
#1 [en] 

I asked why Ryzom only has one type of mount and packer pets. I was told that mainly because Ryzom doesn’t have the budget to add new animations for new pets. Creating new mounts and packers requires adding and testing new animation and right now the game doesn’t have the budget or the manpower to do it.

A simple and less costly request would be to change the textures for mounts and packers instead. We already have white mektoubs in game, why not make some of the current mounts white, make them more costly and give them a little more HP or have them withstand longer periods without food, or run a little faster. Change the look of the saddlebags; give them different armor (if possible). The main point is to give the player more options without introducing new and costly animated pets by simply changing the textures of what is already working in game.

#2 [en] 

If you look closely, you'll see that there are already different mektoub packers and mounts out there depending on where you buy them.
Each nation sells animals it breeds themselves from local stock, and on each continent there are (small, granted) differences in their coats.

#3 [en] 

yep mounts now already are based on what land you buy them, try to get a mount/packer from each land and set them next to each other and you will see they look all diferently, and there is also a size difference but that just depends on what race you are.


#4 [en] 

Packers are also slightly differ in sizes depending the grade.

#5 [en] 

Originally mounts were different sizes depending on what region you bought them.Later they made them scaled to player size.I liked the original way better.As a Tryker I could buy a huge mount in Zorai ride it to Tryker and have a huge packer in the lakes.


Last visit viernes 7 junio 03:23:25 UTC

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