Diary of an outlaw

Sitting by her favorite fire, enjoying the warmth, the noises the branches made, while slowly being devoured by the flames, Seralee listens to what Virg has to say to her.

"Are you sure, this Matis is to be trusted? What ever she has in mind, do we risk to let her even close to our encampment?"

"I am not sure, dear", Virg replies, striving back and forth infront of the fire, contemplating upon the words his sister said. "But it is obvious that she has something important on her mind, why else go to the extreme of taunting those blockhead fyros into travelling to the woods? No, I am certain, we will have to find out, what she has to say! Please sister, you know how busy I am these days, always on adventures and finding ways of bettering our family, can you find it in you to meet with this Matis?"

Seralee looks into Virgs face, seeing his curiousity, feeling his need to question this young Matis, and comes to a conclusion: "If this homin contacts me, I will hear what she has to say, yes brother. And as soon as I have the information you seek, I will let you know."


Better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.

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