take just as long either way to find the pact.


Meagy :)
Spirit of Atys
High Officer of Spiritus Artificis
Never argue with an idiot; they will just drag you down to their level, and beat you with experience.

#7 [en] 

True lala. Avendale is easy to find first Tryker pact but it gets annoying with places like Fount as it's not where F would because it is really The Fount which puts it lower in the stack.


#8 [en] 

Inventories now have a TP filter option.

#9 [en] 

TP filter seems good (even if I can't find it: maybe the Mac Ryzom app is not yet patched for it).

But I think "the best" should be if we can set the inventory to have more "sections" (e.g. a "Pacts" one), which won't require a different item to hold the Pacts.

How it can be achieved?

Having the ability to "create a new sub-section" in the Bag's one (which, at last, is only a "view"), each one with its set of filters: so you can have an "All" section (top labelled "All" by you, or anything you think is mnemonic), where you can enable all filters, and a "weapons" one, where to find only weapons, easily selectable by top tabs/labels.
This way, you can also have a "Combat" section, with Armors+Weapons, or a "Crafting" one with Tools+Mats, in an easy, free, and customizable way (AKA just replicating the way the inventory is currently working, and adding the ability to set/create new views, from the developing point of view).

[ BAG ][ EQUIP ][ MOUNT 1 ][ ... ]
[ All ][ Combat ][ Pacts ][ ... ]
| items ..|
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