
#1 [en] 

I visisted my mother Ba'Lipsy Duggan today. The meeting at Almati wood worried me greatly and I needed to tell her to get ready to evacuate from Fairhaven. It pained me greatly to see her look at me as I told her the news. "I will protect you from the kitins." I told her and as I said it I knew it echoed the words my father once told her long ago. Was that an accusation I saw? Or was it just pain and fear? She gritted her teeth and imagine she thought "Don't you dare, don't you dare fall, son. Don't leave me like your father did." I turned my head so I wouldn't see her tears . I helped her pack in silence and left hours later, exhausted.
I pray to Jena I can keep my promise. I will keep you safe mother!


#2 [en] 

4h - Holeth, Floris 24, 4e AC 2562

I heard the call to defend beautiful Yrkanis and heeded the rally cry. I know Stefano called on us to evacuate to Pyr, but it breaks my heart to see the citizens gather all their posessions and leave.

The Karavan has built an impressive defense around the city amd many valiant homins manned the walls. I was wittness to the savagness of the kitin onslaught however. Time and again the beasts launched themselves at our defenses without any regard for self preservation.

To be sure, the defense went well. Each and every time the invaders were repelled. Ofttimes they were lured into killing zones in the streets of the city itself.

And yet there was no end to them. No matter the losses, they kept coming, the pile of kitin corpses ever higher. Despite winning every time, sword arms tire, spells fail, healers falter and warriors fall. I fear I started seeing that most deadly enemy of armies in the eyes of my comrades: despair!

Dear Jena, what have we done to provoke such an impacable foe!


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