DAPPERS, making them, spending them, ect.

Re Bitty's suggestions: I'd be in favour of an open market/trading system where prices adjust on demand. In Ryzom we don't support players who'd like to earn a living by trading. Imagine what we would add in terms of gameplay possibilities.

Assume fibre is in short supply in Hoi-Cho, but abundant in Natae. Local dealers would offer a different base price for homins selling fibre. Base prices can still be adjusted by other factors such as (currently) fame, later may be add season, some random mood, etc.

Homins could make use of geographic differences as well as changes over time by actively trading materials. It would add much content to the game, supporting a new kind of players we don't yet have here. It would also make reselling to traders more attractive for diggers and hunters.
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Last visit samedi 8 Juin 21:36:00 UTC

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