
#1 [en] 

re: [Marauder] Strategic Meeting (2012/05/18)
I, Akilia Ash Storm, call upon the clans and individuals who deign to call themselves Maurader, in purpose to take stock of those who are not deceived by the propagation of the foul governments and the misleading fairy tales of the so-called Powers of Atys. On 2h - Dua, Winderly 26, 1st AC 2561JY* I invite you meet with my agent at the Ichorgate Research Center in the Nexus, from where you will travel to the secret meeting location. At this meeting our plans will be revealed and the undertaking of your acceptance into our community will begin.

Be forewarned, only those who have renounced the shroud of the police states** will be allowed to attend this conference, any political spies will be dealt with quickly and without hesitation.

Come now my lost brothers and sisters and help build a nation where you will be welcomed with open arms.

Akilia Ash Storm
Leader of Clan of Ash

* Friday, 18 May 13:00:00 PDT (2 days to go)
** Maximum racial fame of all races: -40
Content hint: official/medium/average

This notice was posted in a public place, and I bring it to the attention of my fellow homins. Please note that Akila Ash Storm is proposing a "nation" of Marauders, even though the philosophy of the Marauders up until now has been one against nations. Thus is immediately seen the duplicity of this would-be dictator of those who will foolishly renounce the benefits of civilization in the New Lands.

Political spies? We have no need to spy. We have only to focus on any one of the small handful of those homins who remain deluded by this megalomaniacal leader. It is well known that all homins have the ability to tell where another homin is, both by distance and direction, once he or she has focused their attention on that homin. If enough of us come to bear witness to this travesty and to track a single homin each, we will soon find out where this "secret location" is.(*) As a benefit, we will also know who amongst us has been brought under Akila's spell of deceit.

We do not need to attend the meeting -- we know what this villain desires. She wants to see our cities on fire and our guildmates slain. All homins -- Tryker, Zorai, Fyros and Matis; Kami, Karavan and neutral -- need to act together to protect our lands. Only after Akila is destroyed and our wayward comrades rescued from her pernicious influence can we return to our lesser disagreements and the pursuit of business as usual.

-- With respect to all civilized homins

-- Bitttymacod,
Research Fellow, NTCS.

(*) See the true map:

Última edición por Bitttymacod (1 década hace)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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