

#1 Доклад | Цитировать[de] 

I had a look at the calendar and was somewhat surprised to see Assemblies in all Matis villages as well as in all villages in Zora announced (again). By now I'm completely out of focus, as I haven't attended an assembly (with one exception, and only for a part of it) in quite a while. Who is still in the assemblies?

I doubt the meeting in Davae will really take place, for there's no noble left there since Kilor resettled to the Lakes some months ago, and from what I heard Ozwomen intends to leave the game (or already did) over a quarrel, so most likely there's also no noble left in Natae - which, of course, makes it easier for the EM's, as only a French one is needed for Avalae. But then, why are assemblies announced in Davae and Natae at all?

I also heard that Icus resigned from the Akenak, so the French language Akenak did shrink as well. I have no idea if there's a English language Akenak left, nor if a German language Akenak is still in existance.

I think the Taliari in Windermeer also shrinked down to probably just one still around, but don't know about Cristabell or Avendale.

Could someone tell me what the current situation is? Thanks in advance ...

Last edited by Salazar (1 десятилетие назад)


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#2 Доклад | Цитировать[de] 

Stiara (German Akenak) came a bit later during the last assembly - so at least she's still active, haven't seen any other German akenak in a while though.


#3 Доклад | Цитировать[de] 

Didn't Astrath leave the Zorai one either?
I went to 1 meeting in zora just to listen when I got back ingame and that made me so sad nothing of any importance that could help the game was discussed there where just imaginary storys about imaginary npc's nobody understood anything except the 2 ppl talking for 5h and the event npc interupting every 30min or so. I called politics in this game death that evening and went mara again, if it had been a bit more about the ppl playing and oragnizing events (like some did on aristople) and such for players then I would maybe have given it a seccond tought. To me it looked like 2-3 elitists talking about things nobody knows about, nobody understands, nobody is intrested in, ... => it's not politics it's just a way for them to get some fancy titles (since the titles and things for them personal was what was talked about the most anyway in that meeting)


#4 Доклад | Цитировать[de] 

There is still Daomei and Zhoi - happy, no ?


#5 Доклад | Цитировать[de] 

Suboxide (atys)
(...) it's just a way for them to get some fancy titles (...)

... says the Anlor Winn Yubo Ball Tournament Champion. ;)

I can only speak about myself, of course, but I quite enjoyed politics as long as it lasted. I would also like to point out that player politics decided about war or peace between Fyros and Matis, for example, so it's not just "imaginary", at least not more than, say, a Beauty Contest or a Tournament. At worst, politics discuss where to place a flower pot in a village. At best, it's about how to move and act here or there to gain the most for your country, your people or yourself (depending on your character's motivation). Is that elitism? Less elitism than politics in real life, I would say, and the chance to get a fancy title are actually far less then when you participate in some games or competitions which, in turn, usually have no charm for me.

You get, by the way, only one "fancy" title from politics. My only one therefore is (or rather was) "Matis Noble"; it took me a long time, and I was only one of three who got it for their IG contribution to the game on Leanon, where rules to become a noble were very strict. I had no profit from that title but was able to continue contributing to IG politics and, I hope, therefore to the atmosphere and IG experience, as far as RP is concerned. For those who play no RP it makes no sense, of course. But nor make Yubos with reindeer antlers or Halloween pumpkins or Yubo Ball games. ;)


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#6 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

I just know that 1 meeting of zorai i went to went from:

- what to add to bullitin board at stables (that already got removed I think nothing was ever on it)
- some imaginary things (atleast how it sounded for me)
- then verry long talk about titles for karavan zorai or something like that, think special titles for politicians from jena (but my english isn't good enough to even gasp half of what was said)
- then some more blablabla (by then I was half in a coma)

about the trunout at that meeting they where 'pleased' with the really big turnout there but I think it I was the only actual other person there (and maybe 2-3 others that fell asleep during meeting), all the rest where unguilded homins with names I since haven't seen ingame (and you all know how much time i spend at the stables). None of them ever moved, emoted during the meeting and when the meeting was over most of them kept sitting there for 2more hours doing nothing.

This can mean 1 of 2 things:
1. they are just alts made by the ppl doing the politics to make a make belief show that alot of ppl turning up
2. WORST OF ALL => this means that that 1 meeting I went to made atleast 10-15 new unguilded players quit the game after seeing how politics are done in this game.

I know you don't like those miss elections, markets and stuff but I know atleast for aristople when a city gov did those alot off ppl showed up and had fun, the politics done now is just done by 5 ppl or so (and if my idea is right 5 ppl and lots of alts)

Last edited by Suboxide (1 десятилетие назад)


#7 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

Salazar (atys)
I can only speak about myself, of course, but I quite enjoyed politics as long as it lasted. I would also like to point out that player politics decided about war or peace between Fyros and Matis, for example, so it's not just "imaginary",

Sad to hear the player politics interviened and went for peace :(
=> with another long lasting war between matis and fyros where matis burn down some fyros city's again and such us bored homins would have had an nice event to have fun at again.

Why do you keep attacking me about yubo ball? It's a fun little ingame game where yes I got a title and only reason I use that one is because it's so long it makes my health bars on my head go to the left instead of being right above me.
Yubo ball isn't RP? => depends on how you look at it why can't homins have a forbidden sport where they pester small rodents, its not like in the real world there are no sports based with animals (pigeon racing, cock fighting, ferret in pants, fishing, .... ). RP is all about the story you tell behind it.

Same for things like traveling markets, miss elections, ... => all have real world counterparts and can perfectly been done in an RP way if you even tried. This way might not incorperated 10 of names of obscure npc's you need to know their whole backstor to or might not give you the oppertunity to write 5 big long letters to on the forums but if you really wanted you could actually do all that while organizing an event with a town like a miss election for example since you need a hairdresser,suplier of luxuary stuff, ... OR for yuboball you need somebody to caputre the 'wild' yubo you need somebody to suply the goals ...
You can do this for every single thing and I'm sure more ppl would be intrested in joining the gouverments and more ppl would come and listen (ps. give those listeners some room to talk themself make it more open with less rules like direct politics and you might even end up with to many intrested ppl ;)

Last edited by Suboxide (1 десятилетие назад)


#8 Доклад | Цитировать[de] 

There was a war between Matis and Fyros on Aniro and Arispotle; to my knowledge, the Fyros won on one server, the Matis on the other. Player politics played a part in these wars, and player politics were somewhat responsible for the fact that there was no war at all on Leanon.

On Leanon (no idea if that happened on the other servers) the Marauders burned down Thesos, though, as a diversionary manoeuvre once.

I did not at all attack you about Yubo ball, I was just a little amused that you made fun about "getting fancy titles" while sporting a fancy title. ;)

Nor did I say Yubo Ball or Mr. & Ms. Atys are no RP. But I said it makes as much sense (or as little sense) as the politics you find so boring and "elitist", and while politics most likely entertains less people than a big boss fight or maybe a beauty contest it also has its place and function in the game. To each his own, as the saying is. =)


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#9 Доклад | Цитировать[de] 

about the trunout at that meeting they where 'pleased' with the really big turnout there but I think it I was the only actual other person there (and maybe 2-3 others that fell asleep during meeting), all the rest where unguilded homins with names I since haven't seen ingame (and you all know how much time i spend at the stables). None of them ever moved, emoted during the meeting and when the meeting was over most of them kept sitting there for 2more hours doing nothing.

This can mean 1 of 2 things:
1. they are just alts made by the ppl doing the politics to make a make belief show that alot of ppl turning up
2. WORST OF ALL => this means that that 1 meeting I went to made atleast 10-15 new unguilded players quit the game after seeing how politics are done in this game.

There are real player who follow meeting, but their toons aren't all "big" player. I like meeting, and when I have time, I follow it. But I don't play a lot, and I have lot of toons, for various RP. I'm not the only to make that. If you don't see me or my other toons in game, it's normal : I see calendar, note meeting and event, and connect only for that.

Guild my toons ? Ho, bored. I prefer play with all players, not only with one guild. I don't like stay in guild. If I guild a toon, it's only for nice rp name.

Speak at meeting ? Sorry, they are 2 or 3 people who speak for me. I stay here with pop-corn and encourage my favorite silently : "hey, kick him/her ! Say he/she is a bodoc !" But I haven't got good comment, so I am silent.

Meeting are interested because here event has created. Long process, but fascinated.


Plus d'histoires ici.

#10 Доклад | Цитировать[de] 

Well, Salazar, I think you know best about the Nobles who are still actively doing political work, no? ;) Unfortunately I was late for the last Assembly in Yrkanis (November 15th), and some representatives (had) left early, so I might have missed some Nobles. Only Filira (some say Filar, like the royal guard Sirgia Pirello did) Erminantius, a royal botanist, was present during the whole Assembly. There was a number of Matis-Vassals present though, and maybe even Nobles who merely weren't wearing their insignia (= title) identifying them as Nobles...

In Natae, Filira Ozwomen is an active member for the chamber of Nobles, as well as a Matis-ambassador. She told us that Minou and Divinesoul (the clerk) from Natae haven't been politically active for a rather long time now. Matis-Vassal Tendrili has promised to be more often present at political Assemblies as the royal guard told us; but did not come to Natae to take part at the last Assembly.

Matis-Vassal Tenebra, closely befriended with some Rangers, Ser Keldreth and Ser Essarion are all from Davae and can be seen at some Assemblies, but unfortunately none of them is a Noble.

It's true that Akenak Icus from Thesos has just stepped back from his position during the last full Assembly of the Akenak in Pyr (December 9th), but it might not be permanently. However Thols from Thesos and Bardor from Thesos were present as active Akenaks; also Akenak Stiara from Dyron joined the Assembly later in the evening.

Akenak Rollocks from Pyr and Patriot Lerya, who has been appointed ambassador for the burning desert, are both still active as I know, because I have spotted them irregularily - unfortunately they are not often present at Assemblies in Pyr.

At the last full Assembly of the Taliari in Fairhaven (November 17th) Taliar Kaaon from Avendale was there, present and healthy. Taliar Vannox seemed to be from Avendale as well. Also Taliar Luth from Avendale is expected to be back eventually; he's merely busy elsewhere at the time as I have heard.

Squid from the only (as I heard) political active guild in Crystabell at the moment, Spiritus Artificus, wore the insignia of a Tryker Ambassador. Mainca from the same guild was present at the full Assembly of the Taliari in Fairhaven and sat with the other Taliari, but did not wear the insignias / medals of a Taliari - at least not openly...

Taliar Chanchey Breggan is the only Taliar of and from Windermeer right now, but there are other local officials of Windermeer too: first of all Wasari Kealey-Abygrian, the mayor, also Joa Bu del Salva (Joabu), her vice-mayor (substitutionally mayor), Seternulon, Chief of the Security, Shasu, designee for the emotional and creature (physical) comforts; and Taliar Breggan is now also working as the local herald and scribe in Windermeer.

Jen-Lai has a changing number of political interested Initiates additional to Awakened Fey-Lin Liang, but I am not really sure about who is involved actively in politics of Jen-Lai right at the moment and who is not; perhaps Initiate Denakyo, Nahual and Marceline, who were present at the last Assembly in Zora (November 10th)? It was made clear that Initiate Altamira is not expected to return though.

I heard that the Amazons Mysticia, who were formerly politically involved at Jen-Lai, are now helping out researching the kitins for their kin in the Verdant Heights, especially Zendae and Osquallo (a male Amazon). So one could very well consider this "politically active" and a group to be counted.

In Min-Cho there should still be Awakened Fitis, as I have not heard that she has renounced her political position. Also other members of her guild Guardians of Shadows are sometimes politically interested, guild leader Binarabi once took an active part at votings about political topics in Zora. The monks of Atys are also a Shi'zu and have the rights to participate at political decisions of the Witherings; Hobelchen from this guild is often present at Assemblies in Zora.

The resignation of Awakened Astarth has not officially been approved of yet. I am not sure if you can just "drop" the title of Awakend, just like you cannot drop the status of a Noble. But it seems that he doesn't want to be politically active any longer considering his open letter to the Grand Sage.

Since Awakened Sartrica is back, and since Initiate ZurchKuchna and my character ("toon" as some call it, whysoever, sounds like we're living in "Toontown"...) have awakened as well there are now three Awakened in Hoi-Cho at the moment. A fourth Awakened from old times has arrived on Silan and might - or might not, however she is going to choose - join us soon.

One should also not forget the Rangers, as they are a group to be politically considered. A number of them have now been granted the title "Ranger Companion" and are assigned for diplomatic missions. A full list has not been published by now and was also not mentioned during their Assemblies, but some have already revealed their insignia: Kiwa-Lie, Depyraken, Daomei Lin Carthan and Zorroargh, most of them are Atys-Citizens / Hominists.

I am not sure about Geyos, as he is actively working for the Rangers but is also a Fyros-Patriot at odds with the Kingdom (and some Zorai) - he has been chosen as the Fyros-representative for the international commission for rephrasing the Treaty of Four Peoples during the last Assembly of the Akenak in Pyr.

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Zhoi (1 десятилетие назад)


#11 Доклад | Цитировать[de] 

Thanks, Zhoi. Ozwomen has, as mentioned above, indicated resignment from the game, which limits the future Assemblies more or less to Avalae. But I'm glad to hear that it is at least one representative in each village of all other countries.

Last edited by Salazar (1 десятилетие назад)


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#12 Доклад | Цитировать[en] 

Sorry, But I was appointed as Pyr Akenos and because of that Fyros Akenak. And I have benn in all the National assemblys since I was appointed. And I try to make Pyr more active, but well, without success

And with us, at Pyr, it is Akenos Daavics too. Even if he hasn´t be round here for a while, I think he is back.

Last edited by Lerya (1 десятилетие назад)


Lerya Rechtuch

#13 Доклад | Цитировать[de] 

Ah great, congratulations :) I've seen your new title today in Zora for the first time. So you've only been absent the last time in Pyr and before you've been appointed. Well, that can happen. I think I have seen Akenak Daavics at only one Assembly, the first naional one in Pyr. Hope to see him again soon. As for Filira Ozwomen I sincerely hope she will not make this plan to resign true, especially not because of one verbal fight :( Would be too sad.


#14 Доклад | Цитировать[de] 

If I don't misinterpret a post in in the French forums, Fey-Lin leaves politics now as well ...


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis
Last visit Понедельник, 3 Июня 10:16:56 UTC

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