Discussion autour de la "Refonte des Avant-Postes"

@Elvanae: The mechanics of OP battles are very much a part of the existing discontent. I know for sure I am not the only one who isn't happy at all to commit 4 hours of my life, during which I am a pawn listening to the battle leader (so, most of the time pressing a couple of buttons to heal/nuke).

Look in each and every guild that includes newcomers, you will see people making up excuses as to why they can't participate ... when the real reason is the time commitment and the sheer boring mechanics of participating. Count the people at any war, at least half are in the heal pod. They are wasting two hours of their life pressing a few buttons and maybe moving around. Not entertaining.

You raise a good point about attacks hanging on a single wipe if the timer is shortened. True. BUT that should be compensated by lower costs and lack of phase 2. It's easier to tempt people to come, if they know there's a real chance at victory ... obtained in a very short timeframe.

And should the attackers fail, they can still attack 3 more times before they've wasted the same amount of time as they would have on the old system (2 hours atk + 2 hours def).

@Dev team:

Reading this topic, I have 3 meta-observations to make:

1. Don't listen entirely to the existing player base. It sounds rude, but the entire point of changing things is to make them more palatable for those who are yet to come. If a change alienates 5 old-timers and makes 30 newcomers stay a long time because they are more interested in the game .. it's a "win" in my book.

2. Always consider the "fun" factor for everyone involved, including the low level players. As I was telling Elvanae above, I have seen countless times people that get bored of wars because they're relegated to heal pawns. Think of ways to make the experience more intense|fun|interesting. That's the ultimate goal

3. Proposal: Maybe you could do a trial run, and change the mechanics for only some of the outposts. Leave the difficult ones (Westgrove, Loria) on a 2-hour timer, but change half of the others. See where people will prefer to do battle ;)


My home is always sweet Yrkanis..
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