
#331 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Sorry, I know too much about this game's history for any of this to sit well with me.

The Saga of Ryzom has its origins in the story associated with the animated movie Kaena. I'm not certain which came first, but it seemed that the story came up in France at about the same time. Pretty sure that both the game and the movie were in agreement. Those who have seen it should recall the ending. Those who run this game have much better material to work with--and have had since the beginning of the game.

As we seem to have a much better grasp of the history and lore than they do, if they continue to attempt to perpetuate this plan of action as written, I would strongly suggest we start our own server, and perpetuate our programming efforts (like making underwater and prime roots areas playable) there--not to mention building a new character from scratch.

Hopefully someone in France will be willing to host.

I suspect this post may be deleted very quickly; however, hopefully a few will read it beforehand.

#332 Reportar | Citar[en] 

An aged character can be healed, but won't be able to respawn, so the permadeath would kick in when the death timer runs out.

Imagine the very high, very un-fun stress experienced by a healer running as fast as they can to reach a comatose aged character and arriving with just one or two seconds left on the timer--seconds wasted by an interrupted spell. Poof. Angst ensues all around.

Might work better if the respawn timer was longer for an aged character. Somewhere between six and ten minutes (not suggesting a variable time, just not sure what the best amount of time would be).

On the other hand, this point can be said to circle back to this other point:
Your elders will need protection then.

What would be the lore behind this, though? As a homin ages, the "nanoseed" that allows them to respawn wears out? In that case a chance of permadeath might make more sense (there would/could/should be a very clear distinction between a normal respawn countdown and a permadeath countdown).

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Jelathnia (1 década hace)

#333 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Hehe love the idea planning to keep Suboxide subbed at lvl1 and logged in whenever i'm on but he'll just sit at the FH stables where i spend 90%+ of my time anyway as a reminder of him. And planning to make a new char on my other sub to use to play with.
(If lvl's aren't reseted then I'll just keep suboxide and I'll cancel my alts account I will never use then)


#334 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Zehssad (Aniro)
I suspect this post may be deleted very quickly; however, hopefully a few will read it beforehand.

or not, o_o

#335 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Zehssad (Aniro)
I would strongly suggest we start our own server, and perpetuate our programming efforts (like making underwater and prime roots areas playable) there--not to mention building a new character from scratch.

I would love to see this happen. I would gladly help dev and maintain this.
I have been waiting for someone to startup a game server based off the released opensource.

#336 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Zehssad (Aniro)
I would strongly suggest we start our own server, and perpetuate our programming efforts (like making underwater and prime roots areas playable) there--not to mention building a new character from scratch.

I would love to see this happen. I would gladly help dev and maintain this.
I have been waiting for someone to startup a game server based off the released opensource.

I would be more than willing to offer the free colo space in the US.



#337 Reportar | Citar[en] 

What would be the lore behind this, though? As a homin ages, the "nanoseed" that allows them to respawn wears out? In that case a chance of permadeath might make more sense (there would/could/should be a very clear distinction between a normal respawn countdown and a permadeath countdown).
Yes, the nanoseed does not run eternally. The story could be 'fast-forwarded' a few dozen years, where we make the currently living homins at the end of their seed's lifespan, and for some reason or another a large group of homins suddenly found their ways to Silan. With the necessary storytelling around it.

It would be interesting to see aged characters' lives sacrificed during crucial outpost battles, makes for some nice storytelling.

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Kaetemi (1 década hace)



#338 Reportar | Citar[en] 

I guess for me it seems odd that some are arguing that a restart will be fun for them so it should be good for all...everyone does know they were welcome to make a new character whenever they wanted right?

Alternately, I would support something just proposed...moving all old characters to a community controlled "experimental server". I am not sure how this would work, WinchGate would have to get creative and create a new GPL variant, testing environments, and rollout system, and probably a community driven proposal, request, and voting system for features...who knows, they might even pave the way for a new system of community-driven game/software development. I could see prospective developers/artists subbing just for the right to get game programming experience and content for their portfolio. Or schools buying "group licences". And of course, WinchGate, as part of the new GPL, would reserve the right to implement anything they liked from the experimental server to the actually "live server". The "live server" would be this new empty server they are now proposing.

Interestingly, this proposal is more a matter of administration as the community can be made to coordinate, organize, and approve the rest.

In this case, the "experimental server" would be like a running alpha version and the mass of different level characters we get by moving all our characters there necessary for testing.

#339 Reportar | Citar[en] 

And as far as account security and such, WG could host a login server that we connect to and it redirects our accounts to the experimental server. Much like how Everquest Emulator does with their login server.

See WG, if you asked for ideas at first, we could have helped brain storm options.
There are many smart people here and untapped creativity. Take advantage of this, it only comes at the cost of being honorable to the loyalties your subscribers have shown.

#340 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Side note for WG and the people that are advocating for the wipe.

I can see quite a few veterans and probably some nonvets that are not pleased with a wipe creating a new game server (nonclone to keep legal with the opensource rules).

Player created content can be updated and created far faster and has far more eyes on it than a commercial product that takes payroll resources to sustain. If a community based game server is made due to the frustrations of this event, I can see that being a threat to the longevity of Ryzom proper. Especially if the new game based off this engine and code becomes popular.

The game itself is already loved for it's being unique and new innovations just based off the resources that were released as opensource. A player server will not really need advertising to be successful in getting numbers. I am sure you can come up with other reasons that driving off player devs could be quite bad for you if they make a server for themselves that draws in a player base that migrates from Ryzom itself.

#341 Reportar | Citar[en] 

I guess for me it seems odd that some are arguing that a restart will be fun for them so it should be good for all...

Totally agree with this. People enjoy and value different parts of their experience in Ryzom. We're not clones.

#342 Reportar | Citar[en] 

And as far as account security and such, WG could host a login server that we connect to and it redirects our accounts to the experimental server. Much like how Everquest Emulator does with their login server.

Another precedent--and a very important one at that--is Myst Online: URU Live. For a while that game existed only on user-run shards accessed via a login server maintained by one employee of Cyan Worlds. That was enough to keep it alive until new commercial interest was found. When that commercial interest eventually failed (because of the publisher having plenty of money but not enough patience), Cyan gradually open-sourced portions of the game (or did they open all of it? I don't remember that detail) and once again ran their own server with the ongoing help of donations. Currently that official shard coexists with user-run shards.

Editado 3 veces | Última edición por Jelathnia (1 década hace)

#343 Reportar | Citar[en] 

I'll take the fact that we're not being censured as a sign that this might be ammenable.

For this to occur at any time in the near future, at the least we would need the existing server configs. They're considering deleting them anyway, so I don't see much of a loss there...

They could release the individual character/account configs to each player reguardless. Unique keys/encryption algorithms could be used to prevent (or make very difficult) altering of said character data. Retention of said keys until the character was used would be even more secure. This would offer at least some return on the player's time, effort, and monetary expense.
Please consider this as a last resort.

If the current publisher will reconsider and take more considerate and professional measures towards its players, these options might have a chance to be implemented in a much more intelligent and professional manner--not to mention ethical, and artistic. It would seem that the idea of artistry has been lost on them recently.

Furthermore, any (or all) of the ideas expressed in the threads pertaining to this merge can/could be used at a later time in any number of ways that are better (and far less rushed) than this.

Atys (Axys) is alive. Living things should be preserved, and allowed to live out their existence...not destroyed.

Última edición por Hadriankross (1 década hace)

#344 Reportar | Citar[en] 

I for one would love to get involved with a development team of friends from in-game to work on content for the game...and would resub for the ability to do so...and would add every bit of what I helped with to my CV.

#345 Reportar | Citar[en] 

^^ +1, but only if we get to keep our characters and shards, also making the transition to a new shard more story driven is almost a necessity...

wanted to reitterate that these options, though creative and innovative, are far less desirable than a unified effort concerning a server merge--arguably merging to an existing server (my preference is Aniro--largest player base, multilingual assistance etc.) would go much more smoothly and require a lot less work... Either way thanks for the response, as it shows WG that we can and will go it alone if we have to...

Última edición por Zehssad (1 década hace)

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