
#1 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | Français | English | Deutsch | [Español]
Lamil O'Reier se estaba frotando las manos. La idea de estas festividades organizadas para el Año Nuevo 2602 de Jena era prometedora.

A pocos metros del campamento de doma de los Shadow Runners, el campamento de la Hermandad de los Afortunados Gubani estaría dispuesto a acoger a los vagabundos de todos los horizontes, que vendrían a pasar sus buenos aderezos con la insensata esperanza de adquirir un zig o un monte de Gubani.

O incluso el último zig-frippo, cuya demostración, estaba seguro, despertaría la lujuria de los homínidos más sabios. Todos competían por ser los primeros en poseerlo y se lanzaban como varinx hambrientos en los pocos lotes de fichas que se ponían a la venta en la subasta, que sería el punto culminante de la ceremonia de apertura de las festividades.

Y si funcionaba bien, podía verse repitiendo la operación al año siguiente.

Lamil O'Reier sonrió deprimido ante esta perspectiva.
Los pasos lo sacaron de su ensueño: Mirkly O'Yrroy acababa de entrar en la oficina, con un rodillo en las manos.

Lamil O'Reier: Entonces, estos carteles, ¿están listos?
Mirkly O'Yrroy: Sí, los equipos ya se están preparando para apostar en las capitales.
Lamil O'Reier: ¡Perfecto!

La Hermandad de los Afortunados de Gubani se complace en invitarles a las festividades organizadas con motivo de este Año Nuevo 2602 de Jena. Nuevos juegos, nuevas recompensas en la Rueda. Ven al campamento de doma de Gubani en Vacío en5h - Prima, Winderly 1, 2nd AC 2602 (*), ¡te estaremos esperando!

* [OOC] El martes 26 febrero 2019 20:00:00 UTC (5 años hace). [/OOC]

Editado 6 veces | Última edición por Ghost of Atys (5 años hace)

#2 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | Français | [English] | Español
As expected by Lamil O’Reier, a large number of homins had come.

Dozens of homins had gathered at the Shadow Runners taming camp, some in front of the gleaming rooms of the Three Barrels Game, others clustered in front of the enclosure of the brand new frippo zig.

So all that looked particularly good, the dappers were going to flow, that was for sure!

Lamil O'Reier had let them wait a little, to raise the effect of his entrance, then finally he stepped in front of the impatient crowd to announce the festivities programme.

First of all, he presented the brand new Frippo zig, then the games that would be on offer to win tokens: the traditional dice game but, above all, their very latest creation: the "Three Barrels Game".

Finally, saving the best for last, he announced auctions for several lots of tokens: 200 fine tokens, 100 choice tokens, and an extremely rare lot of 5 excellent tokens.

Then he left the floor to the auctioneer, Mirkly O'Yrroy, who immediately began the auction.

Between each lot, in order to make gamblers wait during the inevitable verification of the dappers given by the winner of the auction, Blathwick Mac'Wirrel, the accountant of the Brotherhood of the Fortunate Gubani, invited homins to a small dice game with nothing less than choice tokens as a reward, or even excellent for the luckiest ones.

Everything was going well when suddenly, an explosion occurred, in the area of the Three Barrels Game. An explosion... far stronger than the fun little "BOOM" planned by the organizers.

Rushing to the scene, the cashier could only make a terrible observation: all the present tokens had been destroyed or severely damaged.

It didn't prevent the auctions from going on, returning during this evening not less than 110 millions dappers to the Brotherhood of the Fortunate Gubani.

Of course this impressive amount had filled Lamil O’Reier with joy, but his enthusiasm was cooled down by the need to close the Three Barrels Game stands. The more modest gamblers had no more way to spend their precious dappers during this festivities, which was an intolerable loss of incoming and a damaging blow to the Brotherhood of the Fortunate Gubani reputation.

As the manufacturing process of the tokens was complex and expensive, to avoid any counterfeiting, he would have to spend an exorbitant sum to have new ones produced quickly, and, in any case he could never provided the Three Barrels Game before the end of the festivities.

And then there was the question of that explosion. Simple accident due to wrong dosage?

Or was it sabotage?

Última edición por Ghost of Atys (5 años hace)

Last visit miércoles 5 junio 22:35:57 UTC

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