
OP declarations

Good day everyone, I would like to first start-off by saying that the Dog's of War are not an inactive guild if some people had been paying attention there are still tons playing daily or at least 3-times a week, so whomever made that statement you should have looked before you leaped.

The main reason for this post is a few days ago, I was contacted by Alex to see if I would exchange outpost for outpost between Zora and Pry which I would have had no issues doing so but then on the same day MJ thought it would be a brilliant idea to declare war without waiting to see if I would agree or respond to the proposal as presented. Now, to make this perfectly clear; I do not care nor even mind being attacked because that is part of the game play and I in all fairness took both of the OP's I had by force, the difference was those 2 OP's were left by inactive guilds and the Kami faction defended them both twice because I made the posts calling for as much when I was making my daily faction runs. I had asked for both of those OP and because the Kami faction is incapable of making any decisions quickly, I took them fair and square.

Now, fast forward to the actual battle where a Q50 outpost was left defenseless and yet they still could not take 24 rounds with a full team or more based upon the feedback I was given. After this point was brought to my attention and with assistance from another guild-leader, the post was removed from Kami forums and toons were put on notice. That very same day of the defense and the following day, MJ did not even bother to show-up for the OP he declared war on and wanted so much to have. I was asked by a guild-leader not to say or post anything nor to declare war on MJ and the Kami faction. What has been lost in all of this and how short toons memories are, I declared war just to prove a point and if not for someone asking me not to I would have targeted the most valuable Kami OP and attacked it every 3-4 days (not sure on cool-down period anymore) for the next 6 months just to shutdown your precious mats because unlike all of these guilds crying how hard it is to make dappers, i have that much to do so.

I know that there will be a huge backlash and i could careless nor give a rats back-side because the action taken by MJ amounts a huge pile of Mek feces and I will watch that OP, look for the toons who now own it and the minute i see no one i am returning the favor in-kind (again just to prove a point by i will take the OP with just myself and my alt no one else) since asking seems to not mean anything anymore if you are not willing to wait a couple of days for a response.

Feel free to fire away and have fun….


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Last visit samedi 8 Juin 14:35:29 UTC

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