
[SUGGESTION] Event bosses

raid PvE content

This seems more intended for the player-controlled Event Bosses, like Akilia Ash Storm, not quite like a real raid boss with real mechanics, but many of the same principles apply. For PvE encounters, I agree 100% new mechanics would be great.

In the "battle" in Zora standing in the middle of a bunch of people, I was hearing sounds of melee. Turning the camera around a few times looking around, I finally saw that the player-controlled boss was standing right next to me hitting people. I concur that the damage from the event boss didn't seem all that great compared to the incoming healing.

1) We need to know where the boss is, so increase the physical size of the character in engagements. It's not realistic, I agree, but neither is ignoring the body collision effects to hide in the middle of a crowd =) It also exaggerates the difference between the individual player (miniscule, insignificant) compared to the boss (ominous, powerful). I'd say at least 1.5x the size of an average Zorai would be a minimum.

2) Each boss would likely be known for a characteristic move or ability. From the Lore, it seems that Akilia is called "Ash Storm" because that is all that remains when she leaves an area, so it would seem that Akilia has a signature move related to fire or burning. It would be completely appropriate for "her" to use this ability in combat.

3) Before the move is executed, give a few seconds of notification and perhaps let there be a slightly longer cast, so that observant players can react. Experience raiding in other games proves that most people will not pay attention, so you need not fear that "everyone" will see the warning and save themselves. Ryzom mechanics also make it harder than in other games to move around instantly, so that adds a delay for most people (especially casters) right off the bat.

For an Akilia example, suppose the event team member pushes the "Boom" button. What happens is: some message or shout about turning the world to ash (voice-over would be awesome), followed by a 3-4 second cast where flames encircle Akilia growing larger and brighter, suddenly disappearing to be followed by a large explosion and mushroom cloud surrounding her and billowing over her head. While casting this, she cannot be interrupted, stunned, etc. Any players caught in the blast area (10m? 20m?) are dead. Only invuln could protect a player from the blast, but that also removes them from battle for a period of time, and will still be on cooldown by the time the next "Boom" attack can be used.

If the effect can be targeted, indicate this somehow so players can move if they're paying attention.

If you do this, you don't need to limit the special ability to a one-off, but can repeat it every few minutes. You also won't need to decimate a huge percentage of the opposing force at once either, and maybe won't need to raise her health/regen so high. The attentive will survive, those who like to stand in fire will die. Battles with the event bosses aren't so frequent that everyone will keep the mechanics fresh in their minds all of the time.

(It would have also been nice for the corpses of the slain marauder foot-soldiers to remain behind, like the city guard corpses did)
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Last visit samedi 1 Juin 05:11:06 UTC

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