Discussion around "Ryzom moves to Freemium model announcement!"

Alts are a part of the game. They have been since the beginning.  Some players have them as fronts for storage guilds, healer slaves, or cp slaves.  As far as that goes, slavery is illegal in the Four Nations, so they should be freed (look -- an opportunity for roleplay!).  Other players define their alts and make them into interesting characters in their own right. 

I don't see the devs getting rid of alts.  Period.  Even if they wanted to, I would fight it.
The quote is wrong my post was quoted by someone else ^^

Alts exist in nearly all MMO.
I see few different alt type
those how are used as storage extension. It's the simpliest way to have what we cannot get with our main char because the game do not alow us to buy or rents storage extension.
How many alt for storage could be droped if we where able to buy/rent storage extension ? I'm pretty sure the number is obscene !

Then we have alt used for help will XP, some exist because of the lack of population the other are used make the game simplier and btw avoid the risk of DP witch is part of the game.

Bots are a  different matter and far harder to locate and manage.  Personally I don't see why anyone would bother to bot a cp-er.  It's too easy to do it without botting.   Bot healers have been a problem in the past, but are relatively easy to spot.  Take video and report to the CSRs.   They move slowly, but they do move.
When a CP is used, you remove the risk of death, so I whould not be suprise if few players use bot for both, digger and CP.

P.S.  I do not have a cp or a healer alt. 

Any time I have used a cp-er it has been to advance the level of a new player (often, but not always, f2p).  Since I have have dig masters in all ecosystems, a q150 limit would mean that I could not help a f2p newbie level digging -- I get no xp for digging q150, so they don't either.  (Even digging q250 with a cp-er in team, they get generally 1000xp or less per node.) I do not see what giving the mats to the newbie would do.  Dappers from selling mats or xp for crafting them don't give them xp in harvest.
Dig his node instead of using him as a CP. He will have XP.


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