
The CSR Team for Arispotle is recruiting

Dear Homins,

The Customer Support Representative (CSR) Team of Atys is always looking for new Guides to volunteer and help support Ryzom. We're looking for those dedicated and motivated individuals that wish to not only be a part of the community but also want to give something back, particularly as a CSR.

We are looking for people that:

* Have reasonable knowledge of the game
* Have good people skills, are patient, and can work well in a team
* Are well motivated have a passion for the game and helping others
* Good technical knowledge of computers including Windows, Linux and Apple Mac is preferred but not required.
* Have a good knowledge of English
* Have the time (a few hours a week) to contribute to make the game better for everyone

If you wish to apply, please send an email to volunteer@ryzom.com with the following information:

* Surname, First name, and Date of Birth (we can only accept applicants over 18years old)
* Your account name
* Your Full Address
* Your time zone
* The name(s) of your main character(s)
* An estimate of your knowledge of the game
* An estimate of your technical knowledge
* A short text explaining why you want to join the team, and why you think you would make a good addition to the team

Once we have recieved your application we will try to find a time when we can discuss your application with you, either in game or in the out of game support chat (CeB). If you don't have CeB you can find it here
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Last visit mercredi 5 Juin 09:58:27 UTC

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