A New Beginning 2.0

Shush you guys. Take it into Guild chat. :P

It is not nice to slap a gift horse in the mouth. Winchgate & the Devs have taken our concerns into account (they certainly didn't have to), and responded in the best way they could within practical means in the short time they have left to do so, to appease as many posted player concerns as possible. (Many people posted how they would gladly pay even more $$$ to preserve their skills, and Winchgate provided a solution that won't cost them a dime more than they pay now.)

Asking them to make a monumental effort on behalf of the F2P players isn't anywhere near the top of anybody's list, as far as I've read in the forums to date.

You certainly can, and should, post your F2P concerns. Why not start a new thread on it? If you have a positive suggestion, make it (note the word "positive"). Something that is achievable with the limited labor at their disposal (but keep in mind they have their hands full atm just bringing these changes to us.) The "now that you've given us this, give us even more, and snap to it!" line kinda rings badly to me. (just imho, sorry)

Santa just dropped a major Gift on all of our laps, and has brought smiles to many, many players' faces. If you can't be happy about it for yourself, be happy about it for them.

I don't care at this point if they wipe me or not., or toss a Feral Yubo into my Zorai undies, even. I am VERY glad that many people all across the globe will be smiling big smiles today. That fact will have me beaming all day today.

+1 Winchgate :)



Always argue with an idiot... it's the only way they can get Experience! :)
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Last visit mercredi 5 Juin 10:45:58 UTC

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