A New Beginning 2.0

If you really wanna see ripoff, try LOTRO for example...

Owned by WB (in NO WAY short on cash), yet they got a pay to win, more bugs than this, lag issues that make Ryzom lag "a much needed relief" (no sarcasm), $40-70 expansions (with "best" package being basically a ripoff to catch fluff lovers off guard in the pre-purhase hype), costs same a month as here, $20 horses... and some bait n' switch sales tactics you wouldn't believe.

If this in fact was a devious plan to get people to sub, honestly a struggling company has my "go ahead" to pull this kind of stunt. $15 to keep like 4 months of skills (yes i'm kinda new... ) is worth it, if I can't play much as has been the case lately i can unsub and hop back in later... If luck gives me good playing time, got my skills ready and a new character which'll make a handy pure healer. Maybe give back to my guild a bit?

Just be thankful that Ryzom lives.. the bigtime commercial MMO market lately is %"$#!$% and moneygrabbing, REALLY hard to find a pure subscription game these days. And listen to customers? HAAAH

I'd rather have this game lean on me for the extra cash and see it not only continue but get some upgrading in the future. Cash is cash, I don't see any complainers offering $10k to maintain the current status quo... and I ain't got 'em ... $15 I do.

Anyhoo my 2 cents.
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Last visit domingo 16 junio 03:53:21 UTC

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