
#1 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Dear players,

We would like to apologize for any inconvenience due to the launch of the sequence "Xyphacanthus." Indeed, the proposal to use plants for filling out Kitin tunnels should be complementary to the current Rangers' events; however, due to some internal problems, the Botanical event collided with the Ranger event, which is the source of inconsistencies.

Given the problems caused to all parties involved, we have decided to break the two events to adjust the time frame; however, we emphasize that the experiments on termites remains possible during this time and the Botanical event will be paused at the end of the current act in progress.

Of course, these two events will be relaunched as soon as the inconsistencies are corrected and we hope you enjoy the sequence.

This mishap is rich in lessons for us and we hope to have learned from our mistakes. In the future, we will do everything to prevent such a situation from happening again.

We apologize again,
The Animation Team


Ryzom Team Manager
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Last visit miércoles 5 junio 08:28:36 UTC

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