[Zorai]Assemblies of the Circles of the Theocracy in Zora and Hoi-Cho

Records for the first Assembly of Zora on Quarta, Fallenor 10, 4th AC 2571 (OOC: February 11th 2013):


* Greetings

* Interruption by masked homins, introducing themselves as "Trytonists"

* Self-Introductions of the Shizu'i (guilds) of the Witherings:
- Awakened Fey-Lin Liang, leader of Talian-Zu from Jen-Laï
- Initiate Mamasan, leader of the kami-loyal Les Philhomins from Jen-Laï
- Initiate Valandrine, leader of Les Graines de Kamis from Jen-Laï
- Initiate Etchizka from the kami-loyal Clan Sckinook
- Senseïs Atysiens are said to also live in Jen-Laï
- Awakened Sartyrica Gū Niang Yèguāngyún, leader of the kami-loyal Discepatores Zorae from Hoi-Cho
- Honorary Initiate Zhoi, leader of the neutral Tiny Teahouse from Hoi-Cho
- Initiate Astarth and Initiate Fitis, officers of the kami-loyal Guardians of Shadows from Min-Cho
- Monks of Atys are also said to live in Min-Cho

* responsibility of the amber cities for regions of the Witherings
- different opinions were voiced by Initiate Astarth, Zendae from Amazons Mysticia (asking for the Maiden Grove, where the Amazons live, to be connected with Jen-Lai), Initiate Fitis, Awakened Fey-Lin Liang, and Awakened Sartyrica (whose suggestion was embraced by Jen-Lai and Min-Cho in the end)

* request by Hoi-Cho to move the station of "to New Horizons" closer to the stables and Kami Altar
- discussion with O'Cauty Bremmen about the requested moving and a higher fee (4000 dappers) for the first week with Awakened Fey-Lin Liang and Initiate Valandrine
- Initiate Astarth and Honorary Initiate Zhoi offered their help as movers
- voting for the relocation: Awakened Fey-Lin Liang, Initiate Astarth and Initiate Zhoi voted for the moving, no votes were cast against this plan

* commemoration day for the Second Swarm in Jen-Lai
- explanation of the plans of Jen-Lai for this ceremony, suggestion by Initiate Astarth to wait with that, arbitrament by the Grand Sage that this is up to Jen-Lai to decide

* rebuilding of the temples
- the Grand Sage explained that he has listened carefully to the visions sent by Ma-Duk and he has felt that it is not time yet to rebuild the temple of Zora, but this time will come
- at first an outpost will be built for the Kami representatives offering the Kami-rites and Almati-wood-transportation

* rebuilding of the Kitin observation camps
- the reconstruction of the Kami outposts will be the first priority, the observation camps will follow later on by the will of the Grand Sage

* plan of the rangers to deal with the Kitin tunnels under the Witherings
- Ranger Wilk Potskin explained that even though the entrances might sometimes be closed the tunnels of the Kitins from the Second Swarm do not disappear
- Ardan Keal and Daeronn Cegrips are working with the Rangers to treat special termites (a species that attacks kitin-nests) with "stimulating" potions so the termites will destroy the Kitin tunnels entirely
- the attendees of the Assembly were asked by Wilk Potskin to help gather ressources for the potions
- Initiate Astarth and Honorary Initiate Zhoi offered their help
- Initiate Valandrine objected, Awakened Fey-Lin Liang and Karrael from Verdant Heights voiced worries

* Initiate Astarth asked for the rite to become Awakened
- the Grand Sage pointed out that Sage Season will manage the Awakening-rites for Min-Cho

* Awakened Fey-Lin Liang asked who would write reports in the dialects of Min-Cho and Hoi-Cho
- Initiate Astarth agreed to writing it in the dialect of Min-Cho (to be found on the Zorai-boards), Honorary Initiate Zhoi claimed that it is her usual task to write reports in the dialect of Hoi-Cho

* about Taki Zorai
- Awakened Fey-Lin Liang pointed out that information about Taki Zorai can be found on the Encyclopatys (ryzomnomnom.com)
- it was said that the rules for grammar still have to be translated to the dialect of Min-Cho


Mabreka Cho sagt: Kamia'ata Zorai'i.
Feylin sagt: Ata'kami Ma'Kwaï
Valandrine thinks that she will not be able to hear everyone
Mabreka Cho nods to Sens and Supplice.
Astarth sagt: kami zo'ata Kwaï
Mabreka Cho sagt: May Ma-Duk bless you. I want to welcome you to this assembly of the Zoraï people.
Mabreka Cho sagt: First I would like to welcome the helpful homins who will translate all that will be said into the dialects of Atys.
Valandrine jubelt Mabreka Cho zu. Los Mabreka Cho!
Mabreka Cho sagt: Ochi kami no.
Mabreka Cho sagt: Today I am pleased to open the first Assembly of the Zoraï Circles.
Mabreka Cho sagt: Following the Circles of the Dynasty, the Reconstruction, the Spirituality, the Exploration and the Defense, we will talk about various topics.

Ocyx écarlate verbeugt sich voller Respekt.
Gubani astucieux verbeugt sich voller Respekt.
Lumper lunatique incline la tête en guise de salut
Ocyx écarlate sagt: I'm sorry to interrupt you great sage
Feylin regarde l'arrivée des individus masqués /looks at the masked homins
Ocyx écarlate sagt: But my fellow and I want to introduce ourself fast
Ocyx écarlate sagt: Our time is limited, as we have many powerful enemies on Atys
Ocyx écarlate sagt: We are trytonnists. If you don't know us, we are the homins who allowed the hominity to flee during the second exodus.
Ocyx écarlate sagt: Although it was deadly for everybody, including us, we are back on the Bark and we will keep fighting.
Valandrine sagt: look closely at Ocyx Ecarlate
Ocyx écarlate sagt: The sign of Elias will come soon, and with him we will be able to complete our goal : to free the hominity from the slavery of the Highers Powers.
Feylin sagt: Allow me to interrupt you as well as you interrupted the Ma'Kwaï
Feylin sagt: You may talk to much according to the laws of the Theocracy, if you talk about some restricted religious purpose

* because of a short blackout (OOC: client-crash), I missed some words that were said after that. Later on I was told that the Trytonists did not reply to any questions but just left.

Mabreka Cho sagt: May the Awakened now introduce themselves and their Shizu'i (guilds).
Feylin sagt: Puis-je commencer ? :: Can i begin ?
Mabreka Cho nods to Feylin.
Feylin sagt: Nu Fey-Lin Liang, Jen-Laï'o li'laï-ko :: je suis Fey-Lin Liang, éveillée de Jen-Laï :: i am Fey-Lin Liang, awakened from Jen-Laï
Feylin sagt: Nu'o shizu (my guild) Talian-Zu is newly created since we are back in the New Lands. We follow a way influenced by my stay with the Ancient Dryads
Feylin akaba :: a terminé :: has finished
Mabreka Cho sagt: Kami'ari Fey-Lin.

Supplice says ti Feylin: are ther other guilds from Jen-Lai?
Feylin sagt: Ah, yes, Tseu-ito
Supplice sagt: Please, intrduce those guilds...
Feylin sagt: Les Philhomins, Les Graines de Kamis, dont des représentants sont présents
Valandrine verbeugt sich vor Mabreka Cho.
Feylin sagt: Ainsi que les Senseïs Atysiens et le Clan Sckinook
Feylin sagt: Je pense qu'il y a encore une guilde, mais qui ne s'est pas présentée encore comme telle à Jen-Laï
Feylin sagt: The Philhomins, Graines de Kamis who have members here, and Senseis Atysiens and Clan Sckinook, who have no representatives here at the moment. I think there is another guild, who didn't present itself at Jen-Laï

Supplice sagt: We are happy to ear them
Supplice sagt: Who would begin? Philhomins?
Supplice sagt: Do not be shy..
Mamasan sagt: My name is Mamasan, I am the leader of the PhilHomins
Mamasan sagt: It is a kami and zorai guild
Mamasan sagt: Our gh is in Jen Lai
Mamasan sagt: and I'm too shy to speak a long time

Supplice smiles and points the Graines des Kamis
Sens smiles too and nods.
Valandrine sagt: Woha Tseu-ito'i y zorai'i !
Valandrine sagt: I am Valandrine leader of the "Graines de Kami" (Kami seeds)
Valandrine sagt: We are a small shizu (guild) moderate in our kami's belief
Valandrine sagt: and we will fight fiercely if needed for the zorai theocracy and for the Ma'Kwaï (Grat Mask = Mabreka)
Valandrine sagt: that's about all
Valandrine sagt: Ari'kami for your attention
Valandrine sits down

Supplice nods and looks to Feylin: one more?
Mabreka Cho nods and thanks the ones who introduced themselves until now.
Feylin sagt: Yes, a representative of the Clan Sckinook just came here
Supplice sagt: Then, please...
Feylin make a sign to Etchizka to have her introduce her shizu
Etchizka verbeugt sich voller Respekt.
Etchizka sagt: Woha
Etchizka sagt: Veuillez escuser mon retard... ce sera bref
Valandrine translates : Please excuse me for being late, it will be quick
Etchizka sagt: Notre shizu est un clan très soudé, une famille
Valandrine translates : our shizu (guild) is a very friendly, we are very close to one another, we are a family
Etchizka sagt: Nous sommes Zoraï et Kamistes dans nos coeurs et nos ames
Valandrine translates : we are zorai and kamist deep in our hearts and our souls
Etchizka sagt: Nous aidons nos frères et soeurs dés que cela est possible
Etchizka sagt: Ce sera tout pour cette fois *sourit*
Valandrine translates : we will help our brothers and sisters every time we can
Etchizka verbeugt sich voller Respekt.
Valandrine translates: that's all for this time *smiles*
Etchizka sagt: Ari kami !
Valandrine translates : thank you (zorai language)
Mabreka Cho nods: Kami'ari Etchizka Miko.
Etchizka grinst Mabreka Cho an.

Sens sagt: Now the Awakened and Representants of Hoï-Cho will present themselves.
Sens verbeugt sich vor Sartyrica.
Supplice nods: I think we have finished for Jen-Lai
Sartyrica begrüßt Mabreka Cho mit einer vornehmen Verbeugung.
Sartyrica sagt: Kamia'ata.
Sartyrica sagt: My name is Sartyrica Gū Niang Yèguāngyún, Zoai Awakened and Leader of the Hoi CHo-Shizu Discepatores Zoae.
Sartyrica sagt: Our Guild is strictly Kami, so, all members o this family are, too, citicens of Zorai and also Kami, we have no action-neutrals inside this "clan".
Sartyrica sagt: faction...sorry...^^
Valandrine sagt: excuse me : what do you mean by "no action neutrals" ? you don't have any relations with neutrals ?
Valandrine sagt: (for the sake of an accurate translation ^^)
Sartyrica sagt: i corrected: no faction neutrals...all members of DZ have to be Kami. We surely have relations to neutrals, but if you want to be a member of this little family, you have to be Kami.
Zhoi nods knowingly
Valandrine sagt: thank you
Sartyrica sagt: Wir stehen fets hinter und für die Werte der Zorai und Ma Duk als Oberstem Schöpfer, und hinter der Theokratie, die wir mit allen mitteln, diplomatisch, im Notfall auch mit der Waffe verteidigen würden.
Sartyrica sagt: Ari kami.
Sartyrica sagt: Sorry, forgot one thing: Guild Hall an our homin homes are all in Hoi Cho.
Sens translates: We are committed to the values of Zorai and Ma-Duk as our Creator and to the Theocracy that we will defend by all means, diplomatic but in case of emergeny also with force.
Sens sagt: Ari'kami Sartyrica.

Sens verbeugt sich vor Zhoi.
Zhoi bows her head: ari'kami wango-ito Gangi Cheng-Ho
Sens nods to Zhoi.
Zhoi sagt: My name is Zhoi, I am merely a lowly Honorary Initiate, but still a member of the Circles of Hoi-Cho
Zhoi sagt: I am also the leader of a small guild, the tiny teahouse, located at Hoi-Cho, neutral in civilization and religion
O'Cauty Bremmen verbeugt sich voller Respekt.
O'Cauty Bremmen sagt: Lordoy.
Zhoi sagt: As a Zorai I am devoted to my people and I love the Kami. Still I have experienced the importance of all civilizations working together and so I want to stand for this as a homina and guild-leader
Zhoi sagt: thank you for listening, Grand Sage, Sages, miko-Ito *bows her head once again*
Mabreka Cho nods to Zhoi thankfully.

Mabreka Cho sagt: Do we have any representants of shizu'i from Min-Cho?
Astarth sagt: yes we have
Mabreka Cho nods to Astarth.
Fitis begrüßt Mabreka Cho mit einer vornehmen Verbeugung.
Mabreka Cho sagt: So please introduce yourself and your shizu.
Astarth sagt: fitis and me are High officers from the guild Guardians of Shadows, a kami zorai based guild
Astarth sagt: i'd like if thats not a problem to introduce part of our guild history to you
Mabreka Cho sagt: Please go on.
Zhoi looks up to Astarth interested
Astarth sagt: our shizu is an old one, we were a karavan follower shizu based in Fairhaven, after we lost our homes in the great swarm we found kami enlightnment while we were refugees in the kami Oasis
Astarth sagt: and ma duk in his grace embraced us and showed us his way
Astarth sagt: upon returning none of our former tryker lands look familiar or welcoming to us, so we came to jungle to find a new home
Astarth sagt: our guild was recently honoured as in charge of the dity of Min-cho
Zendae glanced a eye at Astarth when he said karavan follower
Astarth sagt: although we were karavan followers before, we are very devout kami disciples now, and are willing to protect all of them
Astarth sagt: i thank you for your patience Great sage Mabreka, sages and all of you homins
Mabreka Cho sagt: Ari'Kami. Welcome to Zora and our people.

Mabreka Cho sagt: Do we have more representants from Min-Cho?
Astarth sagt: Monks of atys are also from min-cho, but they're not present at the time MA?kwaï
Mabreka Cho nods.
Mabreka Cho sagt: I understand.
Mabreka Cho sagt: I am pleased to hear about so many shizu'i that decided to follow the guidelines of the Theocracy and the call of Ma-Duk.

Mabreka Cho sagt: I hope you all have read the document "Reorganisation of the Theocracy" that was published some days ago.
Mabreka Cho sagt: One important aspect is still undefined.
Zhoi nods approving
Mabreka Cho sagt: Which cities will be responsible for which regions of the Witherings?
Mabreka Cho sagt: I have full faith in the wisdom of the shizu'i that they can decide this by themselves until the next assembly.
Mabreka Cho sagt: But here and now I want to give you the opportunity to share your suggestions and opions with us.
Astarth sagt: if i may speak, great Mabreka
Zhoi glances at the Matis-women from the Amazons Mysticia
Zendae guesses it's time to speak
Mabreka Cho sagt: Please know that we don't have time for long discussions right now.
Mabreka Cho nods to Astarth, he may speak now.
Astarth sagt: at the last circle of Min-Cho it was told to us that Min-cho was in charge of the denfense and oversight of cities of intuition and Grove of Umbra, idont know what's the situation for theother cities
Zhoi mumbles something about having posted the protocols of Hoi-Cho

Zendae raises her hands
Mabreka Cho sagt: That is true, but some shizu'i asked for a redistribution.
Mabreka Cho nods to Zendae.
Zendae sagt: ari'kami great sage
Zendae sagt: I wish to introduce shortly my shizu
Zendae sagt: I'm Zendae from Hamazan tribe
Zendae sagt: As we are neighbors, we wish to cooperate with the theocracy to deal on local issues.
Zendae sagt: To that goal, we planed to participate to Jen Lai circles, the city we have the more affinities with
Zendae sagt: so we think this cooperation would be more efficient if Jen lai is in charge with maiden groove
Zendae sagt: Fila for your attention *smiles*
Zendae sit down

Fitis raises her hand
Mabreka Cho nods to Fitis.
Zhoi nods and whispers to Zendae: I think this would be favorable for Hoi-Cho as well, but the Awakened Sartyrica must decide about this
Fitis sagt: ari'kami
Fitis sagt: I'd like to propose something
Fitis sagt: Since there are 6 Regions in the Witherings,
Fitis sagt: each city should be in charge of 2 regions
Zendae nods to Zhoi
Fitis sagt: I think it would be best if each city takes the regions that are in "their part of witherings"
Fitis sagt: that would mean Grove of Umbra and Maiden Grove to Min-Cho
Fitis sagt: Haven of Purity and the Void to Hoï-Cho
Fitis sagt: and Knot of Dementia and Cities of Intuition to Jen-Laï
Fitis sagt: that is the best choice in My opinion
Fitis sits down
Mabreka Cho sagt: Ari'Kami.

Feylin lève la main
Zendae discontent
Mabreka Cho nods to Fey-Lin, so she may speak.
Sartyrica requests to speak.
Feylin sagt: Ari'kami Ma'Kwaï
Feylin sagt: La sagesse de notre peuple doit nous faire prendre en compte l'équilibre ....
Valandrine translates : The WIsdom of our people should make us take the balance into account
Feylin sagt: Ainsi, avec une telle répartition, Min-Cho hériterait de la surveillance de deux tribus conflictuelles, le Cercle Noir et les Antékamis dans le Bosquet de l'Ombre
Feylin sagt: Or les relations antre les Amazones et les Trafiquant de l'Ombre dans le Bosquet Vierge ne sont guère si apaisées qu'on peut le souahiter, il em semble que cette charge serait excessive pour la seule cité de Min Cho
Zhoi nods and pities Min-Cho
Valandrine translates : So, with such distribution, Min-Cho would be in charge of two enemy tribes ...
Feylin sagt: J'appuie donc la demande de la shizu des Amazon Mysticia, qui en plus de ses propres intérêts, aura l'avatage de rétablir un équilibre.
Feylin sagt: Ari'kami
Valandrine translates the black circle and shadow runners
Valandrine translates : in the grove of umbra
Zendae smiles discreetly to Fey-lin
Valandrine translates : the relationship between hamazans and shadow runners in Maiden grove are as peaceful as we could hope
Valandrine translates : in my opinion it's too heavy a charge for Mi-Cho alone
Feylin sagt: (correction : the blakc Circle and the Antikamis in the Grove of Umbra)
Valandrine translates : therefore I agree with the Hamazans request
Valandrine translates : in addition to its own interest, it will be more balanced
Feylin sagt( the relationship between hamazans and shadow runners in maiden grove are NOT as peaceful ...)
Valandrine sagt: (sorry for this mistake ^^)
Wilk Potskin verbeugt sich voller Respekt.

Mabreka Cho thanks Fey-Lin and nods to Sartyrica: Last speech her and now please.
Sartyrica sagt: Zunächst einmal finde ich den Vorschlag von Fitis sehr annehmbar, würde er doch auch ein "schnelles" Eingreifen aufgrund der räumlichen Nähe der Sädte zu den Gebieten garantieren.
Wilk Potskin sagt: Woha.
Zhoi waves and seems happy to see Wilk
Sens translates: First of all I consider the suggestion of Fitis accetable, it would guarantee that we could do quick interventions because of the short distances.
Sartyrica sagt: Auf der anderesn Seite verstehe ich auch die Enwände der Vertreter min Cho's, dass eben zwei Kami-feinliche Stämme schon ein hartes Los sind.
Sens translates: On the other hand I understand the points given by the representants of Min-Cho that two anti-kamistic tribes are not easy to handle.
Sartyrica sagt: Alleerdings wäre Hoi CHo bereit, wenn wir die "Aufsicht" über den HAfen der Reinheit und das Nichts übernehmen würden....
Sens translates: Hoi-Cho would be ready to take over the surveillence of Hafen of Purity and the Void.
Feylin sagt: (not representants of Min-Cho, but Jen-Laï, i guess she's talking about me)
Sens sagt: (I agree, Fey-Lin)
Sartyrica sagt: Min Cho den Kontakt u den Tutoren abzutreten" und imGegenzug en Stamm des Schwarzen Keises unter "unsere Aufsicht" zu nehmen.
Zhoi agrees by nodding zealously
Sartyrica sagt: Damit wäre beiden Seiten "gedient"...
Sens Hoi-Cho offers to give away the contact to the Tutors to Min-Cho and take over the Black Circle instead.
Mabreka Cho sagt: Ari'kami to all who shared their opinions and arguments.
Mabreka Cho sagt: As I said, this topic is too complicated to discuss and to decide now.
Sartyrica sagt: Min Cho würde einer LAst entledigt, Hoi CHo könnte die Aufgaben, die sie schon vor dem Schwarm übernommen hat, mit seiner Erfahrung in diesem Punkte fortsetzen.
Sens translates: Min-Cho would have one burden less and Hoi-Cho could continue his work that started already before the Great Swarm.
Sartyrica sagt: Ausserdem wäre so auch immer der "Austausch" und die fruchtbare Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Städten Hoi Cho und Min CHo aufgrrund der sich kreuzenden Arbeitsfelder gewährleistet.
Sartyrica sagt: Soweit unser Vorschlag.
Sens translates: This would also contribute to the cooperation between Hoi-Cho and Min-Cho.
Mabreka Cho sagt: Now that each of you know about the opinion of the other Representants, I aks you to meet and discuss another day about this topic so that we can make a decision until the next assembly.
Mabreka Cho sagt: I am sure the shizu'i will find a wise decision.

Mabreka Cho sagt: I want to go on with the next topic, a request for the Circle of Reconstruction.
Mabreka Cho sagt: There was a request to move the "New Horizon" station of Zora closer to the Kami Altar and stables.
Mabreka Cho nods to the representant of the New Horizon company.
Feylin sagt: kai'pai tarlok'i !
Zhoi nods once more and looks at O'Cauty Bremmen
O'Cauty Bremmen sagt: Moving the station to another location requires two things:
O'Cauty Bremmen sagt: First, we have to make sure of the new location with authorities.
Valandrine is proud : she can count up to three
O'Cauty Bremmen sagt: Then, we must hire movers to transport the station.
O'Cauty Bremmen sagt: Thus Zora's station might be unavailable during some time.
O'Cauty Bremmen sagt: And we will have to raise the transport fee a bit.
Valandrine knew it
O'Cauty Bremmen sagt: 1000 dappers more during one week.

Feylin is surprised
Feylin lève la main / ask to speak
O'Cauty Bremmen nods to Feylin.
Feylin sagt: Le nouvel emplacement serait plus proche de l'ensemble des autres Cités de l'Intuition.
Valandrine translates : the new station will be closer from the other cities
Feylin sagt: Il devrait donc vous permettre de faire des économies sur les trajets futurs.
Feylin sagt: Je ne vois pas ce qui peut justifier que l'on paie pour vous permettre de faire des économies !
Valandrine translates : this should be cheaper on future transport
Valandrine translates : I don't see how you can justify this raise, especially when it is cheaper for you
O'Cauty Bremmen sagt: Il ne s'agit ici que tu surcoût engendré par les déménageurs.
Valandrine translates O'Cauty : it's only due to the mover fee
Feylin sagt: Eh bien ce surcoût serait absorbé par les économies futures, à moins que vous ne réduisiez par la suite le tarif des transports pour en tenir compte ?
Valandrine sagt: movers' fee*
Valandrine translates feylin : this extra cost should be covered by the economy made in the future (because of the shorter distance)
O'Cauty Bremmen sagt: Rien ne me dit qu'il y aura plus de clients. D'ailleurs, d'après nos derniers comptes la jungle est la régions où nous faisons le moins de bénéfices.
Valandrine translates feylin : unless you plan to lower the price in the future ?
Karrael karrael goes boo at Astarth
Zhoi whispers to Sari that she enjoys the atmosphere of a Tryker black market place with a lot of haggling
Valandrine translates O'Cauty : Nothing tells me that there will be more customers. As a matter of fact, accroding to our last count, Jungle is not the more interesting country from a revenue point of view
O'Cauty Bremmen sagt: Bien sûr le tarif reviendra à son prix de départ une fois le surcoût absorbé.
Feylin sagt: Peut-être parce que la station de Zora est trop mal placée pour intéresser le peuple ? Cela vos comptes passés ne peuvent le dire.
Feylin sagt: Mais la sagesse élémentaire peut le dire
O'Cauty Bremmen sagt: Vos hypothèses futures non plus.
Valandrine translates O'Cauty : Of course the price will go back to the current price when the extra cost of the movers has been paid
Feylin sagt: Ce n'est pas une hypothèse, si on raccourci le trajet, on raccourci les efforts.
O'Cauty Bremmen sagt: Si personne n'utilise les transports, ça ne sert à rien de le déplacer plus près.
Feylin sagt: Si personne ne les utilise, pourquoi sont ils encore là ?
Mabreka Cho sagt: I think we have heard enough opinions and arguments, so everyone got a picture now about the situation.
Valandrine translates : Feylin suggest that Jungle is not interesting for New Horzon BECAUSE the Zora station is badly situated : there are fewer customers, it is only natural
Zhoi agrees with that
Karrael agrees with Feylin
Astarth agrees with feylin
Valandrine translates : Feylin insists : the shorter the transport, the less expensive it should be
Feylin stop argueing / arrête d'argumenter
Mabreka Cho sagt: Do you stay to your offer? *towards O'Cauty Bremmen*
Valandrine translates : O'Cauty thinks that this is only hypothetical
O'Cauty Bremmen sagt: Well, Zoraï governement may help us by providing some movers. Thus we will not need to ad any fee.
Valandrine translates O'Cauty : it's useless to move the station if there are no customer in the first place
Zhoi offers her help
Valandrine translates Feylin : if there are no customers, why is the station still in place
Astarth offers his hands as mover
Karrael sagt: humph- if customers could find the current station - maybe there would be more customers
Wilk Potskin winkt Kiwalie zu.

Mabreka Cho sagt: So I call to voting about the general approval to move the station closer to the stables.
Mabreka Cho sagt: Whoever agrees to the approval may stand up now.
Sens counts Fey-Lin, Astarth and Zhoi.
Mabreka Cho sagt: Whoever is against this suggestion, please stand up now.
Sens sagt: No votes against it.
Mabreka Cho sagt: So you have the general license. The details still have to be negociated.
Karrael hands Astarth a bowl of white tea
Mabreka Cho sagt: The Dynastic Circle will contact you for the details.

Mabreka Cho sagt: We move to the next topic from the Circle of Spirituality.
Mabreka Cho sagt: It is about a commemoration day for the Second Swarm. It is a suggestion of Jen-Lai.
Mabreka Cho looks to the representants from Jen-Laï.
Feylin sagt: Should i explain it ?
Mabreka Cho sagt: Please.
Feylin sagt: We wished to make a ceremony in ordor to honor our lost friends and family members during the second Swarm
Astarth sagt: if i may speak
Feylin sagt: We plan to have a ceremony especially for the peoples from Jen-Laï, taking place in our city soon.
Feylin sagt: The details still have to be set-up ... yes Astarth, please talk
Astarth sagt: as i do feel a commeroation is in order, i think this isnt the time for it, the kitin mounds are still a horrid open scar in our cities
Astarth sagt: and still hurts too much to see them and remember our loved ones
Astarth sagt: who died in the swarm, id urge to reconsider a ceremony till those nests are demolished completely
Zhoi mumbles something about the Grand Sage and that his wishes should be our law
Astarth sagt: ari' kami
Feylin sagt: What we planned is a local ceremony, and we have no kitin mound in our city, by chance, but i understand you.
Feylin sit down having finished
Mabreka Cho sagt: Indeed it is up to the assembly of Jen-Lai to organise such a ceremony. May the words of Astarth Kito help you to find a wise decision.

Mabreka Cho sagt: I want to go on to the nex topic, again concerning the circle of spirituality.
Feylin glance at wilk Potskin
Wilk Potskin glances back at Feylin.
Mabreka Cho sagt: There were many questions about the temples and when our people starts to rebuild them.
Mabreka Cho sagt: I have listened carefully to the visions Ma-Duk sent me. And I feel that is not yet time to rebuild the temple of Zora.
Zhoi seems sad, dropping her shoulders
Valandrine growls sadly
Astarth trusts the Wisdom of Ma-duk mainifested in Ma'kwaï
Mabreka Cho sagt: But this time will come and until then it is he wish of the Kami that we build an outpost for the Kami representants that you can find close to the Kami altar.
Mabreka Cho sagt: In some weeks the Kami priests are ready to give instructions to build this small outpost at the location of the old temple.
Zhoi claps her hand in delight
Mabreka Cho sagt: The representants will move to this outpost and offer the rite to become a Kami guild and transportation to Almati wood.
Mabreka Cho sagt: You will be informed when the time has come.
Fitis ist mit sich selbst zufrieden.
Mabreka Cho sagt: But know that the temple is not forgotten. There will be a time when the Kami temple will again shine above the jungle.
Mabreka Cho sagt: I want to announce another project, belonging to the last Circle of today, the circle of defense.
Mabreka Cho sagt: Many have asked for the return of the Kitin observation camps.
Mabreka Cho sagt: At the moment the Kitins are quiet but we can't rely on this.
Supplice se lève discrètement
Mabreka Cho sagt: We consider the rebuilding of the Kitin observation camps and prepare their return, but this will not happen soon.
Supplice chochote quelque chose à Mabreka Cho
Mabreka Cho nods to Supplice.
Mabreka Cho sagt: The construction of the Kami outpost at the old temple site is more important to us at the moment.

Supplice chuchote des instructions à Fuan Fua-Xe
Mabreka Cho sagt: With that I want to discuss the last point of today's assembly, belonging to the circle of defense too.
Fuan Fua-Xe écoute attentivement, puis acquiesce discrètement...
Mabreka Cho sagt: It is about the tunnel openings spreaded over the Witherings.
Mabreka Cho sagt: I have invited Wilk Potskin from the Atys Rangers to answer some questions.
Mabreka Cho nods to Wilk Potskin.
Feylin listens carefully / écoute attentivement
Supplice regarde à regret l'assemblée...
Wilk Potskin sagt: J'ai reçu il y a quelques temps une lettre de Feylin.
Supplice dit à Fuan: allons-y vite et discretement...
Wilk Potskin sagt: Je n'ai pas pu y répondre avant de m'inviter ce soir ici même.
Valandrine translates : I have received a letter from Feylin
Wilk Potskin sagt: Certains passages d'Atys sont plus retords que d'autres ...
Valandrine translates : I was unable to answer it before tonight
Valandrine translates : some passageways of Atys are more tortuous than others
Wilk Potskin sagt: Les Rangers suivent de près l'évolution des nids de kitins qu'on trouve dans toutes les régions des Nouvelles Terres.
Valandrine translates : Rangers are watching closely the evolution of kitin nests, those that we can find all over the New Lands
Wilk Potskin sagt: Même s'ils sont clairement en train de diminuer, ils ne semblent pas disparaître.
Valandrine translates : Though they appear to diminish, they don't quite disappear
Zhoi sighs worried
Wilk Potskin sagt: Nous travaillons avec différents spécialistes kitins: Ardan Keale et Daeronn Cegrips surtout.
Astarth in fact they have the same size, even if we see mounds diminished
Valandrine translates : we are currently working with different kitin experts : Ardan Keal and especially with Daeronn Cegrip
Chanchey remembers Daeronn and smiles, lucky that he survived the swarm.
Feylin est contente d'apprendre qu'ils ont survécu à l'Essaim / is happy to learn that they survived the swarm
Valandrine corrects : especially with ardan Keal and Daeronn Cegrips
Wilk Potskin sagt: Nous avançons, nous devrions bientôt avoir mis au point un système pour les détruire complètement.
Wilk Potskin sagt: Les premiers résultats sont encourageants, même s'ils laissent nos experts parfois perplexes...
Valandrine translate : we are progressing, we should soon have found a way to destroy them entirely
Valandrine translates : first results are encouraging, even though our experts are sometime puzzled
Zhoi makes a gesture of encouragement to Wilk Potskin
Wilk Potskin sagt: Notre principal problème est de réunir les resources dont nous avons besoin.
Valandrine translates : our main problem is to gather resources that we need
Feylin lève la main pour poser une question / show a hand, having a question
Wilk Potskin sagt: La formule mise au point par les alchimistes impériaux ne sont pas aussi efficace que à quoi nous nous attendions.
Valandrine translates : The formula designed by our Imperial alchemists are not as efficient as we expected

Wilk Potskin donne la parole à Feylin / nods at Feylin
Fitis thinks a nuke or two could do the trick
Feylin sagt: Wilk Potskin kito, ai-je raison de penser que pour "détruire" ces trous, vous allez les reboucher en usant de botanique ?
Feylin sagt: Am i right to think that to "destroy" those holes, you will use botanics ?
Wilk Potskin sagt: Partiellement, connaisez-vous les termitières du désert ? Et bien Ardan Keale a trouvé une espèce qui attaque systématiquement les nids kitins.
Feylin sagt: (more precisely : that you will fill them using botanics)
Wilk Potskin sagt: Daeronn, lui, a fait en sorte de les rendre plus actives avec une potion mais les résultats ne sont pas extraordinaires.
Valandrine translates : You're in part right, do you know about the termitary in the desert ?
Wilk Potskin sagt: Peut être a-t'il mis trop d'Ocyx et pas assez de stinga, allez savoir ...
Valandrine translates : Ardan Keale discovered a species that attacks kitin nests
Wilk Potskin sagt: C'est une piste à explorer.
Valandrine translates : Daeronn made them more active with a concoction of his own, but the results are far from perfect
Valandrine translates : May be he put too much Ocyx and not enough Stinga, who knows ?
Valandrine translates : that is a way to explore
Feylin réfléchit à ces termites / thinks about those termites
Mabreka Cho sagt: Are there any more questions to our guest?
Zhoi sagt: very intersting methods. How can we help out perhaps?
Astarth sagt: what is expected from us to help you wilk?
Valandrine will not bring up termites

Valandrine raise her paw
Valandrine sagt: may I speak ?
Mabreka Cho nods to Valandrine.
Valandrine sagt: ari'kami
Valandrine sagt: termites ? really ?
Valandrine sagt: were you searched when you came here ?
Wilk Potskin sagt: If you known some methods to make stimulating potions, or some homins that know about it.
Valandrine sagt: termites are very dangerous when there is wood
Valandrine sagt: especially in our jungle
Valandrine sagt: what are the precautions you planned to implement ?
Karrael is worried about termites getting out of control and Atys becoming a dust ball
Zhoi sagt: we Zorai use only the best wood for our buildings, we don't have to fear termites. Uhm... I think
Fitis used to know a lot about potions
Valandrine sagt: what if you're kitin nest eating termites turns to be jungle eating ?
Wilk Potskin sagt: I said it was not perfect however it works.
Valandrine sagt: Not perfetct ?!
Valandrine sagt: there is already a desert on the Bark !
Valandrine sagt: we don't need another one !
Wilk Potskin sagt: That is why we still need to make tests, before applying this solution.
Valandrine growls and think this fyros is dangerously stupid
Valandrine sits still growling
Wilk Potskin sagt: That's the more efficient we found.
Valandrine sagt: it's also the most dangerous !
Valandrine sagt: at least I hope !
Wilk Potskin sagt: Well... no.
Zhoi sagt: do Yubos eat termites? We could tame some and send them after the termites...
Zhoi sagt: or not tame them and still throw them into the kitin nests after the termites...

Mabreka Cho sagt: I am sorry to interrupt the discussion but it is late.
Wilk Potskin sagt: It may require lots of yubos.
Zhoi nods: we have an endless supply of Yubos on Atys
Valandrine sagt: nothing is endless
Mabreka Cho sagt: Are there any more questions to our guest? Or do you have some important additions to make, Wilk Potskin?
Karrael Karrael knows tht ubos urine is a termite pest control
Zhoi sagt: I hope the love of Ma-Duk is endless
Wilk Potskin sagt: If you think you can help, contact me. I should not go on missions in the next days.
Wilk Potskin sagt: That's all.
Karrael ist Wilk Potskin dankbar.
Mabreka Cho sagt: Please keep us informed. You heard about the concerns of the Awakened of out people.
Astarth sagt: ari kami wilk potskin
Mabreka Cho sagt: Keep in mind the equilibrium of Ma-Duks Creation.
Fitis verbeugt sich vor Wilk Potskin.
Mabreka Cho sagt: It is late and we have talked about many topics.
Wilk Potskin verbeugt sich voller Respekt.
Mabreka Cho sagt: I hope the impressions of this evening help you to find the right paths.
Mabreka Cho sagt: May Ma-Duk enlighten you and lead you to eternal bliss.
Mabreka Cho sagt: Mata Zora.
Sens verbeugt sich voller Respekt.

Astarth sagt: before you go, we were wondering if you will choose new awakened soon
Mabreka Cho nods to Astarth.
Mabreka Cho sagt: You can talk with Season about this, the guide of Min-Cho.
Astarth sagt: ari'kami
Fitis sagt: ari'kami
Mabreka Cho nods to Astarth.
Zhoi bows to Valandrine
Zhoi sagt: before I go I wanted to thank you for translating
Valandrine verbeugt sich vor Zhoi.
Valandrine sagt: you're welcome :)
Valandrine sagt: a bit tiresome though
Astarth sagt: thank you vanadrine
Karrael sagt: yes thankyou Valandrine
Zhoi sagt: you have helped a great deal. Thank you for the troubles, really

Feylin sagt: Before you go ... another thing
Feylin sagt: did you, from Min-Cho and Hoï-Cho, decide who would write a report of this Circles ?
Zhoi sagt: and I hope the suggestions of our Awakened Sartyrica will be helpful for you *to the Amazons Mysticia*
Feylin sagt: I mean, in your own languages
Zhoi sagt: well, I will of course write a protocoll in the dialect of Hoi-Cho
Astarth sagt: i could do it now
Zhoi sagt: it is a given as this is my usual task, but for the dialect of Min-Cho...
Feylin sagt: All right then
Zhoi sagt: oh, wonderful. Thank you *nods to Astarth*
Feylin sagt: Should i write a report in taki Zoraï ?
Feylin smiles
Zhoi sagt: if anyone can do so, then it should be you. The one and only expert for Taki Zorai, wango-ko Fey-Lin Liang
Zhoi sagt: all of us are following in your shadow in this aspect
Feylin sagt: don't try to make me turn purple
Valandrine sagt: don't waste too many time on it Miko
Zhoi sagt: I would feel honored to be able to learn more from you
Feylin sagt: I just learned myself from my teachers
Zhoi sagt: especially grammatics, I have not mastered this aspect by far *sighs*
Astarth sagt: im barely starting out, and the wiki seems too sketchy
Valandrine sagt: zorai grammar is not that difficult
Feylin sagt: Grammatics are probably too simple for the complicated uses of Hoï-cho language
Valandrine sagt: 3 tenses
Zhoi watches the meditating Awakened Sartyrica and wonders if she has heard a snore maybe?
Zhoi sagt: well, I have translated some of the collections of Jen-Lai into the dialect for Hoi-Cho... as for Min-Cho I could add some vocabularies if you wish, but for grammar... oof
Valandrine sagt: some other dialects seem more difficult in comparison ^^
Zhoi sagt: oh yes, that is true for sure, hehe
Feylin sagt: I know .. we discussed this by izam messages, but so much to do yet.
Valandrine sagt: the grammar guide at the talzu can probably be translated
Zhoi sagt: I understand, honored wango-ko. I will not rush you
Astarth sagt: and where do i find all this info?
Feylin sagt: i think it should be adapted, it's made from the language of Jen-Laï
Valandrine sagt: (there is a french site, I don't know how much of it has been translated in english)
Feylin sagt: (Astarth : search in encyclopatys website, there is an english, not yet complete, version)
Zhoi sagt: you mentioned the library called the wiki... I added a list of Taki Zorai vocabularies as I recall and the honored scholar Fey-Lin Liang was so nice to correct that as well
Astarth sagt: (its sketchy at best)
Feylin sagt: (ryzomnomnom.com)
Astarth sagt: but thanks
Valandrine sagt: (try google translate on this : http://goo.gl/NyWZV
Valandrine sagt: (it may help a bit)
Zhoi sagt: well, as Taki Zorai is a language that still grows there should be more to add now....
Valandrine sagt: there is plenty to add, the current dictionary is poor on certain subjects
Zhoi sagt: we can all work on this together?
Feylin sagt: Yes, we can
Feylin thinks about a zoraï named Ba'Rak Oba'Ma
Zhoi sagt: it would be a pleasure *bows slightly*

Zhoi sagt: I hope both of your cities will take our proposal for changing the responsibilities of tribes in account
Zhoi sagt: please tell us what you think about it after talking about it among your representatives?
Zhoi looks from Fey-Lin to Astarth
Valandrine sagt: mata yume fuuho, I must go to sleep or I won't be able to hunt my meal tomorrow
Feylin sagt: That is what we'll do ... i think i'll have to read again to be sure to understand what Sartyrica miko said
Valandrine sagt: see you
Ranka sagt: Mata Yumé
Zhoi sagt: please do so, sleep well!
Valandrine saluer
Zhoi sagt: Mata Zora
Valandrine verbeugt sich voller Respekt.
Feylin sagt: Mata yumé Kri'zaad
Zhoi bows her head politely
Astarth sagt: we still feel we can take on GoU and MG, but we do accept that monitoring 2 enemy tribes can be too hard
Feylin sagt: It's not the main point. whatever, one city will have to do it
Zhoi sagt: it seems unfair that you should be burdened with it. But it would be okay if we take this upon us out of our free will, no?
Feylin sagt: but it would be much less to do for Jen Laï to care about the Goo heads and the iconodouls
Astarth sagt: sure!, i dont seeany reasons why this tasks cant be shared one way or another
Zhoi sagt: as we have proposed: we would be glad to monitor the Void and Haven of Purity, but let Min-Cho build up connections to the Tutors, while we would keep an eye on the Black Circle
Zhoi sagt: that was our suggestion. So please talk this over with other citizens and members of your city Circles
Feylin sagt: It makes sense, since with the help of the Company of the Eternal Tree, you could handle them
Zhoi sagt: and we would be happy to see Jen-Lai deepening their relationship with the Maiden Grove
Zhoi sagt: this is absolutely correct. The Company of the Eternal Tree are invaluable allies and would help us keeping watch over the Masters of the Goo
Zhoi sagt: also the Company is the closest tribe to the Kami, they have members all over Atys and another camp in the Nexus
Feylin sagt: All this is but complex, and intricated, as the hamazans historically fought the Masters of Goo too
Zhoi sagt: it is more than enough to have such a wonderful ally
Zhoi sagt: yes, even though the Hamazans have lost their slaves and we can see that the Masters of the Goo are much stronger...
Zhoi sagt: of course we would be more than happy to work together on this, especially in times of need, if the Masters of the Goo should cause troubles once again
Mindae grunt
Mindae think about the slaves
Zhoi sagt: I am sorry to have mentioned this sad event, but it has certainly lessened your strenght to lose the Trykers that are now the Shadow runners?

Feylin sagt: Sorry, i wihs to talk with this young boy
Ranka sagt: Lao né lao Fei-Fei ?
Zhoi sagt: of course. It is late anyway, I will also take my leave if I may
Zhoi sagt: Lao'zénui, miko-ito!
Mindae sagt: may be ...but with slaves or not slave
Ranka sagt: Mata Yumé Miko
Zhoi looks at Mindae
Feylin sagt: Lao, Ranka, paï nu ochi sok okojia lu portes de si pauvres vêtements
Mindae sagt: we will continue to fight the master of the goo
Zhoi sagt: thank you very much. You amazons are very brave and your help is deeply appreciated
Ranka sagt: Oh Guzu... nu ai oublié mes affaires au campement.... nu n'avais plus le temps d'aller les chercher...
Mindae winkt Zhoi zu.
Zhoi bows while already walking away


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