

#1 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Like any other trope in the world, the "kitin menace" lost its ... shall we say significance.

It's been years, maybe it's time for a new spin on the game story? There's a lot you can pick from - goo and its effects, marauders, new menaces, new bosses, karavan experiments on the homins, new forms of life gaining sapience / self-awareness, etc ad nauseam.

Seriously. I'm sick of kitins. Bet you five dappers other people are too. The slowness of the kitin-observation camps clearly shows that - very few people care, if at all. I've heard more than one person saying they'll stop playing if Kitin Patrols are ever re-implemented.

Let's "make a truce" with the kitins, or tame them, or eradicate them, take your pick. Doesn't have to happen tomorrow or next month. But at some point, you have to consider new tropes and new bad guys (plus good guys) for the story. I can't even find reason for nations, if next thing I know we can be threatened with yet another kitin invasion.

So .. what's the next trope?


#2 Reportar | Citar[en] 

I do like the ongoing kittin treath we live with on Atys.
And yes KP's have to return maybe add some extra and make them have paths where boss campers sit at (maybe even add em to q250 above ground zones to hunt down campers)
A new boss would always be welcome some MA bosses for instance but then again once you killed them once then after that it becomes a grind again to get the parts and so on (boring).
My biggest gripe with the ongoing kittin event is that after 2years of having marauders ingame that we are still not allowed to help eradicate the KotD as a marauder in these events (last time I checked mara's number 1 ennemy is the kittin).

What else can you have thats ongoing in this game and thats evil? There are those up and coming rangers, who would trust any of those?


#3 Reportar | Citar[en] 

+1 Sub. I like the ongoing danger of having kitins around, Can you imagine walking around Atys and having it be like your garden in your backyard? Boring! But I also would like to see other story lines developed. For example: The GOO! When is there going to be substantial information about the goo? All we have gotten is Goo mobs occasionally and goo infected rangers. Sigh.
I also lament no support for the marauders, They seem to be dieing out too :(
Maybe if they had another camp that newbies could be recruited at instead of having a camp that only masters can make it to.

Última edición por Naema (1 década hace)

Last visit viernes 7 junio 22:24:10 UTC

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