Jola's Contest of Wits

Jola chose crate #6 and Dante gave his riddle:

What is the most common use for Yubo skins?

The crowd suspected trickery, for this was not a riddle at all.

Sabreshadow whispered, "I think this whole contest will go horribly wrong no matter how clever Jola's play."

Jola reflected on her crafting expertise and at last decided on an answer, "Yubo skins are most beneficial when used as light armor cloth."

Dante smirked, clearly delighted that his trickery had foiled Jola. He replied, "That may be beneficial for you, but not for the yubo. Your answer is wrong. The answer is...

>>>> to hold yubos together. Ha!"

The crowd groaned again.

Katla dreams of Dante's demise using a Spoon of Slow Killing.

Although Dante did have his supporters who cared not how he won the contest:

Gryshnozk cheers Dante on. Go Dante the Teaser!

An annoyed Jola replied, "Bah... then the answer might as well have been to hold my dinner, for it is common knowledge that Yubos were bred as a homin food source."

But Aesan ruled the question a fair riddle and the contest continued. "Your turn Jola!" he shouted above the protests of the crowd.

Jola decided that Dante's trickery had earned him one of her most difficult riddles. She shouted back,

Seven score years and more they fought,
yet all their warring came to naught.
Begun with water which caused great ire,
this line of forest kings triumphed with fire!

A sudden calm instantly rippled through the crowd, for Jola had indeed spent many hours studying arcane tomes in preparation for this fateful encounter.

Katla whispered, "I love the nifty lore riddles."
Lathay whispered, "Jola's sure on the spot today. Great riddles though. Nice preparation!"
Bitttymacod whispered, "I like the fact that Jola's riddles are actually relevant to civilization."

Dante was flummoxed by the depth of Jola's research. He scowled as the realization slowly dawned; his famous trickery might not be sufficient to win the day.

"Well?" demanded Jola forcefully. "Come, come Dante. Surely this is easy?" she chided.

The crowd was delighted by Dante's obvious confusion.

Grundelwolf chanted, "Dante Dante 2 by 4. Couldn't get his wits through a barn door."

Dante stuttered his answer, "Nobl... Noblis. Uh... the king at that time."

Triumphant, Jola serenely replied, "Noblis a Matis king? Mmm... I fear your history is rusty. Surely there are many here who know the names of the kings who reined during the great War of Civilizations?

Aniro I, Nero, Manalitch, Aniro II, Danido and Aniro III reined during this longest conflict between the races.
>>>> But I would have accepted simply the "line of Aniro", perhaps the most famous of all Matis kings."

Outmatched in lore, Dante protested at once, "Your riddles are unclear and have double meaning. I say YOU are the one that is stacking the game!" His pleading eyes turned to Aesan. But the crowd would brook no interference with this riddle properly asked and answered. They glared at Dante and Aesan in turn.

Meagon is ashamed of Dante the Teaser.
Katla thinks Dante is a bad looser
Gryshnozk agrees with Dante the Teaser.

Aesan simply shrugged and proclaimed, "The riddle is valid. The score is still 1 to 0. Choose your next crate Jola."
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