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Hier das Original im Min-Cho-Dialekt:

Du sagst: this was a very interesting assembly
Daavics sagt: really?
Du sagst: very!
* Gunbra liebt Icus.
* Icus liebt Gunbra.
Daavics sagt: the upcoming even will be interesting but this meeting about a new law and thats canceled i
Daavics sagt: took 2 hours
Du sagst: I was astonished how... hm... self-confident Akenak Icus talked to his Emperor...
Du sagst: is this usually this way in the burning desert? We Zorai are very humble in front of our beloved Great Mask Mabreka Cho
* Gunbra schlägt in Zhois Gesicht.
* Zhoi evades
* Luth rit en écoutant les confession de servilité des Zorais.
(Luth lacht, als er das Bekenntnis der Unterwürfigkeit der Zorais hört)
Du sagst: be careful
Du sagst: are you in love with Akenak Icus?
Bardor sagt: we have all kind of people in the desert, you should have seen some of the assemblies before the exodus, some were spectacular (on aniro)
Icus sagt: Well we have a personal opinion, contrary to you, slaved by the kami
Du sagst: since you defend him so fiercely
Du sagst: I thought we Zorai and you Fyros are allies?
Rollocks sagt: thats because Zorians pride themselves on being weak and timid.
Du sagst: are we not any longer? The way you talk to me is even more awful than the way Icus talked to his Emperer
Osquallo sagt: fyros aren't afraid of anything
Gunbra sagt: Icus is one of the best Patriots in the desert
Du sagst: best in what?
Icus sagt: I speak truth
Icus sagt: and the truth might hurt Lykos, it's a fact
Gunbra sagt: I won't let you says things like that
Luth sagt: This kamist alliance was only possible by the friendship between Mabreka and Dexton... and the Empire reveres Ma-Duk only since Mabreka converts Dexton... it's a very new thing to fyros and they don't all accept this
Du sagst: shouldn't you still show more respect to your leader?
Icus sagt: i say what i think even if it contraries people
Gunbra sagt: You are invited in our desert, end need to show a little bit more respect
Icus sagt: I am respectful to Lykos
Du sagst: hm, I am just asking questions
* Eeri aggree with Gunbra
Icus sagt: but i'm not his little dog like you zoraï can be with mabreka
* Luth thinks the concurential projets of the well is bad engaged ! Very good !
Du sagst: so you see yourself as an enemy to my people?
Gunbra sagt: Lykos is our sharükos, what he says is what we do.
Icus sagt: Never said that
Du sagst: do you want to endanger the treaties and alliance both of our rulers have accepted?
Icus sagt: but i think your mask blindes you
Du sagst: you are openly isulting my people
* Rollocks ist durch Zhoi beunruhigt.
Du sagst: we are not slaves nor dogs (dingos)
Du sagst: you are fiendish towards the Zorai
Icus sagt: I'm insulting you, not youre people
* Rollocks missachtet Zhoi.
Eeri sagt: please!!!
Icus sagt: there is a lot of zoraï for which i have a great respect
* Eoda ask herself if it's the same thing.
Icus sagt: you aren't one of them
Du sagst: you know nothing about me at all
Rollocks sagt: did you come here to insult us, Zhoi
Du sagst: your assumptions are all wrong if they are directed towards me
Rollocks sagt: if you ave, you ave succeeded.
Gunbra sagt: indeed I have great respect for lots of zorai, but not hose who comes insult us in our assemblies
Du sagst: I have come to question your relation to your own ruler
Rollocks sagt: that is not your place.
Du sagst: as you did not show the respect I expected...
Osquallo sagt: respect doesn't mean silence
Du sagst: well, you might think it is not. But as we spoke I was able to learn more about your personality
Du sagst: and this is important for the diplomacy with our people
Du sagst: I will remember everything. We will meet again
Eeri looks coldly at Zhoi : people earns respect they deserves
* Zhoi bows her head
Zhoi murmurs: exactly
Rollocks sagt: Zhoi, you have not shown they fyros people respect.
* Altamira blickt Zhoi an und schüttelt traurig den Kopf.
Icus sagt: Our patience has his limits


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