The search for a teacher

Virg struggled to stay conscious as he lay on the beach of Avendale. In the distance, he heard the thumps of the massive group of Tryker guards who had come to the rescue of the Tryker assembly that he had just attacked with his family. The guards had taken quite a while to arrive so clearly they had swam from a neighboring city, most likely Crystabell or Fairhaven. Hopefully Fairhaven or else their attack had been just to warn the assembly to leave their sister, Grizabella, alone.

A foot came into view as Jazzy stepped forward with a rye smile on his face. Virg knew he didn't have much time, or else he risked capture. He reached out and clenched his fist squeezing a drop of blood into the sand, quietly whispering the words, "I embrace my punishment and thank you for your gift Melkiar". With that, thick black tendrils of smoke curled out of the sandy beach, entwining and enveloping him.

Light flared around him and he found himself standing just outside Fairhaven, near the Kami teleporter. He felt a sudden rush and a surge of strength as Cramer, the exceedingly tall Zorai, casually swiped his right hand towards him, instantly healing him. The Syndicate members strode forward purposefully towards Fairhaven. With the army currently in Avendale their task would be a lot simpler and more subtle.

Jirana Cevino and Senn Mac'Carn were once again, as they always did, arguing. The local homins of Fairhaven were still in complete disbelief that after all this time Jarana and Senn still stood next to each other, each refusing to move from their favorite spot. Today they were arguing about the finer details of their crafting plans, particularly concerning vedice weapons. Jirana yelled out in frustration "Eugghhh! You half wit fool! In fact you completely lack any wit what so ever! Can you not see that by rubbing the vedice sap from left to right, the sword is made stronger! Rubbing right then left just simply does not." He cut of sharply as a shadow loomed over them both, silhouetted by the sun. As they peered closer the shadow moved to one side momentarily blinding both crafters as the sun flared in their eyes. Once they readjusted to the light what they saw froze them in their place. A tall homin, most definately Zorai, stood at the forefront of a group dressed in white Erouk'an armour. They recognized the group of marauders instantly, all armed to the teeth. They glanced around for the guards and found none. This group, Syndicate as they referred to themselves, had been responsible for many attacks on Fairhaven recently. A very short homin stepped forward and took off his Klam helmet and spoke with a grin on his face, "Lets have a little chat shall we".

Senn watched the marauders leave and turned to Jirana with a worried look on his face, "What are we going to do? They just strolled in here! Where were the guards!?". Jirana seemed lost for words but eventually spoke in a small whisper and muttered, "I think we should teach them what they want to know. Hopefully they will get their own teachers soon enough and then will leave us be".

[OC] This RP post was written with the hope that until the marauder camp gets a big trepan and tree bore crafters, that the Fairhaven crafters fame requirement should be lowered to allow us access to buy the OP -duk and -jen plans. It should hopefully be an easy change to implement.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
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