
#1 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Hello. I learned recently that Ryzom was still around after not checking it out since 2005 or so, since my PC wasn't quite up to it back then.
I've run into a problem however:
When I get into the game (everything is normal until then) the interface is corrupted.
It's hard to make any sense of it and the rest of the graphics appears to be normal.
I tried changing my driver seetings to less fancy modes (or deactivated what was possible), I tried both D3D and OpenGL renderers, tried windowed mode and fullscreen and I deactivated Aero, but none of this solved the problem (Altho the text became crystal clear the interface itself was still corrupted).

I've checked my log files, but they are huge; there appear to be relevant things inside, but I have to make some sense of it first.
I'll also add a screenshot later, unless someone can identify this as a common problem with a known solution.

The system isn't remarkable apart from being Win7 64Bit and AMD Radeon 6950, and it works well.

#2 Reporter | Citer[en] 

can you take a screenshot?

From your description I'd suppose that you're either missing a font or have a corrupt file in your clients data directory (probably one of the .string_cache files or the interfaces.bnp).
If it's the later only parts of the interface would be garbled.
If it's the former all text is garbled but the remaining interface OK


#3 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Stupid tinypic resizing my image.
Either way, this was just now, after I once again deactivated everything I could and deleted the interface save file beforehand.
This is the clearest I've seen the interface so far!
The supposed "hardware cursor" is corrupted, too, altho invisible on the screenshot.

path.cpp 511 NLMISC::CFileContainer::lookup : PATH: File (f55629fe5d2e9cea927309d423840296.cache) not found (cache/f55629fe5d2e9cea927309d423840296.cache)
path.cpp 511 NLMISC::CFileContainer::lookup : PATH: File (w_tab_down_over_r.tga) not found (w_tab_down_over_r.tga)
path.cpp 511 NLMISC::CFileContainer::lookup : PATH: File (but_left.tga) not found (but_left.tga)
interface_parser.cpp 409 CInterfaceParser::SMasterGroup::setBackWindow : window ui:interface:r2ed_scenario_scores do not exist in a priority list
interface_parser.cpp 388 CInterfaceParser::SMasterGroup::setTopWindow : window ui:interface:r2ed_scenario_scores do not exist in a priority list
game_context_menu.cpp 89 CGameContextMenu::init : gamecontextmenu:init: 'ui:interface:game_context_menu' window does not exist.

Some examples of what appears to be part of the problem.
Those (and similar ones) appear many times in both log.log and client.log.
Most of the rest appears to be "normal log spam".

Dernière édition par Iemzayt (il y a 1 décénie).

#4 Reporter | Citer[en] 

I reinstalled the game, but that didn't change anything.
I took a better screenshot:

The background of the keys window has what should be the radar thingy?
In general it appears to be less an issue of corruption than using stuff in all the wrong places.

#5 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Did you delete all files before reinstalling?
If not try to delete (move if you want to be save) the files in the cache and unpack folders
One of those 2 should be the solution to your problem IIRC.

If that doesn't work do a
/who gm
in game - you will get a list of online csr in your sys info and can ask them for help ;-)


#6 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Jarnys (atys)
Did you delete all files before reinstalling?
If not try to delete (move if you want to be save) the files in the cache and unpack folders
One of those 2 should be the solution to your problem IIRC.

If that doesn't work do a
/who gm
in game - you will get a list of online csr in your sys info and can ask them for help ;-)

I deleted the whole directory after uninstalling and didn't find anything elsewhere (the game doesn't seem to put anything in "My Games" or the like?) to make sure all settings and such are reset.
I guess I'll give /who gm a try.

#7 Reporter | Citer[en] 

Okay now forgive my language:

I didn't get around to contacting a GM.
I figured:
Hell! If it ain't work maybe I should RAMP ALL DRIVER SETTINGS TO MAXIMUM.

It's working fine now.

It IS a solution, but I cannot see WHY.
If it stays like this now I'm satisfied.

#8 Reporter | Citer[en] 

A small update for those who might have the same issue at some point:
The game files and config doesn't factor into this issue much:
Forcing Anisotropic Filtering appears to "repair" the interface (maybe it aligns the driver more with what Ryzom expects).

Font blurring is another matter, tho, and Aero doesn't seem to have anything to do with it for once.
Morphological Filtering, Edge Detect and Supersampling Anti-Aliasing all screw with text sharpness, so I recommend normal Multi-Sampling.

Edité 2 fois | Dernière édition par Iemzayt (il y a 1 décénie).

Last visit dimanche 16 Juin 10:29:50 UTC

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