Perla the Aspiring Ranger - (A sort of IC-Blog/Personal Chronicle)

~Perla’s Journal Entry: Prima, Mystia 07, 2nd AC 2579~

So much has happened since my last journal entry I don’t know where to begin. Perhaps the reason is that I feel so much different now. I've changed not only physically but also mentally, intellectually. I've shed the primitive skin of a refugee for that of a more thicker skin and learned homin. Living in the mainland has forced me to see the world with the eyes of an adult. Still, there is much I need to learn, but I can honestly say I am a different person.

I've continued to challenge myself with the tasks given to me by the Ranger trainers. What an incredible adventure I've had so far - the culmination of the work that’s been accomplished and the homins I've met along the way have made this journey exciting. Has revealed to me how dangerous the world is also. Everywhere I traveled I found kitins, some quite dangerous, more lethal than the Kirosta found in Silan. Nevertheless, I am now an Apprentice Pathfinder.

Aside from the ranger training I've taken great interest in studying homin history. Mostly because I’m interested to learn how it was that homins lived then. I study hominity through the parables of the Karavan and Kami religions, the myth of the great dragon as told by my ancestors - these are the records of our origins. I can learn from the past how it was for them to live and how they evolve into the people we are today.

It is no secret that our ancestors were brought here by the prince of shadows, the great dragon, and he enslaved them. The goddess Jena fought and defeated the great dragon, and in that process Jena’s light transformed Atys into a planet of plants. She then purified the people and set them free. This was a time before the Kami came to be, and all homins worked and worship Jena and the Elect of the Karvan - her disciples. The Karavan guided the homins and helped them build the nations. It was them who thought the Trykers wind technology, and the Fyros how to harness the power of fire, and thought the Matis the secrets of living matter, and even the Zorai got their knowledge of magnetism from the Karavan. All the nations were built with the help of the Karavan Disciples.

Ma-Duk was created from the draconic ashes expelled by the Dragon, this ash is the essence of the Kami, the omnipresent ashes blended with all of creation on Atys, and all beings on Atys carry traces of the draconic ashes - invisible, odorless and tasteless, and breathed in by all living creatures. The Kami proclaim that Ma-Duk is the Life Giver, and perhaps he is - as this creative energy nourishes matter on Atys and the Kami teach that this great fusion creates from the Void and gave birth to all living creatures on Atys, including hominity. The Kamis think of homins as being created from the seeds sown by Ma-Duk, but even in the writing on their temples they say they discovered us - so it fits with the teachings of the Karavan that our ancestors were brought here from some distant world. And in the dark times of our history we evolve as a species, we became link to Atys by breathing in the draconic ashes, the essence of the Kami.

Hominity, then a primitive race, grew conscious of their own essence, and of Atys and the Void, and we had the power to change the world. Though we can be destroy by the Void, our own awareness of the Void gives us the ability to resist its corruption. But although hominity isn't corrupt by the Void we are corrupt by the grand dreams of power, and he who draws the prettiest picture believes to be the greater race. We live in a time of racial conflicts, augmented by the old traditions of the nations, and divided by the teachings of the cults.

Overall the Gods are not so simple to understand and what I've summarized, what I understood, what I’ve taken from it may very well be wrong. It will take years to fully understand the teachings of the Karavan and the Kami - but I am certain that we are all connected by the ashes of the Dragon, the creative energy that is Ma-Duk, and the purifying light of Jena. The gods do provide hominity the gift of resurrection - and that is enough for me.

In the last few days in the mainland I joined the members of Phaedrea’s Tears, a guild of neutral homins studying craftsmanship, harvesting, and the work of the Rangers. They have become my family. They are also a fount of information and support through which I've gained greater knowledge about skills and the environment. I’m content to have been accepted to their family, and recommend them to any homin wishing the path of neutrality and the knowledge of the Rangers.
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