
#164 [fr] 

L’avantage que cela soit sauvegardé chez toi est que tu peux tout transférer a un autre perso instantanément, tu gardes donc tout tes repères et macros pour un nouveau perso. Un stockage sur le serveur voudrait dire un réglage pour chaque perso, et tout refaire pour un nouveau.

#165 [fr] 

Un service de "cloud storage" pourrais etre pas mal moui, tu peux le faire toi meme ca ceci dit.. mais pour ceux qui ne savent pas ou sont les fichiers etc, c'est peut etre pas mal (a condition que ce soit un service, et pas une obligation).

Dernière édition par Revvy (il y a 5 ans).


#166 [fr] 

Une sauvegarde par défaut sur le serveur de ryzom avec une possibilité d'import/export et là on est bon non ?


Ducocinnio Nono, dit Duke Nono
Noble Matis, artisan de la maison noble La Firme
Gardien du Royaume et Béni de Jena

#167 [fr] 

Une sauvegarde par défaut sur le serveur de ryzom avec une possibilité d'import/export et là on est bon non ?





Une Larme parmi Les Larmes
C’est comme une goutte d’eau dans un lac
C’est fragile, mais un lac on peut s’y noyer

#168 [en] 

Sound without crashing ^^



#169 [en] 

Sound without crashing ^^

+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! +10000000000 Billions!!!!!

#170 [en] 

Sound without crashing ^^

Issue with openal crashing when city/teleport music starts playing should be fixed in next client patch.



#171 [en] 

Great, thanks!



#172 [en] 

By "sound bug" you mean that when you enter in a city, sometimes the "starting busic" play half a beat FOREVER unless you hit 'u' turn off and turn on sound?


Yeah... I hate that too!

Thats the small bug.

The main big one is crash. If I cut the sound in the client, no crash. With the sound, I crash several times a day !


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais


Craftjenn, Ranger

#173 [en] 

*abuses his luck*

More events like this, but impacting atys history !!

Kara introduce megacorp



#174 Multilingue 

Multilingue | Français | [English]

in #163  [color=#dd9922]Learrell[/color] said : It would be nice if flags on map, screen organization, macros...  have a backup on server (to import on a new PC for ex).

Dukenono said: A backup by default, on the ryzom server, with the import/export features for all  homins on atys

I add: yes, cause sometimes, when I launch Ryzom, I find all my windows, reduced in a corner (in the ryzom's screen). Then, I have to re-organise all my windows (if I could then import my 4 workspaces it would be great !).

Dernière édition par Craftjenn (il y a 5 ans).


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais


Craftjenn, Ranger

#175 [en] 

Remove the malus from staffs. Or buff the casting bonuses enough to make the malus worth it.

Fix or add some/all of the missing encyclopedia rites. Generally just add more PVE content, really. Some of us do not, and will not ever care about PVP, and the seemingly constant attention given to PVP gameplay doesn't really encourage continued play.


#176 [en] 

[Edit] Deleted because out of topic.
Please only add your own wishes for Ryzom in this topic, not commenting the wishes nor comments of the other players. Thank you.

Edité 3 fois | Dernière édition par Tamarea (il y a 5 ans).

#177 [en] 

I would love a white mek mount. There are white meks in PR so maybe it could be earnable through some kind of difficult PR quest?

Other creatures as mounts/packers with different attributes (e. g. a rendor could be faster than a mek but would have less carrying capacity in return) would be really cool as well!



Explorer, storyteller, universalist, fighter for freedom and equality.

"Without contraries, there is no progression" - William Blake

#178 [en] 

[Edit] Deleted because out of topic.
Please only add your own wishes for Ryzom in this topic, not commenting the wishes nor comments of the other players. Thank you.

Edité 3 fois | Dernière édition par Tamarea (il y a 5 ans).


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