The igara effect; story of a lone agent

Letter from the author
Thank you for approving of my last story, loyal readers of Atys. I promise to keep writing, ofcourse, but I cannot promise I will write another story like this one. If I wrote another story literally like this one, it would just be a cheap derivative, not at all remarkable anymore. I am sure you who enjoyed this story did so because it was something new and original.

No, to write another story that is just as loved, I must write something new and original again. And to write something new and original is always to undertake an experiment with a very uncertain outcome. It was a lot of parts luck that this story turned out so popular as it did, I cannot guarantee the same success again. In fact, I hope I have not cursed myself by writing something so popular so early in my writing career, I would not want to become a writer who spends his entire career never rivalling his early work anymore.

I hope it can be an example to other writers though, specifically aspiring ones who may hesitate to publish their first story because they feel it is not as good as the stories of more established writers. One cannot write a great story by trying to write the perfect story, one can write a great story only by writing many imperfect stories, and sooner or later one of them will by chance turn out great.

Hailuan, This is a wonderful story

(OOC=Out of character: I am wondering if you are still playing the game? I would like to use some of this info for my own story. In fact I already have, but need to re-write it for the game to refine it. Some of this information I would like to include in my own story. It is inspiring, it produces new information about the goo as well as a direction I want to persue in this game. I see progression in this story where maybe you don't. Hope to hear from you again. Hope you are just hiding on Atys Meditating like a Zorai in the dark corners of Atys.)

Hope to hear from you again. :D
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