
#1 Citar[en] 

I've tried to install and run the game but won't work, game and PC is brand new, error message: not enough disk space. Running win/7 i3 duo vore 500 hd 4 gig ram. Ran compatibilty, error file must be or cannot be found. I have the boxed edition and would very much like to use it, just got the game yesterday. Should I download from ryzom site or what else can I do. Will keep trying with a restore point and a defragment of my disk. Can you help until then. Thanks.

#2 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Welcome to Ryzom :)
The boxed game is very old (and is a collectors item btw) you wll need to grab the download from the web site. Make sure you do a full uninstall prior to installing the new download and turn off resident scanning of your AV product during install , and its best to select a custom path during install rather than installing to "Program Files (x86) etc" .. choose My Documents or create a new folder.

#3 Reportar | Citar[en] 

Yay it's made it to collectors status. I'ma gonna retire on that loot.


Last visit domingo 16 junio 05:22:05 UTC

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