
#1 [en] 

Attention Vassals and friends of the Kingdom!

The caravan containing the fragrant gift for the newly Awakened will leave promptly from Yrkanis gates at 18h on Quarta, Medis 10, 3rd AC 2552(JY)*. Any who wish to aid in the escort of the caravan are welcome to ensure the safe arrival of the gift to the Jen-Laï Research Center.

* Saturday 18 September @ 19:00 GMT

#2 [en] 

No packers will be needed, as a professional company will be hired to run the packer caravan. (Though if anyone really *wants* to volunteer their packer, it would save us the money required to hire one.)

Escorts will however be needed to help them cross the dangerous regions.

The route will be through the Aeden Aqueous unless any last minute unforeseen circumstances force us to take another route.

#3 [en] 

The caravan reached it's destination safely. Thanks to everyone for participating in the event and the event team for their organisation!

I should point out this event was entirely initiated and guided along by the player governments. The event team simply played along and helped out with the parts that players can't do on their own.

(Though to say they 'simply' played along may do them injustice, as they played along very creatively and like any good GM did bring in many of their own twists.)

Anyways, my point being I think it's very neat we can make our own events and receive the event team's help in them.

Última edición por Marelli(arispotle) (1 década hace)

#4 [en] 

and no mektubs were harmed, :o)


mayhem - where no one is an island

#5 [en] 

Mar pretty much covered it, but I'd just like to add my thanks to all those involved. Was a good event. ^^


Noble Jayce
Reaper Leader
Last visit sábado 28 septiembre 16:49:09 UTC

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