
Do you miss the events?
Yes I always thought they brought some extra fun.
Atys: Aaylejah, Binarabi, Bitttymacod, Crailus, Ezex, Fitis, Ghuiss, Indobi, Jetlag, Kilgoretrout, Leetah, Meagon, Mibybar, Piquedram, Sherkalyn, Suboxide, Unvorsum
Arispotle: Erildorn, Faststride
19 (3)
Atys: Atheamas, Gorran, Naema, Volanis
4 (1)
Eh they were nice but not necessary.
Atys: Arfur
Arispotle: Stitch
No I hated them.
Atys: Monje
Arispotle: Nauplius
Atys: None
Abstenerse 5

#16 Reportar | Citar[en] 

I could care less about the holiday events, lets get on with the story line based events! perhaps some hidden events too that lucky homins can stumble across and keep to themselves, such as someone working on tribal fame and getting a super reward when reaching 100 fame or something with a certain obscure tribe. At least lets finish the encyclopedia rites and such. Also, lets not have random events that make no sense, let the events have purpose based on the story line.
Also, i noticed on the Ryzom.com page there is MMORPG news, and under that it lists 'Future developement projects.' Have these items been implemented on Aripostle yet? Sorry for my lack of due diligence on searching all the threads, but there were some excellent ideas mentioned there.
Finally, does anybody update the Ryzom.com MMORPG news home page? It is Months and Months old.

#17 Reportar | Citar[en] 

well another reason they have stopped events
could be that players are just putting up moronic
ideas, just as an example :

" hidden events too that lucky homins can stumble
across and keep to themselves, such as someone
working on tribal fame and getting a super reward
when reaching 100 fame or something with a certain
obscure tribe"

i mean really?

they shoudl work on making events then keep it hidden
from the player base?

if you want events, theres nothing stopping you from
creating your own and get the playerbase involved.


Am the Lizard King......... I can do Anything
Temporary Insanity Complaint Department Officer
Bring your own Tissues

#18 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Forgive me Monje for not making myself more clear. Please hear me out before you use such disparaging remarks such as 'Moronic.' I was not intending to 'keep things hidden from the player base' with the idea it would be permanent. i understand that once it becomes public knowledge that Tribal fame has rewards, then eventually everyone will do it. It wouldnt be much different than any other training or pursuit. The rewards might be something along the lines of what you get when defeating a Marauder, in which i noticed none of your posts of the last 2 years divulged any information except how long it took you and your guildies to do it. Or, the reward can be related to the amber cubes of knowledge.
Furthur, It was not intending this to be an event, as far as the events go, it would be nice to see events related to the storyline. I wasnt here for the marriage event, but heard it was entertaining.
Thirdly again, i would like to see the Encyclopediac rites finishable. Not too much to ask.

#19 Reportar | Citar[en] 

One more thing, i apologize if this is offthread, just meant for the 'events' part to be mentioned, but got carried away with other ideas i had for the game.
Should have been in another thread i guess.

#20 Reportar | Citar[en] 

I love events, just not the holiday events. If the events are part of the story of Atys (call it RP if you want) then they definately enhance the game. Events tied to holidays in the real world are just immersion breaking for me. I try my best to ignore them. Give me kitin invasions, goo outbreaks, and marauder schemes.

Keep the mechanics simple and fewer things will go wrong.

#21 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Forgive me Monje for not making myself more clear. Please hear me out before you use such disparaging remarks such as 'Moronic.' I was not intending to 'keep things hidden from the player base' with the idea it would be permanent. i understand that once it becomes public knowledge that Tribal fame has rewards, then eventually everyone will do it. It wouldnt be much different than any other training or pursuit. The rewards might be something along the lines of what you get when defeating a Marauder, in which i noticed none of your posts of the last 2 years divulged any information except how long it took you and your guildies to do it. Or, the reward can be related to the amber cubes of knowledge.
Furthur, It was not intending this to be an event, as far as the events go, it would be nice to see events related to the storyline. I wasnt here for the marriage event, but heard it was entertaining.
Thirdly again, i would like to see the Encyclopediac rites finishable. Not too much to ask.

I didnt mean to be rude , i guess that just the way i expressed myself
i am known to just say what i mean and dont take the time to think it
over.. Is just that players seem to not take in consideration that the
the game do not have a full team of Devs working on every little idea
that people just blurt out..

and i have not said anything but if you really pay attention to player ideas
they are just not realistic. If Players want to have Content and have things to
do.. Just remember this is a Sandbox Style game and you can try to do
whatever you want and get the playerbase involved.

there was barenuckle boxing competitions. friendly pvp battles.. theres even a
merchant faire, great ideas and they got the players that want to get involved
working on those events with very little assistance from the Devs..


Am the Lizard King......... I can do Anything
Temporary Insanity Complaint Department Officer
Bring your own Tissues
Last visit sábado 1 junio 19:40:10 UTC

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