Language Setting at Log in Window

Agreed: ryzom_ configuration_rd should be updated to reflect additional languages.

In the meanwhile... The Setting is in client.cfg
// the language to use as in ISO 639-2
LanguageCode = "en"; // english

You can make copies of client.cfg for each language you use and replace the file on startup, maybe by batch files on windows...:

1. make 2 versions of client.cfg, name them like client_en.cfg and client_es.cfg.

2. make two batch files and save them to your ryzom directory like this:
copy /Y client_en.cfg client.cfg
start /WAIT client_ryzom_rd.exe
copy /Y client.cfg client_en.cfg
The last line and /WAIT are optional, they take care of saving changes made to ingame settings.
/Y option for copy allows overwrite without confirmation.

3. use shortcuts to batch files instead of ryzom

P.S.: 'deutsch' means german :-)
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Last visit Вторник, 4 Июня 08:24:25 UTC

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