Jola's Contest of Wits

10h - Quarta, Harvestor 28, 1st AC 2560

Twintops Workshop in Bounty Beaches

Jola glanced at the cloudless sky. Clear weather, the sun not quite to zenith. A good omen, she thought. The Marauders were not accustomed to the brightness of the lighted lands. She dug her boot toe impatiently in the warm sands of Twintops Outpost. When would they arrive? The grinding drone of the outpost drill reverberated across the dunes as it had done continuously for over 10 years. Ten years! Had it been so long already? It seemed like only yesterday she supervised the construction. She would have to order the gearing serviced again soon.

The reassuring drone calmed her jittery nerves. The only constant in this land of turmoil, the grinding sounds seemed as if they would continue forever. But would they? The Marauders had openly challenged the ownership of an outpost in Imperial Dunes. Jola had no doubts that today's challenge was just another Marauder ruse to distract from sinister designs on Twintops. She prayed they all were up to the coming challenges and turned to survey a large crowd who had gathered from all corners of Atys.

Jola began, "Be prepared my friends. The Contest of Wit is scheduled to begin in a few minutes." She paused, considering her next words carefully. Seeing support and compassion in the faces of the assembled crowd, her resolve hardened and she continued. "These marauders must be stopped! We draw a line in the sand today. We meet them for a contest of words, but we come prepared for treachery. Today's challenge is undoubtedly nothing more than the opening gambit in a campaign to seize control of outposts in the surface lands. My thanks in advance for this wonderful show of solidarity against those brigands of the lightless lands!"

A sizeable collection of homins from all 4 nations had put aside their personal differences confront the threat of Marauder incursions. They shouted their approvals:

Katla cheers Jola on. Go Jola!
Loredana waves to Jola.
Naema cheers Jola on. Go Jola!
Grundelwolf notices the dignified attitude of Jola.
Entendu cheers Jola on. Go Jola!

Reassured by the support of so many, Jola briefly felt at ease. But not for long. Rising up the crest of a distant dune there suddenly appeared two small figures. Within minutes two famous Marauders were facing the assembled crowd.

Aesan Be'Lauer began with a mocking tone, "Well, well... I see there ARE some Armageddons around after all. Should be entertaining. Who here speaks on behalf of the Armageddons?"

Jola nodded to Aesan and answered tersely, "I do. Have your say Aesan."

Aesan sneered, You have accepted my challenge?

Jola replied, "We have... although I notice the contest seems stacked in your favor."

Aesan seemed puzzled, "In what way?

Jola responded, "It is a contest of words you seek and we are fighters not sages."

Aesan dismissed the protest with the wave of a hand, "Bah, you had ample time to ask sages for assistance."

Resigned to circumstances, Jola sighed and replied, "And this I did. So let's be started."

A gleeful Aesan challenged, "And so, who will be your competitor?"

Several fingers in the crowd pointing her way, and Jola answered, "I shall do my best to answer your questions Aesan Be'Lauer. But I insist that your champion will attempt to answer mine as well!"

"Yes, yes." Aesan was dismissive, "As a matter of point, the rules did state that one member from each side should be appointed as a competitor. I now call my competitor forward!"

With a great flourish, Aesan turned and bowed to Dante the Teaser. Dante grinned triumphantly and pressed to the front of the crowd, glaring at them with open hostility. Swiftly Jola interposed herself and stood toe to toe with the fearsome Marauder.

Bitttymacod shouted, "Have it your way Aesan -- Jola will speak for us all."

The assembled crowd roared approval and shouted their encouragements:

Tantalos cheers Jola on. Go Jola!
Katla thinks Jola is wise.
Zoloa cheers Jola on. Go Jola!
Fenomeno bows to Jola in a most courtly manner.
Naema whispers that Dante is silly.

Aesan seemed taken aback with the collective enthusiasm. He hesistated a moment before continuing, "Uh... to remind you both of the rules, you each will take turns giving riddles to the other. A point is earned for each correct answer. And I will keep track of the points!"

The crowd muttered their disapproval in this choice of scorekeeper, but no one could think of an impartial alternative to suggest.

Aesan glanced about in triumph at his small victory, then continued, "Dante will give the first riddle after Jola chooses a crate!"

And so the famous Contest of Wits began at last.
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