Call to GNU/Linux and Mac users

Dear players,

As you may already know, official Ryzom support is responsible for answering questions not only about the game, but also about the installation and use of Ryzom. Under Windows, the original platform, the knowledge database is quite complete. However, answering questions specific to the more recently added GNU/Linux or Mac platforms, is often more difficult, due to a lesser degree of knowledge on their part about the specific operating systems.

We want all players to have access to answers related to technical questions, whatever their operating system. That's why we today call for volunteers, and we invite them to answer the questions asked in the specific support section, and also, if willing, to create tutorials, FAQs, etc. Some of you have already been offering your help for a long time. We now wish to add more emphasis on mutual assistance between players, and together create an actual database of the various existing solutions to problems.

In order to better manage the requests, and to facilitate the reading of the information provided, the Support section will include three sub-forums, once the language forums are merged: Windows, Linux and Mac. These sections will also contain tutorials and FAQs.

For players who want to chat together about the tutorials' creation or about the best way to answer a specific question, two IRC channels have been created on Freenode : http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ryzomlinux and http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ryzommac.
Additionally, an IRC channel has been created for talks between players and the volunteers of the Support and Event teams: http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ryzomsupport.
Be aware that these channels are multilingual: express yourselves in whatever language is convenient for you, and respect the right of everyone to speak in their own language.

We hope many of you will answer our call and that this initiative will provide a better experience to all.

The Ryzom Team


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

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