Version 3.0 - Disconnects Disconnects Disconnets

Just sticking a questioning ear in here: I'm wondering if you are getting upgrades to the Windoz version of the client somehow?

I'm not sure what the Steam client uses. I am with you Bittty I should not be getting Windoze updates. I have used Linux since 2001. I am careful to get the Linux 64 version. Linux is the only operating system I use.
Why do you need to edit CLIENT_DEFAULT.CFG to use OpenGL under LINUX ? oO

OpenGL is ALWAYS the default driver under Linux and OS X (and even under Windows).

And about missing "patch_gen_service.cfg" it means that you're running "patch_gen_service" executable... So you have a patch server on your computer ? Oo

I need to edit CLIENT_DEFAULT.CFG every time I patch or the patch fails. You would probably know the reason for that better than me. All I know is if it's on Auto the patch fails. If I put in "1" to make it use OpenGL then the patch works. I have had to do that for a couple of months now. I thought somewhere along the way a patch would fix that.

I have patch_gen 1.3 MB and patch_gen_service 2.5 MB and ryzom_client 32.8 MB in my .ryzom folder.

I start Ryzom by going into my /home/user/.ryzom folder and right clicking ryzom_client and telling it to open. Then on bad days I get THE PATCH. I have learned after the patch fails about three times and I tear my hair out and beat my chest that it is just easier to go into CLIENT_DEFAULT.CFG and change the Auto to 1. Then THE PATCH will work.
If you really do have patch_gen_service renamed as ryzom_client for some reason, then get new archive from
ryzom.kervala.net under 'Latest static clients' section (64bit linux I suppose). Do not use Steam version of client.

Karu your post is quite long. I am drinking coffee and just woke up. I am studying your post and debating reinstalling my whole OS and starting again from scratch. :(

Of course by saving what files I need to save. :(

Thank you everyone for your help. I will get back to you later today.
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