

#1 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français

Some of you might have already know me, some don't. The thing that you must know is, I am a poor fyros. Therefore, I need your dappers! Or, any thing fancy I could play with. In fact, dappers don't interest me much, but I could have a use of them.

I will present two things that I have found lately in my apartement and I think they worth selling.

Two pieces of Black-Crafted-Marauder-Armor, that I have slightly used. I don't remember exactly how I got them, but they're made of rare materials! As far as I can tell, they're Protection and Parry maxed, other stats are balanced except Dodge Modif, as the Armor is meant to be more Parry. however, -1 or -2 Dodge wouldn't make a difference.

Okies enough Blalala, these are the pieces:

Interested? You want to see how you would look like with those black pieces on? 

Then, you'd simply /tell me and they'd be yours!

Bouh, I wish I could do that, but as mentioned, I am a poor fyros! So,
In order to get them, you'd either want to give:

15M each piece or 25M for both.

Wait, you don't have that much of dappers and you're still interested?
Then, I could use:

2 Marauder-Crystals.

What? Still you don't have what have been proposed?
Then, Ehm... Okies,

Just, propose anything fancy that you think it worth it, and I will see if I accept it or not.

Editado 3 veces | Última edición por Yenno (9 años hace)

#2 [fr] 

J'espère que l'échange ne concerne que les kamis et que tu vas pas oser vendre de si belles pièces aux kara?


fyros pure sève
akash i orak, talen i rechten!

#3 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | [Français] | English
La priorité est toujours aux kamists. Mais, s'ils ne sont pas intréssés, je me retrouverai face à une situation difficile où je deverais faire un échange avec un Kara. 

[HRP] Je n'étais pas trop RP dans mes paroles, c'est déjà pour donner un signe que cet échange est pour toutes les factions, et HRP. :) [/HRP] 

#4 [fr] 

ben et les marauds? ^^

#5 [fr] 

*renifle* pouah.. ce sont les bottes ça? t'as mis un fromage corse dedans? .. jamais un maraud n'en voudra ^^ ptet un neutre..

*s'est fait des copains sur tout atys... part en sautillant et chantonnant ^^ *

#6 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
Both pieces have been sold.

#7 [fr] 

bravo^^ plus qu'à te laver les petons huhu :p
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