
#1 Reportar | CitarMultilingüe 

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Ryzom Forge meeting's agenda - 19th of october 2015, 19:30 UTC

on IRC (freenode) #ryzomforge 

1 Dev Group
1.1 Paypal as payment option
1.2 Report on the recent maintenance on Atys server
1.3 Small fixes
1.4 Coming patch

2 Ark Group 
2.1 Anlor Winn project

3 Graphic Group
3.1 Remigra's textures for Anlor Winn
3.2 City banners

4 Level Design Group

5 Music Group


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#2 Reportar | CitarMultilingüe 

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1 Dev Group

1.1 Paypal payment option
Paypal application has been fixed:
- The missing PayPal button has been added again (under 180 days);
- "Donate" is moved to the right and not to the left;
- Account page: PayPal option is now visible by all the players from their account page;
- Known bug: Paypal via billing account for a resubscription comes with an error message (invalid order). The Dev is working on it.

1.2 Assessment of the recent maintenance on Atys server
All gone well. Maintenance last for 12 hours, we changed 2 RAID disks and resynchronise them. Game server seems more flowing with less lags.

1.3 small fixes
- Ryzom registration" on has been updated (There was an outdate text talking about "Klients").
- Bibit has been changed into WorldPay in the payment pages.

1.4 Current tasks
- Finish virtual items;
- Fix marauder OP plan giver;
- Fix marauder appartment and guild hall NPC;
- Change primitives to set hardcode texmple NPCs to autospwan (Tryker+Zoraï);
- Move some Marauder TPs to better position (there are flying ones, others in the middle of aggro mobs...);
- Definitively move Pyr NH to Cerakos Gate. (For the moment it's moved manually after each reboot);
- Secret work for the next Zoraï long sequence.

1.5 Coming patch

"We will start with the stuff that will be 100% ready for next server patch:
1.Move NH definitively near the east gate of Pyr (Cerakos Gate);
2. Change primitives to set hardcode temple NPCs to autospwan (Tryker+Zoraï);
3.Fix marauder OP plan giver.Other stuff that will be added in the patch if finished in time:
- Move marauder TPs: we need more tests and to find a good position for the TPs that are into an aggro zone, so we have to check during the 4 seasons to be sure they will be safe.
- Fix the marauder appartement NPC : some tests of this fix are still running on Yubo but now we see more problems or other important question it will need more time to find a better/good solution."


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#3 Reportar | CitarMultilingüe 

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2 Ark Group

2.1 Anlor Winn project
Riasan: "The Event Team and me have created some nice Halloween events. We also get a nice Halloween graphic patch, thanks to Remigra. Unfortunately we can't use all the textures, because it would have been to much to patch."

Q: I have a question from the "pure players" that don't like such events like Halloween, Easter, Christmas : will this patch be optional? Will it be possible to have these events in option or not?
A: The patchlet system is not 100% finished so for the moment the patch fixes for all players, there is no option to say "no".

Q: Will it be possible in a soon future?
A: Yes this option will be possible, but it needs more time to finish it and makes all tests.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#4 Reportar | CitarMultilingüe 

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3 Groupe Infographie

3.1 Textures de Remigra pour Anlor Winn
Nous avons un joli patch graphique pour Halloween, grâce à Remigra. Hélas, nous n'avons pas pu utiliser toutes les textures, car il cela aurait fait de trop à patcher.

3.2 Bannières de cités

Remigra: Les 3 bannières trykers sont prêtes ici : Pour Avendale, j'ai besoin de plus d'informations : Osquallo a fait plusieurs versions mais sans l'épée, donc les spécifications sont insuffisantes, je dois connaître exactement la forme.

Tamarea : La forme choisie pour toutes les bannières trykers est la plus large, il faudrait que la bannière de Crystabell ait aussi cette forme, si c'est possible. Les détails sont précisés ici, mais ce n'est peut-être pas assez précis :

Remigra : C'est fait : mise à jour finale :

PtitBill : Le motif de Fairhaven fait tout petit comparé aux autres.
Remigra : je dois suivre les propositions validées par les joueurs, taille des symboles incluse. Les joueurs ont dit oui à ceci : [i][/i].

3.3 Demande du groupe Level-Design

PtitBill : Je vais avoir besoin dans très peu de temps, voire même tout de suite, des services du groupe Infographie pour réaliser de nouveaux éléments pour les missions/rites/métiers en préparation. Deed et Zendae ont besoin d'éléments qui n'existent pas encoreet qui devraient être réutilisables pour d'autres missions/rites/métiers futurs. Je fais la liste en ce moment, j'en ai fourni une partie à Aileya et j'en ai d'autres à communiquer.

Q: Remigra : Ce sont des éléments 3D ou des icones 2D ? Vous pouvez me demander pour des icones, j'ai juste besoin d'une liste.
R PtitBill : Je prépare la liste pour que tout soit dedans et je poste sur le forum dès que possible.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#5 Reportar | CitarMultilingüe 

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4 Level Design Group

4.1 Missions in preparation
PtitBill: At the moment Deed works on a new occupation, Zendae and Bastien on 2 new missions. Each project is fine and I hope it will have a good welcome from players. As each monday I will shout my alert: I need new authors to invent future missions and occupations for Ryzom. If some of the ones who are here today or others who will read later want to try ... contact us ! It would be a good thing that Zoraï specialists give us some ideas. For the moment, we have Matis, Fyros and Trykers projects, we miss the others. Of course that doesn't mean that we refuse other projects for Trykers, Matis and Fyros. Ideas in link with tribes or powers are also welcome. Come with your vision of Atys, we'll try to do it together.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#6 Reportar | CitarMultilingüe 

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5 Music Group

Q: How to add a CC licence on new sound/music content? Is it enough to use Asana or Dropbox to share them in a "CC-by-SA music" file?
A Shepeng: you have to read the user licence of Asana and Dropbox to know this.Tools don't need to be free, but sometimes user licences are very restrictives.

Q: Place the musics in a directory called "Sound and music CC-BY-SA is not sufficient? Does the storage tool need also to have this licence?
A Shepeng: From my point of view, it's better to use a deposit, Bitbucket or other. Khanat proposes also to do it. 

- Riasan (Ark team) is asked for helping the Music group. He makes tests to add new sound/music ingame, so searches a way to play music/sound during missions and tries to add new music when entering a region.Here are Riasan's words: "Gaueko asked me if I know a way to add new music ingame. I look and founded a good way to add and play some music ingame using Ark. I made some tests and it works but it's not really something what I can show to others (only code not finished). I will try to add new music when a player enter a zone (like music by entering Yrkanis)."

PtitBill: I would be very interested for future projects, making sounds will give better atmosphere!


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN
Last visit sábado 15 junio 19:52:07 UTC

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