[Ryzom Forge] Réunion du 4 juillet

In my opinion open a 2 way portal is a dangerous question, yes has very good points but need some limits. Need lvl limit and how many times u can go back.
These are hard question cuz someone start lvl on ML in some hours reach the lvl cant go back to silan. This i hard question mostly the experience could answer when will be tried. And the elder players will have a huge responsability to not pull up beginers fast and they cant go back anymore, Maybe that could help if there is an option finally leave silan and till that a lvl limit even if the player came to ML cant go higher.

How many times can go back also should be limited i dont think just jumping here and back lotsa time is good, anyway silan will be full with overpowered gears etc, and silan will lose its point. We want more players but this game is not for everybody, silan is a good strainer. Over that as Daomei told world trekk is a good point for meeting new and elder players (btw thats also good if no need trekk across HH anymore :D)

So these are hard questions and what are the exact good numbers only can be known by testing.

P.S.: also a question what can it effect to MLs already very unballanced gameplay. Maybe i use to see the future dark but if it wont change can cause the end of the game.
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Last visit dimanche 9 Juin 02:46:13 UTC

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