Should the Kitin Patrols be:
Kept the same? 30 (2)
Eliminated completely? 3
Kept, but reduced in frequency? 9 (2)
Autre 5
S'abstenir 1

#23 [en] 

Bitttymacod (atys)
Lacuna -- some of us are *not* adrenaline junkies.

Stay out of my PR, then :D


#24 [en] 

I'll stay out of yours if you stay out of mine.


((P.S. I hereby acknowledge that Lacuna has a right to her opinion just as I have a right to mine.))


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#25 [en] 

Well what about a random timer on the respawn? Say instant up to 5 mins. That way when you kill them you would still have to worry about the threat but might get lucky with some breathing room. I don't like insta pop but if it was random I think it would keep things interesting. Im not trying to sound elite, I just like having to pay attention to my surroundings. Even if I remember where they are going there is always the chance that someone else around me may not be as aware so suprises come! If we get rid of KP I vote we get rid of PR weather too and just add unlimited sups to nodes as well.

#26 [en] 

Bones (atys)
Well what about a random timer on the respawn? Say instant up to 5 mins. That way when you kill them you would still have to worry about the threat but might get lucky with some breathing room. I don't like insta pop but if it was random I think it would keep things interesting. Im not trying to sound elite, I just like having to pay attention to my surroundings. Even if I remember where they are going there is always the chance that someone else around me may not be as aware so suprises come! If we get rid of KP I vote we get rid of PR weather too and just add unlimited sups to nodes as well.

+1 Bones


#27 [fr] 

Je suis contre des patrouilles + énervées au départ.

Comme je vois les choses:
1) ça n'empêchera pas les habitués d'y aller
2) ça risque juste d'augmenter les chances qu'ils meurent avec leur pioche non finalisée

Résultat: toujours pas de trucs intéressants pour les autres.. à part l'autosatisfaction de savoir que ceux qui y sont allés n'ont pas pu en récupérer ou moins que d'habitude... en gros mettre des spots de suprême à 30 mats max sans changer l'état des patrouilles, reviendrait au même.

Dernière édition par Nerwane (il y a 9 ans).

#28 [fr] 

quant au repop des patrouilles, il faut les tuer avant.. ceux qui vont chercher le suprême au repop, sont rarement en team pour pouvoir les tuer.. je ne comprends pas trop le rapport donc..

#29 [en] 

Lacuna (atys)
I would only changed the spawn to 1-2 minutes, you want a slight respite but any longer and you lose the joy of the threat of the KP.

That is why I asked for more KPs as well :D



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#30 [en] 

Y'all fail to consider PR grinding. I suppose it's an honest mistake to make, if you're master already ;)

Before KPs, I saw guildies and generally players picking up PR digging somewhat seldom. Nowadays, with KPs, almost no one is picking up PR. I can't name 5 new PR masters that got their title in the past 6 months.

As it stands, you must grind either in a PvP region or in a KP region. I have heard several people being put off by the prospect of digging in a pvp region. So, one could grind in pve regions... except you'll end up dying several times to regular aggro; should you find a safe spot, you'll most likely die to KP. There are only a few mat spots close to vortexes where you can dig almost safely, such as south US. If they weather, you're screwed.

Overall, I stand by Minou's assessment: the effort-to-reward ratio is incredibly unattractive to everyone short of a few self-serving individuals who both a) have lots of time, and b) are already masters. The vast majority of the playerbase does not fit in one of those two categories. So, uh, congrats on making several regions of the game world completely useless to them. Very win. Much sense.


#31 [en] 

*Hands MJ his rattle back*


#32 [en] 

People need a challange in this game. PR isn't meant to be easy. There are still spots to dig at like south US spawn etc.

This game needs harder things for the experienced playerbase. People who are getting to grips with game mechanics can do so in other areas.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#33 [en] 

Mjollren (atys)
Y'all fail to consider PR grinding. I suppose it's an honest mistake to make, if you're master already ;)

Before KPs, I saw guildies and generally players picking up PR digging somewhat seldom. Nowadays, with KPs, almost no one is picking up PR. I can't name 5 new PR masters that got their title in the past 6 months.

*Raises hand* Mastered PR dig last September. I died quite a lot doing so, but also learnt a lot from the experience and gathered enough knowledge that I DO manage to gather some mats as well as dp :)


#34 [en] 

I re-mastered PR in December...

Yes, I died quite a lot. And it took me ages to get to 250, but mostly because I was lazy. If it had been easy it would have been quite disappointing.

Having mastered so recently, I can tell you there are quite a few safe spots one can dig at
LoC: Dante, Gulatch, Moon, Visc, Koorin, Big, Beng
SCi: Tama, Anete, Shu,
FD: Beckers, Moon, Hash, Pha, Pilan, Dung, Motega
US: Oath, Zun, Glue, Splinter, Dzao, Beckers, Sha

Anyway you get the point...
And also.. If people are grinding there are lower level regions for that... worked well for me until I re-learned PR :-)

#35 [en] 

Mastered PR in august / september
Died once from 190-250


#36 [en] 

2) que les Primes soient totalement imprévisibles, les pop totalement aléatoires en xl et sup, les patrouilles parfois nombreuses, parfois rares ...

En gros, rajouter de l'aventure.

I would suport such a situation : ramdomness for mats spotting moment (no more season change / reboot rush hour) and randomness for KP occurrences (without correlation between both events).


-- Yragael

#37 [en] 

I got my first Master in PR Dig before Christmas last year (not sure exactly when but definitely after KP were reintroduced).  No it wasn't easy (at first) and yes I died a lot but I also learned a lot.  Like how to dodge KP and where the (relatively) safe spots are.

BTW I had already learned that if you are grinding then 1) dig choice mats so you don't waste time waiting for weather and 2) stay out of PvP areas.  I consider gankers to be more of a threat than KP.


It's bad luck to be superstitious . . .

Palta e decata, nan nec ilne matala.

When one goes on a journey it is not the scenery that changes, but the traveller
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