Cat Production.

I don't use alts or spoiler web sites and the latter didnt exist at the time as we were "blazing the trail". Don't think of them as riddles ..... trial and error to start and then process of elimination and algebra from there. Where I gotta fault ya logic in the 1st instances is you are discounting the alt's time..... your adv occ time has to be counted twice. You are having two toons work for the sole benefit one one.

As for the XP gained from cats, 999 x 100 = 99,900 is not exactly higher rmathematics. Its not claculus, just simple arithmetic. My 2nd problem is the overcomplication of the digging / crafting process. I have mastered all 5 lands and can dig anything in any one of the 4 racial lands and avoid aggro 99.5% of the time. As for crafting, the extra steps you list are virtaully timeless. I dig 4 bags, 3 go on my packer. Those 3 transfers take 0 time as it's done while digging.....cont'd.


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Last visit jueves 6 junio 17:58:40 UTC

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