
#1 Multilingue 

Multilingue | English | Deutsch | [Français] | Español
De quoi s'agit il ?
Fame tracker affiche votre renommée courante (et plus de précisions) avec les tribus, les civilisations et les puissances; centré principalement sur les tribus. Dans le cas ou la renommée avec une tribu particulière n'a pas encore été mise à jour, la valeur par défaut de votre race est affichée. Chaque race a son propre profil avec une liste de personnages, ou il est indiqué s'il est possible de prendre ses missions (en fonction de votre renommée). Vous pouvez voir les changements récents de renommée et l'historique complet des changements de renommée avec une tribu depuis votre première utilisation de cet outil.

Comment cela marche ?
Chaque fois que vous ouvrez Fame tracker, il récupère vos valeurs courantes de renommée via l'API Ryzom et enregistre les changements dans sa base de données. Comparer ces enregistrements vous permet de voir tout l'historique d'une renommée avec une tribu particulière depuis la première utilisation de l'outil.

Clef d'API
L'utilisation de cet outil nécessite que vous entriez une clef d'API valide qui permet de lire la renommée de votre personnage. Pour cela, il est nécessaire que les données de la clef contiennent la section de donnée P01. Vous etes autorisé à supprimer la clef et tous les changements de renommée enregistrés, à tout moment, dans le paramètres de clef de votre profil.

Comment on l'utilise
Installez Fame tracker via l'App Zone ou lancez la commande /appzone 2132. Avant de commencer, l'outil nécessite que vous entriez une clef d'API valide. Ensuite, la première mise à jour peut etre effectuée.

L'outil est actuellement complètement traduit en Anglais et Allemand. La traduction en Français et en Espagnol est partiellement faite. Toutes les strings sont traduisibles dans d'autres langues. Vous pouvez fixer votre langue préférée dans votre profil. Si vous souhaitez aidez, faites le moi savoir.

#2 [en] 

Oeh, very detailed, me likey good work, thnx


#3 [en] 

Very nice! I like the details.

One thing I would like to see in a future update is the ability to sort by fame with those tribes that are at/below -50 are all grouped together. It'd be nice to see at a glance who I am KoS with. But for a v0.1 I think it's a great piece of work!


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#4 [en] 

Thank you

...One thing I would like to see in a future update is the ability to sort by fame with those tribes that are at/below -50 are all grouped together....

Already in development version

#5 [en] 

Amazing idea!



#6 [fr] 

Bien pratique, bon travail :)
Il ne reste plus qu'à finir les traductions ^_^

#7 [en] 

Very nice! I like the details.

One thing I would like to see in a future update is the ability to sort by fame with those tribes that are at/below -50 are all grouped together. It'd be nice to see at a glance who I am KoS with. But for a v0.1 I think it's a great piece of work!

The BM Fame Tracker app (/appzone 855) sorts them that way.

It groups them into :

-Friendly (above 0)
-Meh (0 to -20)
-Tolerated ( 20 to -50)
-Hated (-50 KoS)

The two apps are well done and very similar.   I used the BM one when I was looking to get off all tribes KoS list and combined with the Bunny Fame Tool (listing who I needed to see to get missions appropriate for my fame), made the task go very quickly.

At first glance, these are the major differences I noted between the two apps:

-Moniq added the bar graphs w/ the colors, BM just has the numbers.

Recent Actiities
-It looks like Moniq's retains the last activities.
-BM's resets after you log and retains only the last 4 activities
-If you havent done activity in current session, BM goes to "Clean Screen" mode in that respect.

Significant Digits:
-BMs gives ya 2 (0.00) , Moniq gives ya 3 (0.000).

BM does the sorting you were looking for.

I'll have to play with Moniq's a bit more but next task in that department will be getting all to max fame and not ready to tackle that one at the moment.

I think you will find either one a great aid if you are chasing the "Spirit of Sally Field Title". When no one will KoS you any longer, this is what it looks like.... no one listed under hated.

And this is what you do when you get there apparently :)


Edité 5 fois | Dernière édition par Fyrosfreddy (il y a 7 ans).


#8 [en] 

-It looks like Moniq's retains the last activities.

All history (changes) are stored untill you reset it in API key settings

-BMs gives ya 2 (0.00) , Moniq gives ya 3 (0.000).

In fact it can be changed in internal app config. Thinking about allow users to set own number of decimal places (and datetime format). Anyone interested in such options?

#9 [en] 

So when I got rid of my KOS tribes, I'd do 15 or more missions a night .... maybe a button that could clear it could be added ?   or say Keep last [insert # here] Like in Task Manager, being able to add / remove columns would be a nice addition


#10 [en] 

So when I got rid of my KOS tribes, I'd do 15 or more missions a night .... maybe a button that could clear it could be added ? or say Keep last [insert # here]

I don't understand what you want to remove. You can see every changeset (all changes in one update) - click date. All history can be removed, if you remain valid API key, all changes to default fame will be saved in one update as on first use.

#11 [en] 

What I am saying is the oppotunity to select what you "wanna see"  and what you "don't want to see" would I think greatly increase its usefullness.   A "less is more" kinda thing.  Some folks would want to see all and more. But other info may be considered of no value and user might prefer a "less busy" screen.  And there will be times when one wants more info, but as that's rare,m betetr that it's not the default

Speaking from my own PoV,...

-If I could "hide" the colored bars, I would
-I would like some of the information to disappear, w/o having to navigate to another screen to make it happen
-I would like to be able to turn off the column that tells me what fame my toon had when I first started oh so long agao :) .

Not that it isn't useful information .. when starting out for example, I likely would have left some of those "unhiddden" for  a bit ... but after a while, if i could, all I'd want to see is:

1. Tribe
2. Current Fame
3. What i got from tribes in last 8 minutes between saves ... if clicking on that would bring up drop down, to show "since log in" but not if it costs me another column on screen.  What I did last Wednesday, I dont want to see on a dat to day basis ... but if sum1 asked... how much did ya get for that fame mission we did last week, to be able to retrive it with a few clicks would be super cool.

4. If clicking the tribe would bring up the map with a dot where they are, that would be super cool :)

So, not suggestion you take anything out, and again its not a criticism.  I am saying that the option to hide columns would make it more useful the way I approach fame grinding.  If the option made it into next version, I would show just those 3 columns 99% of the time so I can access and absorb what I want to focus on that much quicker.

Ahh here's a good example that just came to mind.  A TV guide that shows all 512 channels that can watch is a good thing .. when in the mood, I can broswe thru it and see if there is anything else I may wanna add to my service.  But if I only have 20 channels, browsing to find out what channel "the game is on" is harder than it needs to be if I gotta scroll thru 492 channels that i don't have

It must have been monumental effort to program it to go out and get all that stuff.  But a clean UI has value also, which is why so may program windows show a few key elements on screen by default (aka clean screen) and **if you want more info"", it is accessible thru the "More Info" button.

Edité 2 fois | Dernière édition par Fyrosfreddy (il y a 7 ans).


#12 [en] 

Woot !  Thanks for adding the Homin search to RyGReg.  I mention it here, because this is the concept I was referring to above. 

I RyGReg I get to the Bunnies page and I see the basic stuff... **If** I want more info, I can click members ... if it was just there by default would be too much.

Dernière édition par Fyrosfreddy (il y a 7 ans).


#13 [en] 

Will this satisfy you?

#14 Multilingue 

Multilingue | [English] | Français
Very nice! ...
The two apps are well done and very similar.  ...

Hi :)

... are similar when you use an English interface (in ryzom AND in bm).

Cause with the french UI in Ryzom with bm in fr or bm in en, it's not cool (as places and tribes names are not the same):
1. the bm search can't find what we want (as bm don't recog' the french names).
That's why I used TabCraft (and I guess the homin who created it, had the same issue :))
2. IG, the Tribe window showed use the "english version tribe names" sort, and we get a french list in a "wrong alphabetic-text-sort"...

With the new Moniq's app, it's really easy for me to find all I need to up my tribes fames D as the strings sent to bm are translated in english by her app !

Thanks soooo much Moniq (and all other homins who helped her for translations)


Edité 3 fois | Dernière édition par Tamarea (il y a 7 ans). | Raison: Edit to activate the link.


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais


Craftjenn, Ranger

#15 [en] 

[quote=Moniq]Will this satisfy you?

It's not really a matter of being satisfied. I was impressed with the effort put in and the time it must have taken. But, that being said, while I love having the info at my fingertips, it was just TMI for everyday usage and found it too busy.

Purpose was to provide feedback / suggestions so that when you make edits and improvements, some usability enhancements might give the app wider appeal.

Dernière édition par Fyrosfreddy (il y a 7 ans).


Last visit dimanche 16 Juin 05:49:49 UTC

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