
#16 [en] 

The Misadventures of Lessah and Ravenh, Part 15

Meeting of the Minds
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While unconscious, Lessah felt as though she were having an out-of-body experience. In her dream-like state, she felt as though she were watching herself and Ravenh from above. She watched Ravenh kiss her and tell her he loved her. Eventually, she regained strength and consciousness, and her perspective changed back to normal. She finally opened her eyes to see Ravenh leaning over her with a concerned look. The fresh air of the forest was on her face and she felt strong enough to kneel. Lessah shook her head a bit, trying to snap out of the fog. It was then that she felt a mektoub's trunk swoop over her hair and face.

Ravenh was finally able to smile, seeing Lessah open her eyes, “She’s ok, Moose”, he exhales a sigh of relief, “You’re going to be ok, Lessah.” Ravenh gently wipes the mektoub’s trunk away, “I think we will be safe here. We should just rest for a while.” He continuously scanned the area, looking for any sign of danger, while returning his attention back to Lessah, wanting to make sure she was truly going to be fine.

Lessah looked over at Ravenh and smiled back. “Thanks for getting us out of there, Ravenh…you saved us” she said while she glanced at Moose to see that he was fine. “I think I’ll be ready to go again in a few moments” she said while she reached for Ravenh’s arm, seemingly ready to rise to her feet.

Ravenh took her cue and helped her to her feet, “Let’s go see if that Karavan representative, that we passed going inside, has any water we could have.” He picked up their belongings and repacked Moose’s satchels. Ravenh grabbed the reins and reached for Lessah’s hand, “I think he’s right up…..” at that moment Ravenh paused as he looked to where he thought they would be going and tilted his head, “Ummm, Lessah? I don’t think this is where we went inside.” The environment did look like a forest, but definitely not the same forest.

Lessah looked up the path and squinted. “Huh? It looks the same to me… did we not come out the way we went in?” she asked. Lessah took Ravenh’s hand and the three made their way up to the path, but at the top, there was no Karavan Representative. Lessah looked around at the forest and noted that something was a bit different about it. She then spotted a group of Homins gathered in a circle, not far from where they were. She pointed at them, “look, maybe we can ask those Homins over there where we are. Maybe they have an extra map” she said as the Moose groaned a bit “…and some hay” she added.

After everything they had just been through, Ravenh sure hoped these Homins were peaceful. He squeezed her hand and smiled at her and nodded, “Sounds like our only plan.” It’s difficult for Ravenh to not sound negative about things, especially asking for directions. They approached the group and he raised his hand in greeting, “Hello there. We are lost, can you help us?” He tried to seem friendly and not a threat, knowing though, his hand raised was only inches away from his sword on his back if he needed it.

As they approached the group, Lessah saw Homins from every nation present. They were all seemingly busy, obviously engaged in something important. One Matis male looked up at Ravenh and smiled while the rest continued to discuss something. “Greetings, fellow Matis. You have made it to the Nexus Minor, a rather isolated part of the forest.” Lessah furrowed her brow, not recognizing the name and glanced over at Ravenh who was on guard, busy scanning the situation. Heh, such a warrior. Lessah looked back at the Homin, “I see…well, what are you doing out here?” she asked while standing on her toes, trying to peak over the crowd gathered around a tree stump.

Ravenh let out a loud sigh, “Nexus what?” He throws his hands up in his usual fashion when frustrated and points at the stump, “They are probably lost too, Lessah. They are even arguing over that map, trying to figure it out.” It almost seemed like he growled a little as he started to stomp around, throwing a tantrum of sorts, mumbling choice words under his breath about being lost and never getting home and other typical Ravenh negativities.

The Matis man gestured for Lessah to come to the stump as he shook his head at Ravenh’s behavior. Lessah smirked at Ravenh who apparently needed to blow off some steam before she excitedly made her way over to the stump. On the stump were three scrolls, which appeared to be aged and badly damaged. “These are the last of several scrolls that we have discovered. We have been working tirelessly to uncover their meaning. Although we’ve had some success decoding the others, these three have proven to be the biggest challenge” the Matis man explained. Lessah nodded in response, “but how are these different from the other scrolls you have decoded?” she asked before looking up to spot Ravenh. “Ravenh! You have to come see this!” she sung out.

Ravenh stopped his tantrum when he heard Lessah call out for him, “WHAT?!?” His voice obviously angry. He caught himself and let out a sigh, calming his voice down, “Is it a map? Do we know how to get out of here?” He approached the stump and looked over Lessah’s shoulder to see the three pieces of paper with incoherent scribblings on them. His anger came back, “What is that?” pointing at the papers, “That’s not going to get us home. It’s just a bunch of nonsense.” He stormed off again, stomping about, kicking a random empty basket and proceeding with his mumbling again.

Lessah flinched at Ravenh’s yelling and yet found a smile creeping across her lips. She liked his angry temper. Lessah watched a Matis approach Ravenh so she refocused her attention to the scrolls. The group had presented the rest of the scrolls in their possession, and a quick estimate told Lessah that they had well over fifty. “ After a year, we have been able to decode fragments from all of the scrolls except those last three…but we also do not know what order the fragments go in. They were in much better condition, you see” the Matis man explained. Lessah nodded, now seeing the scrolls they had decoded next to the three they could not decode. Lessah got close to the three on the stump to examine them. This group had been working for a year to decode them, and she didn’t expect to decode them herself now. She backed up, glancing at the decoded ones and looking at the three on the stump. There was some subtle, aesthetic differences between the scrolls, but she assumed they were insignificant.

A Matis male approached Ravenh, holding a bale of hay for their Mektoub. He sat it in front of Moose and just smiled at Ravenh while picking up the basket Ravenh had kicked and setting it back where it belonged, “Could I get you anything sir?” The man was very polite and it caused Ravenh to finally realize he was acting like a child. He let out yet another sigh and just shook his head, “No….thank you.” He watched Moose consume the hay in one motion. He didn’t even think he chewed it. The man smiled and nodded again and turned to walk back to the group. Ravenh was very frustrated with their situation, but noticed how interested Lessah seemed in the scrolls, and considering how dire of a situation they were in earlier and how he almost lost her, he thought maybe this once he could grow up a little and give her some time. He took this opportunity to scan the campsite a bit more thoroughly. It was not a permanent site, but very well constructed and appeared as if these people had been here a while. Ravenh turned and stopped in his tracks. His eyes locked onto something he did not want to see. Before him, waving in the breeze was a Marauders’s banner.

The Matis man watched Lessah as she studied the appearance of the scrolls. “Do you see something? A pattern? Sometimes a fresh pair of eyes can spot an obvious clue…” the man said. Lessah smiled and blushed a bit, “well, it’s silly really, it's superficial. It’s probably nothing,” Lessah said with a shrug. A few members of the group looked up at Lessah, now also curious of what it is she saw. Great Lessah, now you have to tell all these wise scholars, your ‘genius’ observation. “…It just seems to me that the three scrolls on the stump look different from the others. They are smaller, much more aged. The inks even look different…Perhaps they aren’t to be decoded in the same way” Lessah stated with a shrug, feeling stupid.

Ravenh was concerned they had stumbled into a Marauders camp and Lessah was now over there helping them figure out their next war strategy. He turned to go get her when he noticed two more banners, “What the…..?” Karavan, Kami AND Marauders all in the same camp. Ravenh approached Lessah and tugged on her shoulder, “Can I speak with you a moment?” He was trying to not alert the others that he was suspicious of their activities. He leaned in and whispered, “I don’t think we should be here.”

Members of the group stared at Lessah. “Maybe the three scrolls are there to help you understand the order of the others” she added, mostly to fill the silence that followed her last statement. Was she just digging a bigger hole? Proving that she had no idea what the scrolls meant? It was then that she felt a tug on her shoulder and leaned in to hear Ravenh’s whisper. Ravenh’s face was serious and Lessah knew he had discovered something. As she backed away from the group, the scholars returned their attention to the scrolls on the stump. It was as if she had said something that inspired them. Having moved some distance, Lessah turns to Ravenh and asks “what’s wrong?”

Ravenh subtly motions to the three banners, “These aren’t just Karavan scholars here.” His eyebrows raised, “Don’t you think it odd they are conspiring together?” He grabs his backpack and slings it on his arm, “I think it’s time to leave.” At that moment, the same Matis male from earlier approached. Ravenh noticed the necklace around his neck, identifying him as a follower of Jenna. The man handed Ravenh a map of Nexus Minor and pointed at the bottom of the map to another portal, “Try there.” he instructed. Ravenh snatched the map from the man’s hands with force, “How could you?” The man had no idea what Ravenh was talking about. Ravenh points towards the others, “How can you sleep at night knowing you’re helping them?” He finished grabbing their belongings and pulled Moose to his feet, “You disgust me.” He reached for Lessah’s hand, “Come on, Lessah, we’re leaving.”

Lessah’s eyes widened as Ravenh snatched the map from the Matis man. The man just waved his hand dismissively at Ravenh, who to him, had anger management issues. As the man returned to the group, Lessah followed Ravenh quietly, feeling as though he may have overreacted, just a tad. “Maybe it’s a good thing that the factions are coming together…maybe it’s a sign that peace is possible” she said softly. In response, Ravenh just huffed and kept marching onward to the portal.

(OOC: To follow the story regarding the ancient scroll, please check out "Fragments of the lost scrolls, pt1 of The Upper Branches" by Talkirc)

Edité 2 fois | Dernière édition par Lessah (il y a 10 ans).

#17 [en] 

The Misadventures of Lessah and Ravenh, Part 16

Parting Ways
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Ravenh was still visibly upset about the camp they had just left. He was stomping his way through Nexus Minor to the portal, hacking away at some overgrowth that was blocking their way along the path. They finally made their way to the portal when he turned to Lessah, “Can you believe those homins? Why are they all in the same camp? This can’t be good.” He had completely disregarded her mentioning that it might mean peace among the factions. “They are up to something. I see a war coming.”


Lessah was following Ravenh as he lead the way to the portal.  She noticed his stomping, and knew he was still angry.  She was planning to wait until he was calmer before she complained about how rude she thought he was to the homins.  After all, they gave them a map, fed Moose, and tolerated her amateur explanation of the scrolls.  She struggled to keep her opinions to herself, until Ravennh brought it up himself.  “So? So what if they are at the same camp?” she questioned as they approached another cavern. “They were just a bunch of scholars looking at scrolls!  Sometimes Ravenh…you just assume the worst of homins, you know that?” she said while crossing her arms.


They were too busy arguing to notice the cavern they entered was similar to the Prime Roots they had left before. Ravenh stopped in his tracks and threw his arms up in the air, unable to say anything to Lessah. He just stood their with his mouth open, but no words would come out. He finally just shook his head in disbelief and turned letting out a loud grunt. This was the moment that he realized they were in another land that looked just like the dangerous one they barely escaped, “Oh great… your little scholar friend directed us right back where we came from. I guess him sending us to our inevitable death was an innocent move on his part.” 


Lessah watched Raven throw his hands up the air and stare at her with his mouth open.  Had he finally snapped? Then, Ravenh’s grunt echoed off the cavern’s walls, which drew her attention to her surroundings.  As she looked around, she couldn't help but roll her eyes at Ravenh’s comment. “See?  This is exactly my point Ravenh.  Yes, they lead us to a deathly path that is somehow worse than the one we were traveling, right?? I suppose the hay they gave Moose was poisoned too huh?” she questioned angrily while gesturing to a bored Moose, who just looked between Ravenh and Lessah as they argued. 


Ravenh points at her Mektoub, “Well I guess we’ll know when he falls over dead.” He then turns his point toward the portal, “All I know is that I am NOT going back to your scholar friends.” He turns around and begins to walk into the dark cavern, “I’m going this way, probably to my death. You can come with me if you want….” this whole argument was eating at his insides, because he truly did care a lot for Lessah and didn’t want to see her turn and walk back through the portal. All he really wanted was for them to be back to civilization. He let out a growl, “You can be very frustrating.”


Lessah held her Mektoub’s head and glared at Ravenh as if he threatened Moose himself.  As if she wasn’t already offended by his actions, did he really have the nerve to suggest that SHE was the frustrating one? Oh no…he didn’t. “Listen, Ravenh.  Since you seem to know EVERYTHING, why don’t you just take whatever perfect path you seem to know.  I’ll take the path of my ‘scholar friends’ and if me and Moose both die, you can have the satisfaction of knowing that you were right!” Lessah shouted, her words getting ahead of her thoughts.  She grabbed Moose’s reins and marched into the cavern, taking a right and heading North, though she meant to go South.


He couldn’t believe what she was saying. She had never been mad enough to say things like that let alone mad at all. His blood was boiling now and he yelled at the top of his lungs, “FINE!!!!” He then turned and started walking south, though he really had wanted to go north, but sure as hell wasn’t going to now, since she chose that way. Sometimes his actions were very spiteful. His anger actually subsided fairly quickly, but mostly due to survival mode kicking in. He traversed the paths very carefully, avoiding menacing creature after menacing creature. He stopped to rest a moment, and wait for a small group of Varinx to pass by, “This is a lot easier without having to worry about someone else and that stupid Mektoub clomping around making noise.” he muttered to himself.


Lessah made her way North, having to tug on Moose’s reins as he repeatedly looked back at the direction Ravenh went.  “No, Moose. Come on. He isn’t coming” Lessah said before lowering her voice to avoid attracting some unwanted attention.  Lessah mounted Moose, figuring their best way out was to make a run for it.  With increased height, she was able to spot a primitive tribe a few meters ahead.  She had experience with these kinds of tribes in the past so she knew she’d have to sneak around them.  As she considered her path, the fight she had with Ravenh kept intruding on her thoughts.  Had she been too harsh? No, stop it.  He’s the one whose unnecessarily harsh. He’s always causing trouble, yeah. She pet Moose on the back and told herself she was right to separate paths from him.

#18 [en] 

The Misadventures of Lessah and Ravenh, Part 17

Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire

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Ravenh sat in the same spot for several minutes. He kept looking over his shoulder in the direction Lessah had gone and just sighed while shaking his head. “You're a real jerk,” he mumbled to himself, “What are you gonna do if you find out she got killed?” He shook his head and sighed one more time, before pushing himself back up to his feet and turning back in her direction. He scanned the area then took off, weaving between plants and hills, avoiding groups of angry creatures, trying to find Lessah and Moose. Was he really going to apologize to her?

Lessah studied a primitive tribe of Cutes, while trying to find the safest way out of Prime Roots. Still sat on Moose's back, she tried to ignore a tide of guilt swept over her. “Well Moose. Between that aggressive tribe and all the mean creatures, I don't see how we're going to make it out of here without a fight.” Moose let out a long exhale in reply. “Well, maybe we can go back to the homins in Nexus Minor and ask for an escort?” she asked Moose, as though he would actually have some insight to share. Lessah turned Moose around to find a distant Ravenh making his way toward them. She couldn't help but smile.

Ravenh spotted Lessah sitting atop of her Mektoub and let out a sigh of relief. Still running, he made his way into the clearing she was waiting in. He stopped in front of her, breathing heavily from his rapid trek, “'re okay” he stated before bending over at the waist, trying to catch his breath. He finally stands up and looks at her, with an awkward look on his face, “Look, Lessah.... I'm...” he hesitated. Apologies are not one of Ravenh's strong points. “It's just that, it's very unusual for the different factions to congregate together, so it caught me off guard.” That was a good start, but still not an apology. “I didn't mean to offend you or risk your life by taking off like I did.” Closer, but still no. He stood there a moment, in silence, trying to get the words out. Finally lowering his head, and kicking the dirt a bit, “I'm sorry.”

Lessah nearly interrupted Ravenh with her own apology, but bit her lip since he was struggling with his. When he finally finished, she took a deep breath. “I'm sorry too, Ravenh. I should never had let an argument divide us like that. I want to stay by your side always.” she kinda blurted out. “I'm glad you're okay” she added before abruptly jumping off Moose and into Ravenh's arms for a hug. Moose stood silently as they reunited, seemingly still anxious of their surroundings.

Ravenh was surprised by Lessah's hug attack, but didn't hesitate to hug her back. He finally looked around, noting the number of impassible ways ahead of them. “Seems we have a challenge ahead of us, Lessah.” He studied the different dangers and finally nodded, if only to himself. “Okay, this is what we have to do.” He instructed Lessah to get back on Moose and when she hears Ravenh yell 'run', she should run her Mektoub passed him and toward safety. Without waiting for a different plan, because he knew she'd try to talk him out of this, Ravenh took a deep breath and ran toward one of the groups, drawing his sword on the way. In a moment, she heard Ravenh scream “RUN!!”

Lessah was waiting for a break in Ravenh's instructions to object but before she could even get comfortable in her saddle, she heard Ravenh's distant scream. Seriously? There was no time to argue, she snapped Moose's reins and made a break through the clearing Ravenh made. Moose was more than happy to obey since he loved to run and jump. As the two approached the exit to the cavern, Lessah looked over her shoulder to see Ravenh closing in on them with a parade of angry creatures behind him.

Ravenh had quickly realized that he had bitten off more than he could chew. This plan was not a very good one at all. As soon as he noticed Lessah and Moose get past him, he quickly turned and ran as well. He was not out of danger. Not even close. Something in him was triggered....adrenaline, perhaps... no doubt from his fight or flight survival reaction. He started running at an incredible speed. So fast that not only was he closing in on Lessah, but he was now passing her. He simply looked over at her and as calmly as he could, stated, “Run faster.” A couple of the creatures had given up the chase, but there was still a good sized group chasing them. He too spotted the exit and ran toward it, stopping at the edge of the portal and waving Lessah through.

Lessah was impressed both with Ravenh's speed and his courtesy to wave her through the portal. Without command, Moose jumped through the portal, nearly knocking her off his back had she not hung on so tightly. As soon as she got past the portal, her senses were assaulted with dry heat and blinding light. She squinted as her eyes adjusted, finally finding Ravenh standing next to her. She glanced back at the portal quickly, only to be relieved that the creatures had suddenly stopped chasing them for some reason. Lessah could sense that Moose was shifting his weight a lot, and she looked down to see that they were standing on sand. Moose appeared to be dancing, as he attempted to cool his feet from the hot sand. Though amused, Lessah looked around and felt more lost than ever. She glanced at Ravenh with a confused face. “Where are we now?” she whined.

Ravenh was immediately blinded by the bright sun as he exited the portal. He took a moment, shielding his eyes with his hands until they adjusted. He heard Lessah's question and took a few more steps forward, surveying the area. It finally donned on him where they were, “ARE YOU KIDDING ME? THE DESERT?”
Last visit samedi 8 Juin 13:09:04 UTC

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