

#16 Reporter | Citer[en] 

As a remark: those who resort to ad hominem attacks or suspicions undermine their own credibility. I was pointing to a problem which obviously has not been recognized by me alone. My point never was to blame anybody in person, and I consequently avoided to name any particular player. I was and am criticizing a distribution method which I consider a failure in social behaviour. I do not blame anybody to have acted on purpose who did not expressively confirm that.

In general, I tend to agree to Juko that limiting these titles is probably not such a good idea. There has always been abuse and misuse of the guardian titles and exterminator tokens, back before the swarming I saw them traded by some. Giving the title to all participants would at least limit the titles to those who actually took part in the event.

Yet, that was not so much my point, and I disagree somewhat also with Juko, that during an event, the looter may act upon the loot as he chooses. In my eyes, that is similar as if during the NPC boss hunts the looter would keep the prize and leave the others without their share. That would be the certain end of such multi team activity.

We should not forget that this game has many facets. Powerplay of mighty individuals, guilds, and alliances has its place and its merits, when it comes to PvP fights, outpost battles, struggling around season change, and other competitive aspects of the game, it may then be a source of fun, thrill, and satisfaction.

Already during team hunts, a social aspect supersedes such style of playing. Personally, I even felt ashamed in the beginning receiving an equal share of the loot as a small backhealer, in fact even more as the loot was and is usually divided not by headcount but by guild where a guildless individual counted like a guild.

During our events, the whole community of participants has most times been treated like a big team, meaning that every guild or guildless individual got an equal share of the loot if available. That was the way The Free Soul distributed the prize of the Pyr attack: giving every guild one piece, first the tokens, then the supreme materials, as long as available. With over hundred participants in average that should have sufficed during most of the attacks - I doubt that more than 72 guilds + guildless players were present at any of them.

I agree to some of the contributors that such method is "unfair" towards guilds with more players. I think that this is more acceptable than leaving the distribution to the deliberation of the looter, and is more likely to encourage participation. If anybody has better ideas I would welcome to listen.

Though I find the proposals of Juko and Talkirc interesting and tend to agree, I think that it is social behavior during events which was lacking, or at least a method to express it in a way satisfying a greater number of participants. A technical solution does not resolve social or behavioral failure.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#17 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Daomei (atys)
Yet, that was not so much my point, and I disagree somewhat also with Juko, that during an event, the looter may act upon the loot as he chooses. In my eyes, that is similar as if during the NPC boss hunts the looter would keep the prize and leave the others without their share. That would be the certain end of such multi team activity.

that's the point I tried to make in my last paragraph. should have expressed it in a better way...

anyhow, the consumable loot is secondary - and i'm only speaking for myself, not for my guild or anybody else. collecting the titles and trophies, however, is like making a photo album. It's what remains beyond consumable stuff which is crafted into items that break at some point - or is wiped in a server merge.

#18 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Remark: if only this would be you first post.. you would get such a different reply from me.. dont try to act all cute and innocent, read your 1st post again.. it's very different than the last.

You always twist around and make it seems that you're on top of the convo, totally forgetting about the other messages you wrote. It;s very complicated to have a convo with you.

Write a polite message you will get a polite reply, we're all adults here.

I appreciate your ideas.



#19 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Gkr, sorry if I misunderstood your intentions. It seems you only meant to state facts, not that you approve of them.

But again, my main criticism is about the current system - and players - not supporting small guilds/teams/individuals. And from what you wrote, you and I don't agree on how this should be handled. You wrote:

"So basically, you can either clone yourself 30 times or join a guild in order to be able to LOOT it, because you wont be able to make damage.
Secondly, since this is from the start an unfair distribution, we try to give to the biggest guilds because they participated in numbers."

And while we can disagree, at least I want to raise the awareness that statements such as these put off a lot of players not in the big guilds. Also, we all should be aware, that if all masters just hit the boss with ele to improve their chances of being able to lot, everybody will die because someone has to heal...

Anyway, I was present at the Tryker event and haven't seen any messages about the distribution of loot. Neither explaining what was dropped, nor asking around who'd want any, nor any list of to whom it got distributed. When I next find time, I'll recheck with the log - maybe that was an oversight on my part.

Generally I'd appreciate if the looters could be transparent on this. It helps to motivate those who didn't get any or are just not that informed (for whatever reason).

#20 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Irfidel (atys)
Gkr, sorry if I misunderstood your intentions. It seems you only meant to state facts, not that you approve of them.

But again, my main criticism is about the current system - and players - not supporting small guilds/teams/individuals. And from what you wrote, you and I don't agree on how this should be handled. You wrote:

"So basically, you can either clone yourself 30 times or join a guild in order to be able to LOOT it, because you wont be able to make damage.
Secondly, since this is from the start an unfair distribution, we try to give to the biggest guilds because they participated in numbers."

And while we can disagree, at least I want to raise the awareness that statements such as these put off a lot of players not in the big guilds. Also, we all should be aware, that if all masters just hit the boss with ele to improve their chances of being able to lot, everybody will die because someone has to heal...

Anyway, I was present at the Tryker event and haven't seen any messages about the distribution of loot. Neither explaining what was dropped, nor asking around who'd want any, nor any list of to whom it got distributed. When I next find time, I'll recheck with the log - maybe that was an oversight on my part.

Generally I'd appreciate if the looters could be transparent on this. It helps to motivate those who didn't get any or are just not that informed (for whatever reason).

That was a reply towards Daomei.. not in general :-)


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