What Happened in Almati Woods

21:22:59 - Orphie Dradius shouts: Greeting Homins
21:23:01 - jaguarboy says: yes
21:23:05 - Gasket says: wohoooo :D
21:23:05 - Naema says: ACCK!
21:23:06 - Siracha says: ty
21:23:10 - Kaetemi says: ooh it's a shouting homin!
21:23:10 - Wesson shouts: :P
21:23:16 - Meagon shouts: Deles Aiye Orphie Dradius
21:23:27 - Gorran shouts: Woha Orphie Dradius.
21:23:29 - jaguarboy says: Greetings Orphie Dradius
21:24:13 - Ming Xi Ying says: I was on duty yesterday night. It's frightening to have to watch this passage, knowing that Kitins can appear at any time.
21:24:28 - alassea says: down in front lol
21:24:40 - Orphie Dradius shouts: thanks to you all for being her so numerous
21:24:47 - Kaetemi shouts: Drinking party!
21:26:10 - Orphie Dradius shouts: pleace make some room for the other, which are coming soon
21:26:47 - Gorran shouts: Make room homins, make room. The leders will need place to stand.
21:26:50 - Damarus Vidorus says: The more we kill, the more appear.
21:27:04 - Stevano says: Deles silam Orphie.
21:27:24 - Eruvin says: shall we clear the center?
21:27:29 - Meagon shouts: Make room for our leaders.
21:27:41 - Gorran shouts: Woha Mabreka!
21:27:54 - Meagon shouts: Deles Silam Stevano.
21:27:55 - Orphie Dradius shouts: this is a place of peace, so pleace no fighting
21:27:57 - Mabreka shouts: Thank you for your patience
21:28:02 - Stevano says: Deles silam Mabreka.
21:28:11 - Gasket says: i wonder where ghuiss is? we need the leader of the blues, methinks
21:28:28 - Stevano says: Deles silam Ailan.
21:28:33 - Stevano says: Decalion...
21:28:35 - Ailan Mac'Kean shouts: I greet you, Homins!
21:28:39 - Ming Xi Ying says: As if monitoring the Kitin's Lair is not enough, we must also push the Kitins out of this area.
21:28:39 - Junjunq says: stop...
21:28:40 - Damarus Vidorus says: There has been a great fight yesterday. Many of us almost didn't make it.
21:29:47 - alassea says: sit sit
21:30:07 - Rocci says: (i dislike our matis leader not having a racial weapon like the rest tbh)
21:30:10 - Ghostkozak says: hi alassea
21:30:21 - alassea says: hello
21:30:31 - Naema says: ladeath plz sit down
21:30:34 - Damarus Vidorus says: The more we kill, the more appear.
21:31:23 - Sliar says: Matis need no obvious weapons to impress Rocci
21:31:37 - Rocci says: Fair point :)
21:31:42 - Orphie Dradius shouts: Homins!
21:31:55 - Gasket says: I think it might have something to do with what usually happens when matis run around with weapons
21:31:57 - Orphie Dradius shouts: We must face a situation as terrible as the one our ancestors faced in the Ancient Lands!
21:31:59 - Gasket says: they tend to hit people with them
21:32:25 - Orphie Dradius shouts: Every day, Kitin forces are growing, surrounding our towns, threatening our capital cities, even with the protection of the Karavan and the Kamis.
21:33:02 - Ming Xi Ying says: There has been a great fight yesterday. Many of us almost didn't make it.
21:33:05 - Orphie Dradius shouts: Even if the name makes everyone shiver, we have to name this disaster : we are witnessing a Second Great Swarm!
21:33:18 - Ailan Mac'Kean shouts: Homins!
21:33:32 - Ailan Mac'Kean shouts: Don't lose hope, don't feel alone or left behind!
21:33:36 - Damarus Vidorus says: I was on duty yesterday night. It's frightening to have to watch this passage, knowing that Kitins can appear at any time.
21:33:56 - Ailan Mac'Kean shouts: Together, we will face this terrible threat, united as one people, one Hominkind!
21:33:59 - Astarth says: yesElias Tryton is in our side!
21:34:29 - Dethaven says: no streaking!
21:34:32 - Dethaven says: lol
21:34:37 - Ailan Mac'Kean shouts: Together, all Nations and Higher Powers have decided to set aside their differences, and fight united! To survive extinction!
21:34:55 - Sneakylegs says: Good idea.
21:35:00 - Sliar says: Finally a wise decision in the face of extermination!
21:35:08 - Decalion Krilus shouts: Homins, I speak in the name of Lykos for the Fyros people!
21:35:25 - Decalion Krilus shouts: Tribesmen and townfolks have all found some shelter in the capital cities, but this is not enough anymore.
21:35:44 - Decalion Krilus shouts: Fortifications built by the Higher Powers around Zora, Fairhaven and Yrkanis show signs of weakening.
21:35:58 - Decalion Krilus shouts: It's only a matter of days, or hours, before they fall.
21:36:12 - Decalion Krilus shouts: Only the barriers around Pyr are holding, and they are our last hope.
21:36:23 - Decalion Krilus shouts: Pyr's gates will welcome all Homins, so that we can survive together!
21:36:24 - Gasket says: oh, pyr? noo noo no
21:36:28 - Kaetemi says: yay pyr
21:36:38 - Ming Xi Ying says: The more we kill, the more appear.
21:36:38 - Somkit says: *sigh* but what then!
21:37:21 - Azad says: resistance is futile we all die on the 29th anyway
21:37:37 - Stevano shouts: Homins !
21:37:42 - Naema says: GoJ has secret plan...
21:37:44 - Nisaba says: em agrees with with Gorran.
21:37:45 - Damarus Vidorus says: I saw a shadow moving towards the passage leading to the Kitin's Lair, just now. Probably my imagination.
21:37:55 - Astarth says: likely our prophet will send us a rainbow
21:37:58 - Stevano shouts: Yes, we must abandon our lands, our houses and yes our beloved kingdom.
21:38:04 - Kaetemi says: wooo rainbowz
21:38:10 - Stevano shouts: Yes, we must all go to Pyr, the last stronghold of Hominity, and, starting from there, follow the path of Exodus.
21:38:16 - Sliar says: abandon beloved Yrkanis!
21:38:24 - Sneakylegs says: Where is our King Yrkanis?
21:38:25 - Stevano shouts: The Karavan, which make strongholds of our capital cities, will fight at our side again!
21:38:26 - Gasket says: YAY, no more silly yrk music!
21:38:30 - Naema says: going to Tryker Starter island to drink beer
21:38:47 - Dinorath says: that place is too dry for my skin!
21:38:49 - Stevano shouts: But be certain... We will come back here, and get back what's ours !
21:38:49 - Rahael shouts: What does that mean for marauders? Are we allowed in your gates?
21:38:56 - Suboxide says: < is gonna go live 8years at the secret kami oasis, some fishing and a nice bar what does a homin want more?
21:39:02 - Stevano shouts: We will reconquer our lands, rebuild our houses, and see our nations flourish to a Golden Age that they have never known before!
21:39:12 - Kaetemi says: suboxide: great idea.
21:39:15 - Stevano shouts: And the light of the Kingdom will shine all over Atys, under the benevolant eye of the Goddess!
21:39:34 - Mabreka shouts: Homins!
21:39:35 - Suboxide says: do need to find a fine barmaid
21:39:50 - Mabreka shouts: Homins!
21:40:01 - Mabreka shouts: The Medis 15, 4th AC 2562 (OOC:27th September), Hominty will leave Pyr to follow the path of Exodus.
21:40:02 - Ming Xi Ying says: As if monitoring the Kitin's Lair is not enough, we must also push the Kitins out of this area.
21:40:20 - Mabreka shouts: This will be a very dangerous travel, and we will need strong arms to protect the refugees.
21:40:26 - Azad says: throws bottle of distilled carrot wine too suboxide :)
21:40:42 - Mabreka shouts: We can count on the Kamis, which have already transformed Pyr and Zora into strongholds, to fight with us!
21:40:44 - Binarabi says: pochine carrot water?
21:40:56 - Azad says: :)
21:41:07 - Mabreka shouts: We will get to the secret kami oasis, the only place on the New lands where kitins can't go without dying.
21:41:11 - Nanozx says: i'll fight for my country
21:41:18 - Naema says: what the heck day is that in English?
21:41:26 - Orphie Dradius shouts: The Rangers will help Homins to get into the Oasis while the Higher Powers and some brave homins will contain the Kitins!
21:41:27 - Kaetemi says: and there's beer
21:41:28 - Damarus Vidorus says: Fortunately, many homins come to help us against the Kitins.
21:41:30 - Rocci says: sept 27
21:41:40 - Gorran shouts: The Kwaï will follow where you lead Mabreka!
21:41:42 - Suboxide says: sounds like my place is gonna be croweded (not sure i want refugees there)
21:41:54 - Orphie Dradius shouts: Every second will count, you will have to climb the dreadful cliff leading to the shelter, but we know the way, and we will show you!
21:42:15 - Dainan says: We do what we need to do, Suboxide.
21:42:17 - Meagon shouts: It sounds like a task that together Hominity can handle.
21:42:20 - Kegan shouts: The secret Kami Oasis is the safest place, but far too small for all of us to survive there.
21:42:31 - Ming Xi Ying says: The more we kill, the more appear.
21:42:40 - Kegan shouts: Elias will open a Rainbow to guide us to the Ancient Lands, in a safehaven where no kitin has ever set foot.
21:42:48 - Astarth says: i told you!!
21:42:52 - Gasket says: if i need to live for years with suboxide in a space as small as the kami oasis, one of us will get badly hurt within a week
21:42:57 - Kaetemi says: rainbows!
21:43:04 - Kegan shouts: Indeed, thanks to the efforts of Trytonist homins, materials needed to create a Rainbow have been gathered inside the Oasis and the guild of Elias is ready to activate it.
21:43:05 - Astarth says: great Elias!!
21:43:12 - Fasinia says: pyr baths, safest place on earth...
21:43:17 - Baffos says: desert rules!
21:43:26 - Kegan shouts: Join us at the Oasis, and we will send you to a secret safe place in the Ancient Lands!
21:43:27 - Naema says: so are we going to Pyr or secret kami oasis?
21:43:44 - Orphie Dradius shouts: The day when the New Lands will be safe for living again, you will find the path to Silan on your own, we will set up our camp there again, so that you can go back to the New Lands.
21:44:13 - Orphie Dradius shouts: This day shall come! and you will take back what you lost, and rebuild your houses.
21:44:14 - Ming Xi Ying says: Fortunately, many homins come to help us against the Kitins.
21:44:18 - Slorforn says: pyr then kami oasis
21:44:37 - Orphie Dradius shouts: The Kitin may have won this battle, but not the war!
21:44:52 - Gilgameesh says: and people that wanna help fight the kitins instead of going to oasis?
21:44:52 - Decalion Krilus shouts: Homins, pack your belongings and go to Pyr!
21:44:56 - Sneakylegs says: What will we do until we all go to Pyr?
21:44:58 - Dainan says: At once!
21:45:02 - Sneakylegs says: Or go right now?
21:45:12 - Decalion Krilus shouts: Then Medis 15, 4th AC 2562 (Sept 27th) we will all leave together to reach the Kami Oasis.
21:45:23 - Rahael says: Are marauder excepted in Pyr?
21:45:30 - Lexius says: no :PPP
21:45:31 - Rahael says: accepted*
21:45:35 - Slorforn says: all are accepted in pyr
21:45:43 - Meagon shouts: All homins, he said.
21:45:48 - Ailan Mac'Kean shouts: This is what the united leaders of Hominkind decided.
21:45:57 - Damarus Vidorus says: As if monitoring the Kitin's Lair is not enough, we must also push the Kitins out of this area.
21:46:07 - (CSR) Akilia Ash Storm shouts: Marauders from the new lands!
21:46:09 - Astarth says: like Elias wanted us to be, united as Homins!
21:46:19 - Gilgameesh says: 27 what time?
21:46:24 - Rahael shouts: Yes
21:46:34 - Slorforn says: you'll have to be there to find out
21:46:39 - (CSR) Akilia Ash Storm shouts: Don't follow those cowards who chose fleeing over fighting!
21:46:44 - Gasket says: love the turnout of marauders :P
21:46:54 - Rocci says: im not home till 2000 gmt :/
21:46:56 - (CSR) Akilia Ash Storm shouts: Stay here, hold your ground, show us what you are capable of, as we did during the first Great Swarm.
21:47:09 - (CSR) Akilia Ash Storm shouts: Survive, and Melkiar will acknowledge your clans.
21:47:16 - Rahael shouts: It will be done.
21:47:19 - (CSR) Akilia Ash Storm shouts: Survive and you'll become TRUE Marauders.
21:47:42 - Ming Xi Ying says: I saw a shadow moving towards the passage leading to the Kitin's Lair, just now. Probably my imagination.
21:47:45 - Fitis shouts: no problem as long as you help us akilia ^^
21:48:16 - Dethaven shouts: ALL HAIL THE GODDESS!
21:48:18 - Gorran shouts: Fools, claim that you were abandoned when your fathers likely pled the same cause. You were not abandoned, your people chose to stay just as you choose to stay now.
21:48:30 - Ailan Mac'Kean shouts: Be brave Homins! Together we will make it!
21:48:37 - Ailan Mac'Kean shouts: Seelagan!
21:48:45 - Damarus Vidorus says: Many Kitins are resistant to certain types of magic and some melee attacks.
21:48:51 - Dethaven says: death with legs
21:48:53 - Dethaven says: lol
21:49:17 - Decalion Krilus shouts: Oren Pyr!
21:49:21 - Meagon shouts: Long live hominity.
21:49:24 - Pinkaster says: I just want a cany cane
21:49:32 - Stevano shouts: Be sure of our decision, homins, the Enlightment of the Almighty Goddess is with us !
21:49:32 - Nanozx says: well do we go
21:49:35 - Valourian says: we go to pyr now?
21:49:37 - Dethaven says: me too
21:49:41 - Sliar says: united we stand homins!
21:49:41 - Rocci says: For Jena!
21:49:51 - jaguarboy shouts: We will survive!
21:49:52 - Mabreka shouts: Homins!
21:49:53 - Sneakylegs says: Will follow where the Matis Leadership wants me to go!
21:50:11 - Stevano shouts: Homins aiye !
21:50:21 - Sliar says: Jena will guide us
21:50:22 - Gorran shouts: Mata waki Kya-ito Mabreka-Cho!
21:50:30 - Mabreka shouts: Be sure to heed to wise words of the leaders gathered
21:50:39 - Fitis shouts: ching chang chong chinag chang chong
21:50:41 - Gorran shouts: Ochi kami no!
21:50:46 - Ming Xi Ying says: The Kitins want to invade our camp? Let them come. We will welcome them!
21:50:59 - Ghostkozak says: were going to pyro?
21:51:15 - Somkit says: Somthing like that Ghostkozak
21:51:22 - Dethaven says: today is a good day to die......HAIL JENA!
21:51:23 - Be'Willy Virgen says: I saw a shadow moving towards the passage leading to the Kitin's Lair, just now. Probably my imagination.
21:51:25 - Rocci says: dont know about you guys, but i stay in yrkanis till every last refugee is safe
21:51:27 - Pinkaster says: ok that told us nothing....WHEN!!!!!!
21:51:29 - Kaetemi says: party in the pyr baths??
21:51:48 - Mabreka shouts: We wish you all safe journeys over the comming days
21:51:59 - Hhbank says: let go into the kitins lair
21:52:06 - Dethaven says: as long as the bathes arent a sausage fest
21:52:08 - Meagon shouts: Thank you! We shall make our way towards safety!
21:52:08 - Dethaven says: lol
21:52:11 - Gasket says: <- will be selling beer for just below suboxides prices, but still outrageous, on old tryker starter island. just a hint :)
21:52:31 - Rahael shouts: So the kitins are coming here?
21:52:33 - Naema says: gonna go with Sub and drink beer
21:52:35 - Mabreka shouts: And now I bid you all farewell ..
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