Sage Missions

Thank you Bitttymacod, you explained exactly what I meant for the current sage missions (#1).

For #'s 2 and 3, ok, so maybe not get NCP armor, but I was thinking that just like the current sage missions have you run back and forth, back and forth, from city to city and you get rewarded an amp, or a boot, or a sword as you complete parts of the mission. So I say, make the master mission the same. Reward an amp (a masters amp!), a good piece of armor, (a masters armor), or a Masters sword. But they should be good ones! And, the missions should be hard. That would make it fun and... to be done solo!

Another reward might be to reward supreme mats, maybe as you complete parts of the mission you can get 5 sup zun, or maybe sup kinrey parts, or another mat. A few sup craftable mats would make it interesting, but this is negotialble, the rewards can be different for each regions sage. Or maybe Sap crystals, whatever.

The rewards can be thought about and debated, and negotiated properly, but the point is to get another mission from each Sage that the MASTERS can do and be entertained and rewarded approprately.
Not just the one currently from each Sage that newbies to mid-level players do.
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